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Health Management Information System

Health Management Information System. Routine Data Collection for HIV/AIDS Programme Training Materials – Module 1 (Introduction & Pretest). Course Objectives . To learn about the new indicator set To learn procedures for completing revised data collection, collation and reporting tools

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Health Management Information System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Health Management Information System Routine Data Collection for HIV/AIDS Programme Training Materials – Module 1 (Introduction & Pretest)

  2. Course Objectives • To learn about the new indicator set • To learn procedures for completing revised data collection, collation and reporting tools • To be familiar with new data collection requirements • To have a refresher on the role of data in informing decisions • To revisit the linkages between data collection and indicator generation Module 1: Introduction to the Course

  3. Why the training? The training has been necessitated by; • Revision of the HIV/AIDS strategic plan • Changes of the HIV/AIDS indicators set • Changes in treatment protocols and guidelines at both national and international levels (e.g. PMTCT) • A shift towards indicator driven-data collection (rather than collecting data then later deciding what to do with it) • A growing demand towards evidence-based decision making in health system management • Need to re-emphasize the roles and responsibilities of each level in facilitating availability of data. Module 1: Introduction to the Course

  4. Overview of the Course • Content Delivery Methods • Presentations – through slides • Exercises – mostly in groups • Plenary Discussions • Organisation of Modules • Module1: Introduction and Pretest • Module 2: Health Information Systems • Module 3: Data Collection for HIV/AIDS programmes • Module 4:Data collection and Aggregation • Module 5: Using Data for management decisions Module 1: Introduction to the Course

  5. Thank you Module 1: Introduction to the Course

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