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Collaboration rules for autonomous software agents

Collaboration rules for autonomous software agents. Sarosh N. Talukdar. Goal of the paper. Develop rules for off-line problems in a scale-effective organization Extension of the rules to online problem Paper is theoretical. Terminology & Problem Formulation. Software agent : with

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Collaboration rules for autonomous software agents

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  1. Collaboration rules for autonomous software agents Sarosh N. Talukdar

  2. Goal of the paper • Develop rules for off-line problems in a scale-effective organization • Extension of the rules to online problem • Paper is theoretical

  3. Terminology & Problem Formulation • Software agent : with * Problem solving skills * social or self management skills * learning skills • An agent’s environment • An off-line problem : with optimization obj.; Max (Solution Quality, Solution Speed) • Collaborations : productive or destructive

  4. Terminology & Problem Formulation • An organization : set of triple, OG = (A, N, P) where OG = organization, A = set of agents, N = Network computers , P = Prescriptions/Rules * 2 types : Hierarchic or Flat • An open organization: Agents/Computers can be added or removed easily • A scale effective organization: performance improve with addition of agents/computers

  5. Terminology & Problem Formulation • Problem : • Given : * an instance of an off-line problem and * a set of software agents distributed over a computer network • Design : an open, scale-effective organization for solving the off-line problem

  6. My concern about subspace assumption • Replacement of the space of all organizations by a smaller subspace with a much higher concentration of open and scale effective organizations. • The subspace contains only a certain type of flat organization called asynchronous team. • These teams are always open and are often scale effective • Does this assumption exists and if so does it always hold ?

  7. Subspace asynchronous team • Defined using constructive grammar, CG(like a structure for the team) • Important components of the CG : * set of primitives(better features of existing organizations) * set of rules for composing organization from primitives

  8. Definitions and Model • There are a total of 17 definitions to really have a good grasps of the grammar construction. There a few references to graphs and elementary probability • Yet to digest the Theorems and proofs

  9. Conclusion • The purpose of the grammar is to provide a means for constructing all asynchronous teams that might be used in solving a given instance of the off-line problem. • That is, the grammar constructively defines the space that must be searched if an asynchronous team that is good at solving the given problem is to be found.

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