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What will I learn in Chemistry?. Well, that is a good question. Basically, chemistry deals with the properties of chemicals. What is a chemical ?. A substance formed by or used in a chemical reaction.
What will I learn in Chemistry? Well, that is a good question. Basically, chemistry deals with the properties of chemicals. What is a chemical? A substance formed by or used in a chemical reaction. It’s not just chemists who need to know something about chemistry. Because chemicals are an integral part of our everyday lives, everyone needs some background in CHEMISTRY!!!
You use chemicals everyday. Artificial flavorings, colorings, and preservatives make food taste better for you. Your clothing is made up of synthetic and natural fibers which are made by chemical reactions. Your body is a highly efficient chemical factory containing thousands of compounds. Lets take a look at Aspirin, which is a CHEMICAL
What is Aspirin? A white crystalline compound with no odor and a slightly bitter taste. In 1897, Felix Hoffmann, a German chemist employed by Bayer, came across an earlier recipe for a gentle analgesic. Seeking to relieve his father's arthritis pain, Hoffmann used French chemist Charles Frederic Gerhardt's 1853 research to synthesize acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), a compound less acidic and easier on the stomach than its predecessor, sodium salicylate. In 1899, the product was named aspirin and, after extensive testing, Bayer began marketing it successfully in powder form. The active ingredient of aspirin, salicin, has been prescribed since the 5th century B.C., when Greek physician Hippocrates treated aches and pains, fevers, and inflammations with a bitter powder extracted from willow bark.
What does acid in salicylic acid mean? The term acid signifies that it belongs to a group of compounds that have certain chemical properties. Acid: a class of compounds whose water solutions taste sour, turn blue litmus to red, and react with bases to form salts. Base: a class of compounds that taste bitter, feel slippery in water solution, turn red litmus to blue, and react with acids to form salts. pH: a quantitative expression of acidity with the standard for a neutral solution expressed as pH 7.
Take 5 minutes and name all the acids that you know. Hydrochloric acid HCl H2SO4 Sulfuric acid Phosphoric acid H3PO4 Nitric acid HNO3 Terephthalic acid C8H6O4 Hydrochloric acid solutions are more acidic than aspirin. Aspirin has a pH of 2.7. Look at page 5 and compare the acidity of aspirin to other familiar substances.
Aspirin can also be classified as an organic compound. Organic compound: any covalently bonded compound containing carbon (except carbonates and oxides) Inorganic compound: all compounds outside the organic family of compounds. Why is aspirin (figure on the right), considered an organic compound? Because it has carbons in it.
Synthesis: the process of building compounds from elementary substances through one or more chemical reactions. Aspirin is the product of chemical reactions. (Look at the bottom of page 6.) Reagent: a chemical used to convert one substance into another substance in a chemical reaction. Look at pg. 6 and 7. There are 2 ways to make Aspirin. One is the synthetic way, the other is the natural. Why do you think the synthetic route is less expensive? Natural raw materials may be in low supply. So the willow branch or Wintergreen plant may be hard to get. Benzene would generally be more abundant.
Chemists check for efficiency of reactions. If you take Aspirin, which takes seven steps to make, each step might only be 50% to 80% efficient. If you begin with 100 kg of starting material and six steps were 80% efficient and one step was 50% efficient, how much aspirin would be produced? 0.86 X 0.5 X 100 kg = 13.1 kg Chemists must take into account cost, adequate supplies, hazards, length of time, pollutants, side reactions, and efficiency of the reaction before marketing a product.
What do chemists do? There are 3 types of chemists: Research: work on the design and discovery of new materials. Development: work on the task of developing full-scale production processes for new compounds and materials. Production: work on ensuring that the new compound or material meets the predetermined standards set for its purity and other physical properties. Many chemists work as technicians by on the job training or through a 2-year degree program. To find out about careers in Chemistry write this address: American Chemical Society, Education Division, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington D.C. 20036
Chemical productions is a major industry Look at the table on page 10 The production of sulfuric acid in the United States was 80.31 billion lb in 1993, which is more than 325 lb of sulfuric acid produced per person. No wonder sulfuric acid is called the king of chemicals. During World War I, there was a shortage of acetone, which was used to make explosives. In England, Russian born Jewish chemist Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952) devised a way for bacteria to manufacture the much needed acetone. Dr. Weizmann was also the first president of Israel. There will be a contest to who can keep a record in their notebook of the number of times they encounter chemicals from the top 25 throughout the year. I will award prizes for the most thorough records.
The Top 25 Companies Look at the table on page 11. Now divide up into groups of three, and each group take two of the chemical companies listed on page 11. For tomorrow, find the answers to these questions: 1. Where are the companies located? 2. What types of chemicals do they produce? 3. How many divisions do they have? 4. How has their business changed in the last 25 years? 5. What environmental hazards are caused by the chemicals they produce?
Agencies Regulating Chemicals in the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Consumer Product Safety Commission Department of Agriculture MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheets Consult these for precautions and hazards of using particular chemicals. Look at the next slide for an example of an MSDS
HAWK CREEK LABS -- HYDROCHLORIC ACID - HYDROCHLORIC ACID,ACS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET NSN: 6810001450477 Manufacturer's CAGE: 61084 Part No. Indicator: A Part Number/Trade Name: HYDROCHLORIC ACID =========================================================================== General Information =========================================================================== Item Name: HYDROCHLORIC ACID,ACS Company's Name: HAWK CREEK LABS INC Company's Street: RD 1 SIMPSON RD Company's P. O. Box: 686 Company's City: GLEN ROCK Company's State: PA Company's Country: US Company's Zip Code: 17327 Company's Emerg Ph #: 717-235-3849 Company's Info Ph #: 717-235-3849 Record No. For Safety Entry: 003 Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 005 Status: SMJ Date MSDS Prepared: 01MAR90 Safety Data Review Date: 25NOV91 Supply Item Manager: HX MSDS Serial Number: BLMSR Hazard Characteristic Code: C1 Unit Of Issue: BT Unit Of Issue Container Qty: 16 OUNCES Type Of Container: BOTTLE Net Unit Weight: 1.2 LBS =========================================================================== Ingredients/Identity Information =========================================================================== Proprietary: NO Ingredient: HYDROGEN CHLORIDE (HYDROCHLORIC ACID) (SARA III) Ingredient Sequence Number: 01 Percent: 37 NIOSH (RTECS) Number: MW4025000 CAS Number: 7647-01-0 OSHA PEL: C 5 PPM ACGIH TLV: C 5 PPM; 9192 =========================================================================== Physical/Chemical Characteristics =========================================================================== Appearance And Odor: CLEAR, COLORLESS LIQUID WITH ACRID ODOR. Boiling Point: 230F,110C Melting Point: -101F,-74C Vapor Density (Air=1): 1.25 Specific Gravity: 1.18 Solubility In Water: MISCIBLE =========================================================================== Fire and Explosion Hazard Data =========================================================================== Flash Point: NONFLAMMABLE Extinguishing Media: DRY CHEMICAL. Special Fire Fighting Proc: WEAR NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED SCBA AND FULL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (FP N). Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: REACTS WITH MOST METALS TO FORM HYDROGEN GAS WHICH CAN FORM EXPLOSIVE MIXTURES WITH AIR. =========================================================================== Reactivity Data =========================================================================== Cond To Avoid (Stability): HEAT AND CONTACT WITH BASES, OXIDIZERS, AND METAL POWDERS. Materials To Avoid: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Hazardous Decomp Products: HCL GAS. Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. =========================================================================== Health Hazard Data =========================================================================== LD50-LC50 Mixture: LD50:ORAL(RBT) 900 MG/KG Route Of Entry - Inhalation: YES Route Of Entry - Skin: YES Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES Health Haz Acute And Chronic: CONTACT CAUSES PERMANENT DAMAGE TO EYES, SEVERE BURNS, AND ULCERATIONS ON SKIN. INHALATION OF VAPORS WILL DAMAGE RESPIRATORY TRACT. Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO Explanation Carcinogenicity: NOT RELEVANT. Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: SEE HEALTH HAZARDS. Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Emergency/First Aid Proc: EYES: FLUSH WITH WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MIN; GET IMMED MED ASSISTANCE. SKIN: REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING AND WASH WITH SOAP AND WATER. INHAL: MOVE TO FRESH AIR AND GIVE ARTF RESP IF BREATHING HAS STOPPED. INGEST: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. GIVE MILK OR WATER IF CONSCIOUS. GET IMMED MED ATTN. GET MED ASSISTANCE FOR ALL CASES OF OVEREXPOSURE. =========================================================================== Precautions for Safe Handling and Use =========================================================================== Steps If Matl Released/Spill: NEUTRALIZE WITH SODA ASH, ABSORB WITH SAND OR VERMICULITE AND SCOOP UP AND CONTAINERIZE FOR PROPER DISPOSAL. Neutralizing Agent: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER. Waste Disposal Method: COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Precautions-Handling/Storing: KEEP CONTR TIGHTLY CLSD. STORE IN COOL, DRY/ WELLVENTD AREA. KEEP AWAY FROM IGNIT SOURCE. WASH THORO AFTER HNDLG. EMPTY CONTR MAY BE HAZ DUE TO(SUPDAT Other Precautions: DO NOT GET IN EYES, ON SKIN OR CLOTHING. DO NOT BREATHE VAPORS OR MIST. =========================================================================== Control Measures =========================================================================== Respiratory Protection: WEAR NIOSH/MSHA APPROVED SCBA IN HIGH VAPOR AREAS. Ventilation: PROVIDE ADEQUATE GENERAL AND LOCAL EXHAUST VENTILATION. Protective Gloves: IMPERVIOUS GLOVES (FP N). Eye Protection: CHEM WORK GOG W/FULL LENGTH FSHLD(FP N). Other Protective Equipment: EMERGENCY EYEWASH AND DELUGE SHOWER (FP N). Work Hygienic Practices: WASH THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. Suppl. Safety & Health Data: HNDLG/STOR PREC: RETAINED RESIDUE. =========================================================================== Transportation Data =========================================================================== Trans Data Review Date: 92006 DOT PSN Code: HJG DOT Proper Shipping Name: HYDROCHLORIC ACID, SOLUTION DOT Class: 8 DOT ID Number: UN1789 DOT Pack Group: II DOT Label: CORROSIVE IMO PSN Code: IEX IMO Proper Shipping Name: HYDROCHLORIC ACID IMO Regulations Page Number: 8183 IMO UN Number: 1789 IMO UN Class: 8 IMO Subsidiary Risk Label: - IATA PSN Code: NPG IATA UN ID Number: 1789 IATA Proper Shipping Name: HYDROCHLORIC ACID IATA UN Class: 8 IATA Label: CORROSIVE AFI PSN Code: NPG AFI Symbols: T AFI Prop. Shipping Name: HYDROCHLORIC ACID, SOLUTION AFI Class: 8 AFI ID Number: UN1789 AFI Pack Group: II AFI Special Prov: A3,A6,N41 AFI Basic Pac Ref: 12-5 =========================================================================== Disposal Data =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Label Data =========================================================================== Label Required: YES Technical Review Date: 25NOV91 Label Date: 28OCT91 Label Status: G Common Name: HYDROCHLORIC ACID Signal Word: DANGER! Acute Health Hazard-Severe: X Contact Hazard-Severe: X Fire Hazard-Slight: X Reactivity Hazard-None: X Special Hazard Precautions: ACUTE: COMBUSTIBLE. INHALATION WILL DAMAGE RESPIRATORY TRACT. CONTACT CAUSES PERMANENT DAMAGE TO EYES, SEVERE BURNS, AND ULCERATIONS ON SKIN. CHRONIC EFFECTS: NONE LISTED BY MFR. Protect Eye: Y Protect Skin: Y Protect Respiratory: Y Label Name: HAWK CREEK LABS INC Label Street: 686 SIMPSON RD Label P.O. Box: RD 1 Label City: GLEN ROCK Label State: PA Label Zip Code: 17327 Label Country: US Label Emergency Number: 717-235-3849
Technology: the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes Johann Rudolf Glauber (1604-1668) of Germany discovered a method for producing hydrochloric acid and using sulfuric acid and table salt. The byproduct of the reaction, sodium sulfate, is still called Glauber’s salt today. Glauber sold the sodium sulfate as an “elixir of life” although its best use is as a laxative. The hardness of diamond is due to its tetrahedral network structure. The study of the structure is chemistry. The use of the hardness property of diamonds for grinding is an example of technology. Do Section Review #1-5 on page 15. Due Tomorrow.