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Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension: Definition and Lower Bound

Explore the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension in PAC learning models, its definition, lower bounds, and applications in learning theory, geometry, and more. Learn about the projection concept and practical examples.

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Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension: Definition and Lower Bound

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  1. Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension Definition and Lower bound Adapted from Yishai Mansour

  2. PAC Learning model • There exists a distribution D over domain X • Examples: <x, c(x)> • use c for target function (rather than ct) • Goal: • With high probability (1-d) • find h in H such that • error(h,c ) < e • e arbitrarily small.

  3. VC: Motivation • Handle infinite classes. • VC-dim “replaces” finite class size. • Previous lecture (on PAC): • specific examples • rectangle. • interval. • Goal: develop a general methodology.

  4. The VC Dimension • C collection of subsets of universe U • VC(C) = VC dimension of C: • size of largest subset T Ushattered by C • T shattered if every subset T’T expressible as • T (an element of C) • Example: • C = {{a}, {a, c}, {a, b, c}, {b, c}, {b}} • VC(C) = 2 {b, c} shattered by C • Plays important role in learning theory, finite automata, comparability theory, computational geometry

  5. Definitions: Projection • Given a concept c over X • associate it with a set (all positive examples) • Projection (sets) • For a concept class C and subset S • PC(S) = { c  S | c  C} • Projection (vectors) • For a concept class C and S = {x1, … , xm} • PC(S) = {<c(x1), … , cxm)> | c  C}

  6. Definition: VC-dim • Clearly |PC(S) |  2m • C shatters S if |PC(S) | =2m (S is shattered by C) • VC dimension of a class C: • The size d of the largest set S that shatters C. • Can be infinite. • For a finite class C • VC-dim(C)  log |C|

  7. Example S is Shattered by C VC: A combinatorial measure of a function class complexity

  8. Calculating VC dimensionality • The VC dimension is at least d if there exists some sample |S| = d which is shattered by C. • This does not mean that all samples of size d are shattered by C. (Three point on a single line in 2d) • Conversely, in order to show that the VC dimension is at most d, one must show that no sample of size d + 1 is shattered. • Naturally, proving an upper bound is more difficult than proving the lower bound on the VC dimension.

  9. Example 1: Interval 1 0 C1={cz | z  [0,1] } cz(x) = 1  x  z

  10. Example 2: line C2={cw | w=(a,b,c) } cw(x,y) = 1  ax+by  c

  11. Line: Hyperplane VC dim > 3

  12. VC dim < 44 points can not be shattered

  13. Example 3: Parallel Rectangle

  14. VC Dim of Rectangles

  15. Example 4: Finite union of intervalsAny set of points can be covered Thus VC dim =

  16. Example 5 : Parity • n Boolean input variables • T  {1, …, n} • fT(x) = iT xi • Lower bound: n unit vectors • Upper bound • Number of concepts • Linear dependency

  17. Example 6: OR • n Boolean input variables • Pand N subsets {1, …, n} • fP,N(x) = ( iP xi)  ( iN  xi) • Lower bound: n unit vectors • Upper bound • Trivial 2n • Use ELIM (get n+1) • Show second vector removes 2 (get n)

  18. Example 7: Convex polygons

  19. Example 7: Convex polygons

  20. Example 8: Hyper-plane C8={cw,c | wd} cw,c(x) = 1  <w,x>  c • VC-dim(C8) = d+1 • Lower bound • unit vectors and zero vector • Upper bound!

  21. Complexity Questions • Given C, compute VC(C) • since VC(C)  log |C|, can compute in O(nlog n) time • (Linial-Mansour-Rivest 88) • probably can’t do better: problem is LOG NP-complete • (Papadimitriou-Yannakakis 96) • Often C has a small implicit representation: • C(i, x) is a polynomial-size circuit such that • C(i, x) = 1 iff x belongs to set i • implicit version is 3-complete(Schaefer 99) • (as hard as abc (a, b, c) for CNF formula )

  22. Sampling Lemma Lemma: Let W X be chosen randomly such that |W| ε|X|. A set of O(1/ε ln(1/δ)) points sampled independently and uniformly at random from X intersects W with probability at least (1- δ) Proof: Any sample x is in W with probability at leastε. Thus, the probability that all samples do not intersect with W is at most δ:

  23. ε-Net Theorem Theorem: Let VC-dimension of (X,C) be d 2 and 0 ε ½. ε-net for (X,C) of size at most O(d/ε ln(1/ε)). If we choose O(d/ε ln(d/ε) + 1/ε ln(1/δ)) points at random from X, then the resulting set N is an ε-net with probability δ. Exercise 3, Submission next week A polynomial bound on the sample size for PAC learning

  24. Radon Theorem • Definitions: • Convex set. • Convex hull: conv(S) • Theorem: • Let T be a set of d+2 points in Rd • There exists a subset S of T such that • conv(S)  conv(T \ S)  • Proof!

  25. Hyper-plane: Finishing the proof • Assume d+2 points T can be shattered. • Use Radon Theorem to find S such that • conv(S)  conv(T \ S)  • Assign point in S label 1 • points not in S label 0 • There is a separating hyper-plane • How will it label conv(S)  conv(T \ S)

  26. Lower bounds: Setting • Static learning algorithm: • asks for a sample S of size m(e,d) • Based on S selects a hypothesis

  27. Lower bounds: Setting • Theorem: • if VC-dim(C) = then C is not learnable. • Proof: • Let m = m(0.1,0.1) • Find 2m points which are shattered (set T) • Let D be the uniform distribution on T • Set ct(xi)=1 with probability ½. • Expected error ¼. • Finish proof!

  28. Lower Bound: Feasible • Theorem • VC-dim(C)=d+1, then m(e,d)=W(d/e) • Proof: • Let T be a set of d+1 points which is shattered. • D samples: • z0 with prob. 1-8e • zi with prob. 8e/d

  29. Continue • Set ct(z0)=1 and ct(zi)=1 with probability ½ • Expected error 2e • Bound confidence • for accuracy e

  30. Lower Bound: Non-Feasible • Theorem • For two hypoth. m(e,d)=W((log 1/d)/e2) • Proof: • Let H={h0, h1}, where hb(x)=b • Two distributions: • D0: Prob. <x,1> is ½ - g and <y,0> is ½ + g • D1: Prob. <x,1> is ½ + g and <y,0> is ½ - g

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