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Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management Resolving Conflicts Together. Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management Mission.
Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict ManagementResolving Conflicts Together
Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict ManagementMission To positively affect the lives of Ohioans by increasing knowledge and promoting use of non-adversarial problem solving methods that reduce the chance of violence, build positive relationships and offer greater satisfaction with outcomes.
Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict ManagementEducation Program Area Goals • For every student (K-12) to learn and use constructive nonviolent conflict management and dispute resolution skills • For teachers, administrators, staff, and higher education faculty to learn and model conflict management and dispute resolution skills • To expand the number of effective comprehensive conflict management programs and activities
School Conflict Management Programs: What can they achieve? 1. Disciplinary actions 2. Suspensions 3. Students attitudes are positively affected 4. Student Mediators gain self-confidence 5. School climate improves 6. Home behavior improves 7. Teachers and counselors benefit 8. Academic achievement improves
Applications of conflict management in schools Structures and systems Policies and Procedures School culture Pedagogy Curriculum student conduct Shared Goals Habits of Mind and Heart Adapted by Marin a Piscolish from Ellen Raider 1987 Institute for International Conflict and Cooperation. Teachers College, Columbia University NY,NY.
Student Conduct Curriculum Pedagogy School Culture Problem-solving Based Classroom Management Philosophy and Practice Conflict Management (CM) Curriculum for All Students Problem-Based Learning for Students and Staff Data-driven and Shared Decision Making/ SBM Comprehensive School-wide Student Conduct Plan consistent w/CM CM Infusion into Academics (Math, Soc. St., Science, Lang. Arts) Cooperative and Team Teaching and Learning Facilitative Leadership and Effective Meeting Practices Classroom and Community Service Programs CM Emphasis in Co-curricular Activities (Sports, Clubs Music) Critical Thinking Approaches Common Vision, Philosophy and Shared Commitment to Improvement or Reform Youth Empowerment & Peer Leadership Initiatives Prejudice Reduction, Diversity Education Elimination of Tracking & Use of Innovative Grouping Strategies Active Parent Involvement Program Peer Mediation Values and Character Education, EQ Programs Multi-cultural Curricula Community and Agency Partnerships Violence Prevention Integrated, Thematic Teaching Collaborative Labor – Management Approach Substance Abuse Prevention Programs Individualized Instructional Approaches School-wide Dispute Resolution System Comprehensive Conflict Management: Imagine the Possibilities (C) by Marina Piscolish, 2000
Potential Linkages of Conflict Resolution in Education • School board development • Administrator development • Staff development • Engaged-Learner Instructional Practices • Facilitation of planned change • Shared governance practices • Labor-management relations • Parent involvement • Re-invention of discipline and classroom management • Prejudice reduction and diversity training • Crisis intervention and violence prevention