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Romanticism Realism Impressionism Post Impressionism- Formalism Post Impressionism-Expressionism. Romanticism. John Constable -- “Tree Trunks”. Romanticism. Eugène Delacroix - “Liberty Leading the People. Romanticism. Jacques –Louis David. Napoleon Crossing the St. Bernard Pass.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RomanticismRealism Impressionism Post Impressionism- Formalism Post Impressionism-Expressionism

  2. Romanticism John Constable -- “Tree Trunks”

  3. Romanticism EugèneDelacroix - “Liberty Leading the People

  4. Romanticism Jacques –Louis David Napoleon Crossing the St. Bernard Pass

  5. Romanticism John Constable -- “Brighton Beach, with colliers”

  6. Realism Ferdinand Hodler – “The Shoemaker”

  7. Realism Gustave Courbet -- “The Stonebreakers”

  8. Realism Jules Breton “The End of the Day”

  9. Realism IlliaRepin -- “Volga Boatmen”

  10. Realism Jean-Francois Millet “The Gleaners”

  11. Realism Rosa Bonheur -- “The Horse Fair”

  12. Realism Gustave Courbet -- “ A Burial at Ornhans”

  13. Impressionism Claude Monet – “Impression, sunrise”

  14. Impressionism Pierre-Auguste Renoir – “Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette

  15. Impressionism Camille Pissarro -- “ BoulevardeMontmarte”

  16. Edgar Degas “L’Absinthe” Impressionism

  17. Impressionism EdouardManet “Plum”

  18. Impressionism Mary Cassat --”At the Theatre”

  19. Post-Impressionism: Formalism Georges Seurat -- “Young Woman Powdering Herself”

  20. Post-Impressionism: Formalism Paul Cezanne “The Gardener Vallier”

  21. Post-Impressionism: Formalism Georges Seurat -- “Circus Sideshow”

  22. Post-Impressionism: Formalism Georges Seurat -- “Bathers at Asnieres”

  23. Post-Impressionism: Expressionism Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec -- “At the Moulin Rouge”

  24. Post-Impressionism: Expressionism Vincent van Gogh – “The Bedroom”

  25. Post-Impressionism: Expressionism Vincent van Gogh – “Starry Night”

  26. Post-Impressionism: Expressionism Paul Gauguin – “Day of the Gods”

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