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L-Shaped RST Routing

L-Shaped RST Routing. Perform L-RST using node b as the root First step: build a separable MST Prim with w ( i,j ) = ( D ( i,j ), − | y ( i ) − y ( j )|, − max{ x ( i ), x ( j )}). First Iteration. Separable MST Construction. Separable MST Construction (cont).

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L-Shaped RST Routing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. L-Shaped RST Routing • Perform L-RST using node b as the root • First step: build a separable MST • Prim with w(i,j) = (D(i,j), −|y(i) −y(j)|, − max{x(i), x(j)}) Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  2. First Iteration Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  3. Separable MST Construction Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  4. Separable MST Construction (cont) Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  5. Constructing a Rooted Tree • Node b is the root node • Based on the separable MST (initial wirelength = 32) • Bottom-up traversal is performed on this tree during L-RST routing Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  6. Partial L-RST for Node C Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  7. Partial L-RST for Node E Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  8. Partial L-RST for Node G Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  9. Partial L-RST for Node D Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  10. Partial L-RST for Node D (cont) Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  11. Partial L-RST for Node F best case Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  12. Partial L-RST for Node F (cont) best case Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  13. Processing the Root Node best case Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  14. Top-down Traversal • In order to obtain the final tree upper upper upper lower lower lower upper lower/ upper Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  15. Final Tree • Wirelength reduction • Initial wirelength − total overlap = 32 − 4 = 28 Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

  16. Stable Under Rerouting • Steiner points are marked X • Wirelength does not reduce after rerouting Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

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