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Romanticism. Romanticism: A movement in the 18 th and 19 th centuries that was a reaction to logic and reasoning of the previous centuries. It has been defined as literature depicting emotional matter in an imaginative form. Romantic Beliefs. 1. The quest for beauty: "pure beauty."

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Romanticism Romanticism: A movement in the 18th and 19th centuries that was a reaction to logic and reasoning of the previous centuries. It has been defined as literature depicting emotional matter in an imaginative form.

  2. Romantic Beliefs 1. The quest for beauty: "pure beauty." 2. Emphasis on notion that imagination and emotion are superior to reason; willing suspension of disbelief. 3. Escapism - from American problems. 4. Fascination with the past, especially myths and mysticism 5. Interest in external nature - for itself, for beauty: a. Nature as source for the knowledge of the primitive. b. Nature as refuge. c. Nature as revelation of God to the individual.

  3. Romantic Techniques 1. Remoteness of settings in time and space. 2. Improbable plots. 3. Inadequate or unlikely characterization. 4. Authorial subjectivity. 5. Socially "harmful morality;" a world of "lies.“

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