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Professional Growth and Effectiveness System. With OPGES. Agenda. Purpose of, requirements, and Categories of OPGES Review of OPGES Specialist frameworks – with group activities. Looking deeper into the evidences for OPGES Student growth Goals Professional growth Goals & Self reflection
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System With OPGES
Agenda • Purpose of, requirements, and Categories of OPGES • Review of OPGES Specialist frameworks – with group activities. • Looking deeper into the evidences for OPGES • Student growth Goals • Professional growth Goals & Self reflection • Observations –Supervisor and Peer • Student Voice • Essential Web resources on KDE site • CIITS use in OPGES • Question & Answer • Other resources
KDE Contacts • Amy Jacobs • OPGES Contact for KDE • Amy.jacobs@education.ky.gov • 502-564-1479 • Preschool Pilot information Melody.cooper@education.ky.gov 502-564-7056
PGES GOALS • Every child in every classroom will be taught by a highly effective teacher. • Every school in every district will be led by a highly effective principal.
Purpose of OPGES • PGES is one system. OPGES & TPGES are distinguished by the frameworks for observation used in each setting. • The purpose of the OPGES portion of PGES is to meet the needs of other professionals who impact student learning but are not in a traditional classroom setting. • The OPGES pilot during the 2014-2015 school year does not permit evaluation for personnel decisions. • Other Professionals will be evaluated using the OPGES framework in 2015-2016. • OP’s not in the pilot will be evaluated with the districts Former systems. NOT PGES.
Other Professionals Growth and Effectiveness System (OPGES) - part of PGES • Categories • Library Media Specialists • School Guidance Counselors/Social Workers • Speech Pathologists • School Psychologists • School Instructional Specialists/ coaches • personnel who work a portion of their day with students and a portion with teachers. • interventionists whose full responsibility is working with students, such as reading recovery or math intervention will use the TPGES framework.
OPGES steering committee • School psychologists: • Paul Baker – Martin Co. • Beth Edmonson – Daviess Co. • Guidance counselors • Omar Morris- Jefferson Co. • Melinda McClung – Fayette Co. • Jennifer Smith – KDE • Nurses • Mary Burch – Erlanger • Karen Erwin – KDE • Instructional Specialists • Maggie Nicholson – Shelby Co. • Jeanna Slusher – Anderson Co • Other • David Johnson - SESC • Stephanie Little – KEDC • Library Media: • Paul Lanata – Jefferson Co. • Becky Nelson – Franklin Co. • Kathy Mansfield – KDE • Therapeutic Specialist – PT/ OT/ Speech/ Language • Tim Ball – Rowan Co. • Laura Cullens – Jefferson Co. • Debbie Culler – Jefferson Co. • Sherry Hoza – Jefferson Co. • Dana Logsdon – Fayette Co. • Julie Wells – Jessamine Co. • Veronica Sullivan – KDE • Nachelle Nead – Jessamine Co.
Pilot Requirements • The 2014-15 OPGES pilot will be comprised of individuals who are: • Tenured • Have an EPSB certification • Not in their summative year, unless a counselor – counselors are in summative year and in the pilot. *** If the district is running a dual system during 2014-2015 and Other Professionals are on a yearly summative cycle, they may participate in the pilot.
Pilot Requirements • All districts are required to participate in the OPGES pilot and should identify at least one person from each of the categories. • Districts may select more than one participant per category.
Pilot Requirements • Schools that have participants participating in the OPGES pilot will also have principals/assistant principals participating as primary evaluators. • Peer Observers are required for OPGES. (Peer does not need to be an “Other Professional”)
Are you ready to participate? • Other Professionals designated to participate or who wish to volunteer can have principals register them this summer using KDE's web collector. https://applications.education.ky.gov/login/ • Guidance on how to register using the web collector is available on the KDE/OPGES webpage. http://education.ky.gov/teachers/PGES/otherpages/Pages/default.aspx • (It is possible that some districts will not have pilot participants in all 5 categories. If the ‘met criteria’ button is not marked, it is ok, districts should continue registering participants they do have available.) • The OPGES pilot is designed to take feedback from the field and develop a system that best accommodates these roles.
A Common Understanding of Effectiveness UPDATED Version. Make sure to use Feb. 2014 version for TPGES. JUNE 2014 version for OPGES. Framework for Specialists – uses the same common language and Domains.
PGES Domains • Planning and Preparation • Classroom Environment /Environment • Instruction /Delivery of Service • Professional Responsibilities
Common Language Teacher Framework sample view (OPGES pilot will be collecting “possible examples” portion)
Ratings for PGES & OPGES • Kentucky ratings • Ineffective • Developing • Accomplished • Exemplary • Danielson ratings • Unsatisfactory • Basic • Proficient • Distinguished
THE FRAMEWORKDanielson Frameworks for Specialist Positions Ineffective Developing Accomplished Exemplary OPGES framework sample
How to find the Framework • KY Framework for teaching with Specialist frameworks is posted on the OGPES webpage • http://education.ky.gov/teachers/PGES/otherpages/Pages/Kentucky-Framework-for-Teaching-Specialist-Frameworks.aspx • Domains and components for OPGES professionals will be imbedded in CIITS/ EDS for PGP, self reflection, observation etc…as long as the professional is identified in IC with the correct job title.
WHAT DOES “ACCOMPLISHED” LOOK LIKE? Take a moment to look over the individual “specialist” framework. What do you notice an accomplished professional does? Are Other professionals in your school already doing these skills? If so then they are accomplished. 22
Performance Levels: Key Words Teacher-directed success! Student-directed success! Levels of cognition and constructivist learning increase
WHAT DOES “ACCOMPLISHED” LOOK LIKE for your profession? • In small groups or individually look over all 4 domains • Choose a component in each domain • List the “accomplished” indicator for the chosen component • List examples of evidence you or a colleague currently do for this component.
OPGES variations. • Looking deeper: • Sources of Evidence: • Student Growth Goals
Variations for OPGES – student growth goals. • OPGES – growth goals. • May be connected to school goals, similar to principals and assistant principals student growth goals. • (i.e counselors or instructional coaches.) • OPGES have more emphasis on local growth goals, not state goals. • OPGES goals may not be directly academic. Use many sources of data. (ex. Counselor – reducing # of behavior referrals.)
Variations for OPGES – student growth goals • OPGES goals will impact other academic areas. • Samples as to what ‘Other Professionals’ growth goals look like, are being created by the committee, teachers in the field, Effectiveness coaches & PGES consultants. • Some sample are available. May not be exemplary. District need to have discussion between principal and teacher to establish what an effective goal is for that school. • Growth goals are not completed until beginning of school year after needs of that years students are determined. • see sample rubric for determining an effective goal.
OPGES Common Misconceptions Common misconceptions Facts A student growth goal will help the academic goals, but may not be directly related to test scores. Many sources of data are used. Ex. Counselors goal designed around reducing behavior referrals. This in turn allows the student to be in class more often, therefore increasing instructional time. • I don’t have test scores, how can I make a goal?
OPGES Common Misconceptions PGES Common misconceptions Facts Student growth goals are not built around individual students. They are built on group needs determined at the beginning of the school year. Goals built on what impact an individual teacher/ professional has on students/ content area. • I only see my students a few times each month or my student groups are constantly changing. How can I make a goal for each kid?
OPGES Common Misconceptions Common misconceptions Facts Student growth goals for principals are similar to professionals in this situation. They are building student growth goals to support unique groups or needs within the school Student Growth goals can be similar to a teacher the Other professional works with. • I don’t have a regular group of students, my work is more teacher support and training.
OPGES – Writing Student growth goals. • Think: • 1. What matters most for my content area? • 2. How do I know? – what standards, expectations, etc. guides my work? • 3. What makes it meaningful? • Before writing goals – gather your content standards/ expectations. Know what is important. Plan it out. Development of the goal is key.
OPGES – Writing Student growth goals. • Tools: • Content or program standards, processes, understanding or concepts expected to be mastered. • Base line data & assessments • Think & plan tool • Identified needs of current years students
Student Growth: What is enduring? • Learning that: • Endures beyond a single test date • Is of value in other disciplines • Is relevant beyond the classroom (applying learning to new and unique situations) • Is worthy of embedded, course-long focus • May be necessary for the next level of instruction • Requires critical thinking (analyzing, creating and evaluating) 15
On your own . . . Highlight or underlinethe skills or competencies you notice in your professions student standards document. • Identify the statements or phrases that fit the definition of enduring
Learning that: • Endures beyond a single test date • Is of value in other disciplines • Is relevant beyond the classroom (applying learning to new and unique situations) • Is worthy of embedded, course-long focus • May be necessary for the next level of instruction • Requires critical thinking (analyzing, creating and evaluating)
Student Growth Goals • 1 goal per year is written • Can be specific to a particular group/ age. • uses data beyond KPREP or MAP tests etc… • Ex. – Counselors -Create a goal around reducing behavior referrals. Measured by a decrease in the number of office referrals. • Speech – Increase communication skills in the ability to comprehend, express, and articulate information. • Non academic goals of OGPES will still impact academic growth. • (example = less office referrals = more time in class learning. • Increase of communication skills impacts all subject areas.)
Student Growth: Enduring Skills • Enduring learning: • Endures beyond a single test date • Is of value in other disciplines • Is relevant beyond the classroom (applying learning to new and unique situations) • Is worthy of embedded, course-long focus • May be necessary for the next level of instruction • Requires critical thinking (analyzing, creating and evaluating)
How does your school collect data? How do you collect data in the library, counseling office, speech center, etc.? Which data can you use to measure student growth? Measurable
Step one begins with looking at data to get to know your students Determining Needs • Previous years’ data • Conversations with previous teachers • Formative assessment processes • Student work This is NOT the baseline data used for developing a student growth goal.
Getting Baseline data Once you know your students Decide on sources of evidence that can provide pre- and post-dataon student progress toward the identified skills & concepts for your content area.
Sample goal - 4th Grade Reading By the end of the 2013-14 school year, all of my 4th grade students (100%) will show growth in summarizing key ideas and details in what they read. Each student will improve by 2 or more levels on the rubric developed by my PLC team for summarization. In addition, xx% of students will score Proficient or above on the rubric by the end of the year. Enduring skills Growth target Proficiency target
Sample goal - Speech • Therapeutic Specialist – Speech Language Pathologist • By the end of the school year, 100% of my fluency students will show growth in verbal discussion and questioning. Each student will show growth by growing at least 2 levels on the rubric designed to identify discussion and questioning. In addition xx % will score proficient on the fluency rubric designed by my district special education team.
Sample goal - Speech • Therapeutic Specialist – Speech Language Pathologist • By the end of the school year, 100% of my student with receptive language goals will improve their reading ability by at least 2 levels as measured by the rubric designed by the district Speech therapists. In addition xx% will score proficient on the spring test.
Sample Library • By the end of the 2014-15 school year, all of the 5th grade students in Mrs. ___’s class will show growth in reading a variety of literary genres. Each student will demonstrate growth by reading at least 2 additional genres as shown by beginning of year/end of year circulation reports, reading patterns inventories and student response/reflection. At least 75% of the students will complete a library genre challenge to read a book from each of five standard library genre categories from our school library (e.g., informational, poetry, fairy tale/folktale, realistic fiction, historical fiction, science fiction, fantasy, graphic novel, and fiction picture book) that includes a student response or reflection on each book read. • Library Media Standard 4.1.4: Seek information for personal learning in a variety of formats and genres. • Anchor Standard 4: Pursue personal and aesthetic growth • Enduring learning: Read and reflect on a wide variety of genres • Grade Level Benchmark: Select books from favorite authors and genres; try new genres when suggested.
Sample Library • By the end of the 2014-15 school year, all of the 10th grade students will show growth in their ability to use technology tools to access information and pursue inquiry. Each student will improve two or more levels on a rubric developed by district librarians for measuring a student’s ability to use the online database of library resources to locate and evaluate materials to meet a need. 75% of the students will score proficient or above on the rubric. • Library Media Standard: LMS 1.1.8: Demonstrate mastery of technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry. • Enduring learning: Evaluate resources for inquiry • Anchor Standard: Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge (Anchor Standard 1) • Grade Level Benchmark: Use a range of electronic resources efficiently, effectively, and safely by applying a variety of search and evaluation strategies. • .
Sample counselor • Career • During this school year, 100% of 6th graders will show growth in their understanding of career by completing all required elements of the ILP. Using a standards-based 4 point rubric created by Career Cruising, students’ current level of understanding will be determined with a constructed response performance task on how career affects learning goals. Applying the same rubric to the post assessment, students will be given a performance task in which they will be asked to identify and explain how these factors influence appropriate career choices. Each student will improve by moving at least one level on the rubric. Furthermore, 80% of students will score Meets Expectations (Proficient) on the rubric.