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Autonomous Agents Semester Project

Autonomous Agents Semester Project. Panousis Konstantinos Panagiotis ID : 2008030005 Nao Balance Winter Semester 2012-2013. Introduction. Topic : Balance of NAO in a moving surface acros s Z or X axis . Aim :

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Autonomous Agents Semester Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Autonomous AgentsSemester Project PanousisKonstantinosPanagiotis ID: 2008030005 Nao Balance Winter Semester 2012-2013

  2. Introduction. Topic: Balance of NAO in a moving surface across Z or X axis. Aim: Perception of the movement of the surface and application of an appropriate motion. Many possible solutions… In this Project: Use of Force Sensitive Resistors andInertial Unit.

  3. FSRs andInertial Unit These sensors measure a resistance change according to the pressure applied. 2 axis gyrometers 1 three axis accelerometer.

  4. Initial Observations-Problems • Many values were zero, regardless of stance and movement. • Presence of noise in the non-zero values. • Possible jam of perception of the side of the movement. • Combination of movement in 2-axis, produce different results. Needs Extra Recording.

  5. Implemented Solution • Initially: • Use ofChoregraphandWebots for NAO. • Recording values with the use ofALMEMORYWatcherfor movements right, left, back and front. • Use ofScriptBoxandPython, for checking the values and NAO confirmation of understanding the movement. • Then: • Design of Balance Movements using Timeline. • Adjustment of the behaviour for executing designed moves.

  6. Further Problems • With the appliance of the moves that change the stance, the values change again. • Result? • Confusion of the position in which NAO is and execution of wrong movement.Danger of NAO falling. • Solution: • Re-register the values for each position with the new stance. • Re-adjust the behaviour.

  7. Improvement • Initially I only had one set of moves for each side of movement. • then: • Decided to design two moves for each side, resulting in a better balance, if the surface is turned even more. • Same problems as the one set (new Values). • Re-register and appliance.

  8. Results-Possible Improvements • We achieved a better balance in NAO even in large inclination without fall. • E.g. NAO would fall in 0.14 inclination in the Z axis, but with our improvement it is balanced even in 0.25+ inclination. • NAO “understands” the side and the movement itself. • Future Improvement: • Dynamic reaction of NAO, proportional to the inclination of the surface. • Difficulty Level: Very High.

  9. Demonstration. Front and Back Left and Right

  10. Questions??? Thank You!

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