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Online Reconstruction. Outline. DateReader in G4MICE Online Reconstruction hardware Existing Applications: TofProfilesApp Gva2Gva1App Development plan: MICE Hall Geometry (David Adey + Vassil) TOF cabling information (Mark) VmefAdcHit class EMCalDigit class MICE spill
Online Reconstruction M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
Outline • DateReader in G4MICE • Online Reconstruction hardware • Existing Applications: • TofProfilesApp • Gva2Gva1App • Development plan: • MICE Hall Geometry (David Adey + Vassil) • TOF cabling information (Mark) • VmefAdcHit class • EMCalDigit class • MICE spill • Online monitoring histograms in G4MICE • Online Reconstruction M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
DateReader in G4MICE • Each of the different data formats requires one more classes in order to read the format and create the low level C++ classes that hold the raw data. • For DATE, this is achieved by the DateReader code, which has been written and subsequently extended by Yordan and Vassil with help from Jean-Sebastien. • It uses the “unpacking” external library, written by JSG, which is common to both G4MICE and the Online Monitoring. • Additional code in G4MICE is required for each new readout board (e.g. fADC, VLSB, etc). M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
Online Reconstruction Hardware • The computers that will be used to perform online reconstruction have been received in Geneva and are being set up. • The first one has had Cent OS Linux and G4MICE installed on it. • This machine was used to check that G4MICE runs correctly and it passed all the tests. M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
Gva1Gva2App • This was the first application to use data read in from the DATE DAQ. • It currently has hard-coded knowledge of the channels used to read out GVA1 and GVA2, but will change as soon as the MICE hall geometry implementation is finished and verified. • The G4MICE software school (still available on the web for self study!) looks at real data in the final two sessions, including the measurement of time of flight from the GVA counters. M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
TofProflesApp • This application was built in response to a need for beam profile measurements using TOF0. • At the moment it has a “by hand” reconstruction of the position in the TOF (not the proper TOF reconstruction). • As the correct geometry and cabling information is fed into G4MICE, it will be modified to simply call the official TOF reconstruction code and fill the same histograms as already exist. • The following slides show the output from these two applications for the electron data that was taken recently: M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
300 MeV/c M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
200 MeV/c M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
150 MeV/c M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
100 MeV/c M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
Development Plan • MICE Hall Geometry (David Adey + Vassil) • David has agreed to perform the crucial (but apparently not “sexy”) task of taking the engineering drawings and surveyor’s measurements and ensuring that we have a complete and accurate G4MICE of the current state of the MICE hall. • Vassil has also contributed to this already through updating the TOF detector model and adding the GVA1 and GVA2 detectors. • TOF cabling information (Mark) • As part of his ongoing work on the use of TOF data for analysis in the early stages of MICE, Mark is working on a complete cabling file for TOF0 as well as a “version 0” of a calibration file to allow the proper TOF reconstruction code to be run on the TOF0 data. M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
Development Plan • VmefAdcHit class • Vassil is working on the needed code in G4MICE to both contain the raw data from the various fADCs that we have (and will have in the future) as well as create code to perform common tasks (e.g. integrate charge, determine time, etc). • EMCalDigit class • This class was written a long time ago and no longer accurately reflects the true nature of MICE as it is now planned to be built and operated. • Vassil will derive two classes from this for the KL and SW parts of the detector allowing backward compatibility with the existing simulation, but more accurate simulation of the different detector response and readout schemes. M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
Development Plan • MICE spill • At the moment we have two key classes to contain data, the MICEEvent and the MICERun. • The MICEEvent contains classes whose relevance is limited to an “event” (particle trigger in the DAQ terminology), these include things like TDC hits and VLPC hits. • The MICERun contains classes whose information is needed over one or more runs (e.g. geometry, cabling, calibration, etc). • We will soon add a third class, to contain information that is relevant on a spill by spill basis (e.g. Scalars, control and monitoring information, beam loss, target position, etc). • This will also allow (in the future) the simulation of a complete spill of particles in G4MICE. M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
Development Plan • Online monitoring histograms in G4MICE • The first major milestone will be the reproduction of all of the online monitoring histograms by a G4MICE application. • This does not test or involve any reconstruction, but does test G4MICE’s ability to read in the real data and generate the same histograms as the online monitoring. • Once this is proven, the actual reconstruction can be turned on. • Online Reconstruction • Once the online monitoring can be reproduced, the first step will be to integrate the various pieces that will already exist (TOF, GVA, Tracker, probably CKOV and KL) and integrate them into a single application. • In the first instance it will be run manually, and then we will set up load sharing on the online cluster, a GUI, and so on. M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008
Outlook • Progress is slower than I would like, but only as a result of my own time management issues. • We are making great progress thanks to the usual suspects plus a few new people, thanks very much! • At some stage (hopefully soon) we will send out email requests for suggestions as to what the online reconstruction should show, and eventually any requirements on the way in which they are displayed or any other use interface issues. M.Ellis - CM22 - 19th October 2008