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“Coming together is beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” -Henry Ford. Welcome to Fifth Grade Orientation. 5th graders , you are the senior leaders at Endeavor Elementary!.
“Coming together is beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” -Henry Ford
5th graders, you are the senior leadersat Endeavor Elementary!
Leader in MeWe will work with students to enhance their talents and skills so that they can more effectively showcase their leadership!
FAMILY A Mrs. Bender Math Mrs. Bradford Social Studies Mrs. Thornton Science Each teacher teaches Language Arts and Reading to her homeroom students.
FAMILY B Mrs. McKenzie Science, Social Studies Mrs. Tinker Math Each teacher teaches Reading and Language Arts to her homeroom students.
We look forward to establishing a positive home/school partnership with you this year!
Parent Conferences • Graded papers • Progress Reports & Report Cards • INOW Web • Newsletters • Text Messages • Organizers • Leadership Notebook – coming soon! • E-mail
Graded papers are sent home weekly. Papers are counted and the number recorded on the slip. Also, AR goals and progress are noted on the slip. Please sign and return the slip within two days.
INOW INOW access will be granted a couple of weeks after school begins. If you are new to the school or have forgotten your code, please stop by the front desk in a couple of weeks to attain your code.
Grades are weighted as follows:Daily grades - 40% Test grades - 60 %
Accelerated Reader will be included as part of each student’s grade.
Accelerated Reader% of goal – test grade% of accuracy – test gradeThese test grades are recorded at the end of each nine weeks.
Accelerated Reader Goals: • Individualized • Based on STAR Reading test performance in August/December • Adjusted according to performance • Goals Posted Weekly in classroom • After students have had time to prove themselves capable of meeting weekly goals, they may see the teacher if they wish to discuss chapter/lengthy books and goal setting.
Text Messaging Included in your folders are papers detailing a simple way for you to sign up for text messages, if you would like to receive them. Your number is not shared with anyone.
Leadership Notebooks Students will be coming home with leadership notebooks daily that contain the organizer as well as other data and information that the students decide to include.
Organizers • Organizers are available to all students. • Students are responsible for writing down their assignments daily.
Organizers • Homework is posted daily in each teacher’s room. It is the responsibility of the student to record the assignment while they are in the respective class.
The amount of homework varies among students depending on how wisely the student uses class time provided and the pace at which the student works.
For example, while one student may average 30 minutes of homework, another student may average1 ½ hours.
Endeavor Homework Policy • Students who do not have their homework will have an opportunity to bring it in the following day with a 15 point penalty. • If they bring the work in 2 days late, they lose 30 points. • On the third day their grade will become a “0”.
Homework Policy Students are responsible for turning in the late work without prompting from the teacher.
Discipline Policy You will find a copy of the 5th Grade Discipline Policy in your Orientation Folder. Please read, sign, and return the bottom portion.
Behavior Calendars Each 5th grader has a monthly calendar. Notations of missed assignments or any behavioral concerns are recorded by the respective teacher. These aid in determining which students have earned Friday recess.
Violations and Consequences • There are Class I, II, and III Violations and Consequences. • Please review these with your child. See pages 11-13 of Madison County Code of Conduct
Morning Arrival at 7:45Afternoon Dismissal at 2:25 No check-outs between 2:15 – 2:45 (We follow the official U.S. time as provided by www.time.gov website.)
Attendance • Parents must provide reasons for absences within a 3 day window. • Absences must fall within “excused absence” policy to be coded as excused. • Students may ONLY have 10 parent-note excuses without a doctor’s statement. See pages 19-22 of Madison County Code of Conduct
For prior principal approval of absence(s), notification must be given to Mrs. Hicks BEFORE THE ABSENCE.Vacationsare not approved; however, make-up work is usually allowed.
Attendance Please note, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure the teacher receives the excuse note for an absence within the three day period.
Truancy A student will be classified as truant if the principal (or administrative designee) determines that an absence(s) is unexcused based on the parent/guardian’s written explanation. See page 21 of Madison County Code of Conduct
Sign-In/Sign-Out Procedures • Students arriving after 7:45 must be signed in by a parent at the reception desk. • Students who leave school for any reason must be signed out by a parent at the front desk. • To be counted present, students should be checked-in by 11:15. See Endeavor Elementary Handbook in student organizer
Please be aware that some tardies will be deemed excused, while others will be considered unexcused.The guidelines will be those used to determine absences. See Endeavor Elementary Handbook in student organizer
Checking students out of school Only parent(s) are allowed to check out students, unless the parent(s) has specifically designated another person to check their child out of school. See page 20 of Madison County Code of Conduct
Make-up Work Deadlines When a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the student to see the respective teacher for all missed work. The time period allowed for make-up work will not extend beyond two weeks. See page 21 of Madison County Code of Conduct
Dress CodeThe Madison County Dress Code will be strictly enforced.Please refer very carefully to the Madison County Code of Conduct handbook for dress code regulations. Please note there are specific changes starting in 5th grade. See page 2-3 of Madison County Code of Conduct
Dress code violations are classified as a failure to follow school and county guidelines and will result in disciplinary action.
Shirts, blouses and tops are not to be excessively long, and should not extend below the middle of pants pockets. Such garments are not to be too tight, or bare at the midriff or sides. See page 3 of Madison County Code of Conduct
Shorts, skirts, and dresses too short in length are NOT allowed. The length of shorts/skirts must meet the finger-tip guideline established in the Madison County Code of Conduct. See page 3 of Madison County Code of Conduct
Neither athletic shorts nor sweatpants are acceptable. Shorts and pants that are considered athletic in nature would be those that have an elastic or draw-string waist and are constructed of mesh or thin cotton jersey material. See page 3 of Madison County Code of Conduct
Coats and outerwear must be stored in student lockers. See page 2 of Madison County Code of Conduct
Excessively baggy, sagging pants are prohibited.Belts are often necessary. See page 2 of Madison County Code of Conduct
Textbooks Parents and students are responsible for keeping up with and taking care of textbooks. See pages 3 and 4 of Madison County Code of Conduct
Textbooks Students are allowed to take textbooks home as often as needed.
Textbooks Reading – new series Math – Go Math!
Bus Rules • Stay in seats. • Obey bus rules. • Listen to and obey bus drivers. • Keep the aisles clear of feet, books, bags, etc. • Keep buses free of litter. • Keep conversations at a low volume. • No profanity, loud, or boisterous talk. See page 4 of Madison County Code of Conduct
The Board respects the rights of each student as it relates to person, privacy, and property. The Board has an obligation to provide for the safety of students… and authorizes personnel to act… when suspicion exists that a student possesses any prohibited item… See page 5-7 of Madison County Code of Conduct
Students Questioned by DHR Endeavor will cooperate with DHR in duties and responsibilities concerning child welfare and safety. See page 6 of Madison County Code of Conduct