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OST184 Records Management. Chapter 6 Alphabetic Records Management, Equipment, and Procedures. What type of equipment and supplies are used most often in offices?. What is the specific vocabulary for RIM equipment and supplies?.
OST184 Records Management Chapter 6 Alphabetic RecordsManagement, Equipment,and Procedures
What type of equipment and supplies are used most often in offices? What is the specific vocabulary for RIM equipment and supplies? You need to RESEARCH thoroughly allthe possibilities before making a decision to purchase filing equipment and supplies.
Vertical file cabinets Lateral file cabinets Shelf files Mobile shelving Types of storage equipment commonly used for paper records are: Which type is best for you organization?
Storage equipment that is deeper than it is wide. Generally, the arrangement of documents in the file drawers is from front to back. Vertical file cabinets are the conventional storage cabinets in one- to five-drawer designs. The most common widths of vertical file cabinet drawers are appropriate for letters,legal-size documents, and cards. Storage Equipment – Vertical Files
Storage equipment that is wider than it is deep – records are accessed from the side (horizontally). Records can be arranged in the drawer from front to back “or” side to side. These are particularly suited for narrow aisle spaces. Some may have a combination of roll-back drawer fronts and pull-out drawers. Storage Equipment – Lateral Files
A shelf file is open-shelving equipment in which records are accessed horizontally from the open side. Self files may be an open style or have roll-back or roll-down fronts. They may have stationary shelves or shelves arranged in rotary form. Rotary shelf files make spaceavailable in the back of acabinet by rotating the bankof shelves so that recordscan be stored and accessedfrom both sides of theshelves. Storage Equipment – Shelf Files
A series of shelving units that moves on tracks attached to the floor for access to files. Because aisle space is not constantly maintained between each unit, mobile shelving can approximately double the storage capacity of a area. Mobile aisle system – consists of rows of shelving used for compact storage, situated on wheel-fitted carriages that travel on tracks and allow one or more aisles to be opened to access the system. Motorized rotary storage - a unit that rotates shelves in the unit around a central hub to bring the files to the operator. Storage Equipment – Mobile Shelving
Storage Capacity • When choosing storagecabinets or shelves, acomparison of filecapacity and floor space requirements helps determine costeffectiveness. • Shelf files save filer time as well as floor space because there are no drawers to open before records can be accessed; however, open-shelf filing for confidential or vital records must be placed in a records vault for security. • Fire protection is also a safety consideration.
The 9’ x 12’ space illustrated in the left floor plan uses nine standard four drawer lateral file cabinet. The 9’ x 12’ space on the right uses only three 8-tier rotary files to house the same amount of records. You can appreciate how the rotary file layout in the right floor plan provides additional floor space for user and easy access from both sides of the files.
Guides Folders OUT indicators Labels Sorters StorageSupplies
A guide is a rigid divider used to identify a section in a file an to facilitate reference to a particular location. Two types of guides: Primary guide identifies a main file section Special guide identifies an individual, company, or subject Storage Supplies - Guides • Proper placement of guides eliminates the need to spend time searching through similar names to find the part of the alphabet needed. • Guides also serve to keep the contents of a container upright. Keeping contents upright promotes efficient storage and retrieval.
A divider that identifies a main division or section of a file and always precedes all other material in a section. Primary Guides
Used to: Indicate the location of individual or company folder with a high volume of correspondence. Introduce a special section of subjects. Identify a section reserved for names with the same first indexing unit. Special Guides(auxiliary guide) A divider used to lead the eye quickly to a specific place in a file.
Authorities recommend using about 20 guides for each file drawer; or for each 28 linear inches of stored records. • Too few guides results in unnecessary time spent looking for the correct place to store or fine a record. • Too many guides that are unevenly distributed throughout the files can slow storage and retrieval because the eye must look at so many tabs to find the right section.
File Drawer Open-Shelf Files Storage Supplies - Folders Straight-line arrangement – aligns folder tabs in one position. Staggered arrangement – follows a series of several different positions from left to right according to a pattern.
Folders behind every guide are used to keep “like” records together. Three types of folders: General folders Individual folders Special folders
General Folders A folder for records to and from correspondents with a small volume that does not require an individual folder or folders. Records are arranged inside a general folder alphabetically by the correspondents’ names. Then, the most recently dated record is placed on top within each correspondent’s records. Here the general folders are the “A” and “B” folders.
IndividualFolders A folder used to store the records of an individual correspondent with enough records to warrant a separate folder. Records are arranged chronologically in an individual folder with the most recently dated record on top. Records pertaining to one correspondent are removed from the general folder and placed in an individual folder when the number of records accumulates to a pre-determined number. Individual folders are placed in alphabetical order between the primary guide and its general folder.
Special Folders A folder that follows an auxiliary or special guide in an alphabetic arrangement. The three special folders here are: APPLICATIONS- ACCOUNTING and APPLICATIONS-OFFICE SUPPORT and BENNETT PROJECT
Proper care of folders will help make stored records readily accessible. When records start to “ride up” in any folder, too many papers are in the folder. Records should never protrude from the folder edges. Records should be inserted with their tops to the left. Score marks – indented or raised lines or series of marks along the bottom edge of a folder to allow for expansion. A folder lasts longer and is easier to use if it is not stuffed beyond its capacity. If too many papers are in one folder, prepare a second folder for that correspondent. Care of Folders
A new group of names is to be added to a file. Older folders have become full and additional ones must be added to take care of the overload. Enough records have accumulated for certain correspondents so that their records can be removed from the general folders and put into individual folders. Folders have worn out from heavy use and must be replaced. The regular time of the year has arrived for replacing folders and transferring infrequently used folders to inactive storage. New folders may be needed because:
Built-in hooks on each side that hang from parallel metal rails on each side of file drawer. Generally, hanging folders should not leave a file drawer. They have up to ten slots across the upper edge for placement of insertable plastic tabs and can hold several interior folders to subdivide a file. Suspension (hanging) Folders
Has a top flap and sides to enclose records in a case with creases that allow it to expand like an accordion. Bellows (expansion) folders Bellows (expansion) folders Partially enclosed sides and more expansion at the bottom than an ordinary folder.
A device at the back of a file drawer that can be moved to allow contraction or expansion of the drawer contents. Follower Blocks or Compressors
OUT indicators– A device that shows the location of borrowed records. These contain a form for writing the name of person borrowing the record, the date it was borrowed, and the due date. OUT Guides– A special guide used to replace any record that has been removed from storage and to indicate what was taken and by whom. OUT Folders–Special folder used to replace a complete folder that has been removed from storage. OUT Sheets– A form that is inserted in place of a record removed from a folder.
Label - device containing the nameof the contents of a folder,drawer, or container. Caption -a title, heading, or description of a record(s) printed on a label. Folder Labels Pressure sensitive adhesive labels incontinuous folded stripsor on sheets. Often have a colored stripacross the top. Most word processing software will prepare labels.
Container Labels – the labels on drawers, shelf, or other storage containers. Guide Labels – the labels on guides that consist of words, letters, or numbers. Location of labels • Place folder labels near the left edge and as near the top of the label or the bottom of the color bar as possible. • For alphabetic filing, the letter of the alphabet is keyed first, followed by about ½ inch of blank space; then the filing segment. In all cases, the label is keyed in capital letters with no punctuation.
Bar codes can be generatedalong with a name on a label. Use of a bar code tracking system keeps a record of a file location at all times. When a file is checked out, a scanner reads the bar code. Information about the file and who checked it out is then updated and recorded in a computer program. Bar Codes
One way to achieve uniform placement of labels is: When a new box of folders is opened, remove all the folders, hold them tightly together, and stand them upright on a flat surface. Place a ruler or stiff card over the tab edge at the spot where all the labels are to be affixed. Make a pencil mark across the top edge of all the tabs. A very small pencil mark will show on each of the tabs at the same place and will serve as a guide for attaching all the labels. Consistency in the placement andformat of labels helps achievefaster retrieval of a required folder.
A sorter is a device used to arrange records into alphabetic or numeric categories and to hold records temporarily prior to storage. The records are organized alphabetically in the order they will be stored to improve the speed and accuracy storage in the records system. The type used depends on the volume of record flow in the office. Sorters
Appropriate selection of storage equipment and supplies requires consideration of the following factors: Type and volume of records to be storedand retrieved. Degree of required protection of records. Efficiency and ease of use of equipmentand systems. Space considerations. Cost (see next slide) Selection of Storage Equipment and Supplies Special needs of your organization could add other factorsto your list of considerations.
After all other criteria have beenexamined, cost and the companybudget may be the final determinants. • Cost of the personnel needed to work. • Compatibility of supplies and equipment. • Benefits of using the right type and quality of storage devices. • Using local vendors rather than out-of-town vendors. • Possibility of discounts for quantity purchases. • Feasibility of used rather than new equipment. • Volume of recordsversus square footage available.
System does not require an index; therefore, it is direct access and saves time and reduces costs of operation. All records for correspondent names that begin with numbers written as digits are filed before all alphabetic names. Knowing this rule facilitates storage and retrieval. The alphabetic dictionary (A to Z) order of arrangement is simple to understand. Storage is easy if standard procedures are followed. Misfiles are easily checked by examining alphabetic sequence. Related records from one name are grouped together. Alphabetic System - Advantages
Misfiling is prevalent if rules for alphabetic storage are not established and followed. Similar names may cause confusion, especially when spellings are not precise. Transposition of some letters of the alphabet is easy, causing filing sequence to be out of order. Filing under the wrong name can result in lost records. Names on folders are seen instantly by anyone who happens to glance at an open storage container. Consequently, confidential or classified records are not secure. Related records with different correspondent names are filed in more than one place. Alphabetic System - Disadvantages
To select an alphabetic system, or to redesignone, the records manager should know: The total volume of records to be stored. The number of records in each alphabetic section and which letters of the alphabet contain a large number of records. The expected activity of the files – an estimate of how many times records may be requested. The length of time records are to be kept. The efficiency of the filing personnel. Time and resources available for training personnel. Selection and Design of an AlphabeticRecords Management System
The person in charge of the records must keep the needs of the office in mind and not be swayed by the beauty of the system, the expect sales techniques or a representative, or the apparent low cost of a system. The person in charge of the records may seek the help of a records management consultant or a representative of a filing system manufacturer. The Person in Charge
The use of color enhances theeffectiveness of a records storage system. The use of color has two meanings: Color Coding is using color as anidentifying aid in a filing system.For example, different colors might be used to divide the alphabetic sections in the storage system. Color Accenting the consistent use of different colors for different supplies in the storage system – one color for guides, various colors for folders, one color for OUT indicators, and specific colors of labels or stripes on labels. Examples of Records Storage Systems Blocks of colored folders act as a visual guide to lead you quickly to a section of the alphabet.
Color bars can correspond to the first letters of the correspondent’s name to create blocks of colors. Then, another use of color shows the same first color for alphabetic letter guides and a different second color on the label for secondary guides. The use of color speeds retrieval because it eliminates the need to stop and read letters. Use of a contrasting color for special folders makes them easy to locate. Misfiles stand out visually when the color pattern is broken. There are many trade-related alphabetic systems are available. Two of the more popular ones are: TAB http://tab.com/index.shtml Smead http://smead.com/
The actual storing operation is an exacting responsibility that must be done with concentration and the knowledge that a mistake can be costly. • No matter whether records or centralized, decentralized, or centrally controlled, the filingprocedures remain the same.
Checking a record for its “readiness to be filed.” A business record must not be stored until someone with authority marks it to be released for filing. Storing records before their contents are noted and before appropriate action has been taken can sometimes cause embarrassment to a business and can directly or indirectly result in financial loss or loss of goodwill. A release mark is an agree-upon mark such as initials or a symbol placed on a record to show that the record is ready for storage. A date/time stamp is not a release mark. Step #1 - Inspecting Be sure the record to be stored has been released for storage!
Keep these rules in mind when indexing incoming correspondence: On incoming correspondence, the name for storage purposes is usually in the letterhead. If a letterhead has no relationship with the contents of the letter, the writer’s name or the writer’s business connection is used. Incoming correspondence on plain paper most likely will be called for by the name in the signature line, so this name is the one used for storage. When both the company name and the name of the writer seem to be of equal important, the company name is used. Step #2 - Indexing
Keep these rules in mind when indexingoutgoing correspondence: On the file copy of an outgoing letter, the most important name is usually the one contained in the letter address When both the company name and the name of an individual are contained in the letter address, the company name is used for filing unless the letter is personal or unless a name in the body is the correct name to index. On a copy of a personal letter, the writer’s name is usually the most important and should be used for storage. Indexing (cont’d)
If a special subject is used in an alphabetic arrangement, the subject is given precedence over both company and individual names appearing in the correspondence. Often, the subject name is written on the correspondence at the top right. In case of real doubt – request clarification from the records supervisor or the department from which the record came. Indexing (cont’d)
In some offices, coding is done in colored pencil; in other offices, coding is done with a pencil, to keep distracting marks at a minimum. Coding saves time when refiling is necessary. An uncoded record removed from storage and returned at a later date to be refiled must be indexed and coded again if it wasn’t originally coded. Diagonals are placed between the units; the key unit is underlined; and the succeeding units are numbered. Step #3 - Coding Letterhead on incoming document coded for storage ReleaseMark
The same cross-reference rules learned earlierapply for storing correspondence. The record is indexed and coded for the company by placing diagonals between the units, underlining the key unit, and numbering the other units. The letter is then coded for cross-referencing by placing a line under the alternate name, marking the units, and placing an “X” in the margin. At times, a permanent cross-reference replaces an individual folder to direct the filer to the correct storage place. A permanent cross-reference is a guide with a tab in the same position as the tabs on the individual folder and is placed in a location that is frequently assumed to be the location of that folder. Step #4 – Cross-referencing
Sorting is arranging records in the sequencein which they are to be filed or stored, andprecedes the actual storing. Sorting should be done as soon as possible after coding and cross-referencing, especially if storage is delayed. Sometimes coding and rough sorting are done in sequence. Rough sorting is arranging records in approximately the same order as the filing system in which they will be place. If a record is needed before it has been filed, it can be found with less delay if records have been rough sorted instead of being put in a stack on a desk. Fine sorting is arranging records in exact order of the filing system in which they will be placed. Step #5 - Sorting
Storing is the actual placement of records into storage containers, a physical task of great importance in an office. A misfiled record is often a lost record; and a lost record means loss of time, money, and peace of mind. In some offices, the job of storing records in done at different times. Some do it in the morning, some in the afternoon, some at the end of the day, and some do it throughout the day when the records are ready or a lull in other work occurs. Prior to the storing of records, the filer must remember to: Remove paper clips. Staple records together in upper, right-corner. Mend torn records. Unfold folded records. Step #6 Storing
Before placing the record into its storagelocation, the filer should: Check for individual or a special folder for the filing segment. If none, locate the general folder. Slightly raise the folder into which the record is to be placed. Avoid pulling the folder up by its tab however, as continual pulling will separate the tab from its folder. Raising the folder ensures that the record will be inserted into the folder and not in from or behind it. Determine the correct placement of the document because all records in the folder will bear the same coded name. Place each record in the folder with its top to the left so that all the records in it are proper reading position. Job the folder to straighten the records if they are uneven before replacing the folder. Step #6 Storing (cont’d)
Special points to remember include: Never open more than one drawer ina cabinet at the same time. The most recently dated record in an individual folder is always placed at the front and therefore is on top when the folder is opened. Records that are removed from a folder and later refiled must be placed in their correct chronologic sequence, not on top. Records within a general folder are arranged first alphabetically by correspondents’ names and then by date. Step #6 Storing (cont’d)
A tickler file is a date-sequenced file bywhich matters pending are flagged forattention on the proper date. This chronologic arrangement of information “tickles” the memory and serves as a reminder that specific action must be taken. Other names sometimes used are suspense file and pending file. The basic arrangement of a tickler file is always the same – chronologic by current month and day. A manual arrangement usually takes the form of a series of 12 guides with the names of the months of the year printed on their tabs. One set of guides or folders with tabs printed with 1- 31 for the days of the month is also used. Using a Tickler File