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Panel Discussion

ReVA-MAIA Conference: Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities. Panel Discussion. Facilitated by Kent Thornton, FTN Associates, Ltd. ReVA-MAIA Conference: Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities.

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Panel Discussion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ReVA-MAIA Conference: Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities Panel Discussion Facilitated by Kent Thornton, FTN Associates, Ltd.

  2. ReVA-MAIA Conference: Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities • What are the top three challenges / problems that you are facing today? • What are the top three challenges / problems that you are anticipating in five years? • What are the top three challenges / problems that you are anticipating in ten years?

  3. ReVA-MAIA Conference: Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities What should we focus on to make the biggest positive impact?

  4. ReVA-MAIA Conference: Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities • What information and/or tools do you need most? • Did anything presented here meet that need?

  5. ReVA-MAIA Conference: Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities How can we best communicate and transfer ReVA-MAIA science and tools to you? We want them to be used in decision-making!

  6. ReVA-MAIA Conference: Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities • How important is it that uncertainty be quantified? • How “certain” do you need to be? • How “certain” are you with current information and tools?

  7. ReVA-MAIA Conference: Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities Did the conference provide any information that might change / impact decisions and possibly improve outcomes?

  8. ReVA-MAIA Conference: Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities Local politicians are motivated by desires for (1) political power and (2) resources (i.e., $, employment) for the jurisdiction. How do you use the information our assessment tools produce to effectively mediate competition among jurisdictions and encourage effective political collaboration?

  9. The End

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