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Today’s Talk: LIVING with a CLEAN LIVER - 2. WHY a Clean LIVER?. THE LIVER:. Performs massively important tasks: . It is a VITAL organ that deals with very toxic agents;.
Today’s Talk: LIVING with a CLEAN LIVER - 2
WHY a Clean LIVER? THE LIVER: • Performs massively • important tasks: • It is a VITAL organ that deals with very toxic agents; • Highly influences the prevention chronic degenerative diseases such as Heart Disease,Cancer and Diabetes to develop;
WHY a Clean LIVER? Breaking down & eliminate Toxins; Breaking down & eliminate excess Hormones; Blood Sugar Balance Production of Bile Storage of Nutrients Syntheses of Blood protein and Cholesterol
5 Habits to Break Wheat Milk Caffeine Alcohol Bad Fats
5 Habits to MAKE!
5 Habits to Break Water The 5 SUPERFOODS Anti-Aging Antioxidants Detoxifying Supplements Detoxifying Exercises
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER • The minimum recommended water intake is about 1.5 litres/day (8 glasses); • - IF you exercise or if the weather is hot the 1.5 litres are NOT sufficient!!!
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER • Water drinking in appropriate quantity has a huge impact in your energy level and mental clarity; • It dilutes toxins in the blood, facilitating the work of the kidneys; refrigerate and helps in the oxygenation the cells of the body and brain!
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER What if it is not enough? • Even mild dehydration can lead to constipation, headaches, lethargy and mental confusion; • Water is a mineral transporter, is a lubricant and temperature regulator!
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER What if it is not enough? • Neglect in drinking enough can lead to increasing of risk of urinary tract infections and renal stones;
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER What if it is not enough? • When only 1% of total needed fluids is lost temperature goes up and concentration is affected;
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER What if it is not enough? • ATTENTION: The thirst reflex kicks in when we have lost 1-2% of body water but it is often confused with hunger! • If ignored dehydration can continue to about 3%! = seriously affecting physical % mentalperformance!
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER • Signs of insufficient water intake: • Prone to constipation • Often thirsty • Joint problems • Feeling tired • Difficulty concentrating • Overheating • Dry skin, mouth, lips • Frequent infections • Dry, brittle hair
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER • Signs of insufficient water intake:
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER What is included in your total water intake/day?
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER • What is included in your total water intake/day? Herbal & Fruit Teas
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER • What is included in your total water intake/day? Detox Natural Drinks
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER Tomato Water
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER • What is included in your total water intake/day? Pure Water: ½ of your total intake!
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER • Can’t drink Water? Develop the habit! Any Detox Natural Drink diluted in water: 9:1
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER The best way to drink all this water??? • Don’t stress about drinking the whole bottle in one go. It doesn’t do much... • Drink throughout the day – FAR FROM MEALS: ½ hour before or 2 hours after! ...quite unhealthy, actually...
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER • TEMPERANCE apply: • A man died after drinking 10 litres of water in one hour. Taken to extreme this can kill you!!! • Under normal circumstances you shouldn’t need more than 2-3 litres... Holford, P. (2010). 9-Day Liver Detox. P.35
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER • If you feel that you need to drink more than 3 Litres of healthy liquids/day you must seek professional advice as this is one of the first indications of development of Diabetes!
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER • Another drawback of this intemperance is that too much water way beyond your body needs dilutes your valuable electrolytes away, which play important role in maintaining healthy cell hydration. Electrolytes = sodium and potassium salts
5 Habits to MAKE! WATER • Can’t drink Water? Develop the habit! Any Detox Natural Drink diluted in water: 9:1
5 Habits to MAKE! Water The 5 SUPERFOODS Anti-Aging Antioxidants Detoxifying Supplements Detoxifying Exercises
5 Habits to MAKE! SUPERFOODS • Superfoods are simply foods that press all the right buttons: • - Packed up with Nutrients & • Antioxidants; • - Free from anything bad for you • including sugar!
5 Habits to MAKE! SUPERFOODS • All seeds are packed up with minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Zinc and Selenium;
5 Habits to MAKE! SUPERFOODS Hot-Climate seeds: • Sesame & Sunflower = Rich in Omega 6 • Flaxseed & Pumpkin = Rich in Omega 3 Hormone Balance Cold-Climate seeds: Arteries, joints & brain
5 Habits to MAKE! SUPERFOODS • ATTENTION: Never roast your seeds or you will loose much of their vitality & benefit and DAMAGE the lovely fats in them!
5 Habits to MAKE! SUPERFOODS The Essential Seed Mix:
5 Habits to MAKE! SUPERFOODS The Essential Seed Mix:
5 Habits to MAKE! SUPERFOODS The Essential Seed Mix: