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Group II: Improving Voter Registration Procedures (Allison Horst, Stephen Larson, Alex Tahk)

Group II: Improving Voter Registration Procedures (Allison Horst, Stephen Larson, Alex Tahk). Do voters in states with statewide registration systems report fewer problems voting than voters in states without them?. Basic logic.

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Group II: Improving Voter Registration Procedures (Allison Horst, Stephen Larson, Alex Tahk)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Group II:Improving Voter Registration Procedures(Allison Horst, Stephen Larson, Alex Tahk) Do voters in states with statewide registration systems report fewer problems voting than voters in states without them?

  2. Basic logic • Find measure of “voter registration problems” and see whether voters in states with statewide voter registration systems report fewer problems • Define “statewide voter registration system” • Control for confounding effects, because states with statewide registration systems might also have other characteristics that minimize problems • Individual or aggregate level analysis

  3. What the group did • Data • Measure of statewide registration systems: NCSL report • Registration problems: CPS Voting and Registration Supplement • Demographic data: Census

  4. Table 1: Voters in states with centralized systems vs. voters in states without

  5. Table 2: State-level multivariate analysis • Dependent variable: pct. of registered voters with reported registration problems • Independent variable: laundry list of demographics, state-level characteristics, etc. • Problem: not much works, and there’s collinearity • Solution: drop most variables • Table 2

  6. Individual results

  7. Comments • General • Overall strategy a very good one: simple test to a more complex test • The aggregate analysis is redundant and unnecessary • Specific comments • It’s good to have a summary table of variables • Comments on specific tables

  8. 1.0% 1.0% Table 1 comments Question: what is the sample? (All voters? All registered voters?)

  9. Table 3 Comments What was the main reason (you/name) did not vote? -9 No Response -3 Refused -2 Don't know -1 Not in universe 1 Illness or disability (own or family's) 2 Out of town or away from home 3 Forgot to vote (or send in absentee ballot) 4 Not interested, felt my vote wouldn't make a difference 5 Too busy, conflicting work or school schedule 6 Transportation problems 7 Didn't like candidates or campaign issues 8 Registration problems 9 Bad weather conditions 10 Inconvenient polling place or hours or lines too long 11 Other • Main thing: What is the dependent • Variable measuring? • Denominator (all eligible voters or all non-voters? • Numerator (only reg. problems or all polling place problems?)

  10. Alternate regressions

  11. Good Table 3 formatting comments Standard errors, please • Group like categories • Race • Asian • Black • Hispanic • Native Amer. • Voting system • CVS • Provisional Ball. • Deadline

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