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Immersive Web Experience

Immersive Web Experience. Jools Oughtibridge - Creative Futures BA (Hons) Journalism and Digital Media Year 1. Immersive Web Experiences. As part of the brief, I have been asked to explore different immersive web experiences.

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Immersive Web Experience

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  1. Immersive Web Experience Jools Oughtibridge - Creative Futures BA (Hons) Journalism and Digital Media Year 1

  2. Immersive Web Experiences As part of the brief, I have been asked to explore different immersive web experiences. Throughout the web, there are many websites that offer this immersion, and I have selected 5 that I think offer something different. An immersive experience is one that pushes the boundaries of website design, and the best examples blur the lines between visiting a website, which can be one dimensional, and telling a story, allowing the user to choose their own path.

  3. Century of the Child - MoMA

  4. Century of the Child - MoMA • MoMA is the Museum of Modern Art, and is based in New York. • In 2012, they hosted the exhibition "Century of the Child: Growing by Design, 1900-2000". • This looked at different aspects of childhood throughout the 20th Century. • Website shows a journey through the decades. • Visually striking website, but lacks in sound for an immersive experience. • Breaks convention with navigation menu at bottom of screen.

  5. Formula One Data

  6. Formula 1 Data • Formula One has been in existence since 1950, with the first "Grand Prix" held at Silverstone. • Lots of Data, and this website presents post-1965 data visually. • Website contains lots of links to further information, and tells the story of a race, season, or driver in a non-linear way. • Lots of avenues to explore, without feeling restricted. • Visual striking, but without immersive sound element.

  7. Gravity Movie

  8. Gravity Movie • Gravity Movie released in 2013, starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. • The website is part of multiple strands to engage the viewer with the film. • Front page features moving video in the background, and ambient noises and sound effects from the film. • Links to videos, photos, webGL 3D sub-movie. • Website felt less like a website, and a more immersive experience. • Better to turn off the light and view on a large screen, with surround sound

  9. Lifesaver - Resuscitation Council (UK)

  10. Lifesaver - Resuscitation Council (UK) • Interactive story with multiple strands to educate about resuscitation and different scenarios. • Engages the user, with timed responses as you would in real life. • Material to read, but the engagement allows kinesthetic learning. • Imaginative use of audio/video. • Feels more like a gaming experience, rather than a boring textbook, which could be aimed at a younger audience, more used to gaming. • Personally, I feel this is an excellent way of training without people feeling that they are being taught.

  11. Tasmania Firestorm

  12. Tasmania Firestorm • A story about bush fires in Tasmania. • Told in the style of a story, with chapters, but with lots of additional content. • Immersive as audio/visual content is available at all stages of the story. • There is a linear methodology to the story, but with lots of links back and forth allowing the viewer to choose their route. • The story could be quite flat, but with the additional content, gives the story something additional.

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