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Implementing HB 5 in Humble ISD. House Bill 5. Has been passed by both the House and Senate with differences Will go to a Conference Committee to iron out the differences Must be signed by the Governor before becoming law. Key Components of HB 5.
House Bill 5 • Has been passed by both the House and Senate with differences • Will go to a Conference Committee to iron out the differences • Must be signed by the Governor before becoming law
Key Components of HB 5 • Will allow greater flexibility in the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) with endorsements • Will expand available CTE courses that will satisfy the requirements for endorsements
Key Components of HB 5 Will reduce End-of-Course exam requirements Senate Version Algebra I Biology US History English II Reading English II Writing Algebra I Biology US History English I (R+W) English II (R+W) House Version
The new FHSP • The core requirements will likely be: • 4 English • 4 Math (to include Alg I and Geom) • 4 Science (to include Bio) • 3 Social Studies (to include US History, Gov’t, and Econ) • Students will be strongly encouraged to earn an endorsement which may include CTE and specific math and science courses • More details to come once the bill is law • Students currently in high school (and possibly current 8th graders) may graduate on the graduation plans now in place (MHSP, RHSP, DAP) or may choose the FHSP
So what possible changes might students make to their 2013-2014 courses should they choose the new FHSPgraduation plan? Very important: Student can NOT mix graduation plans; if student chooses the new FHSP, s/he must complete ALL requirements of FHSP
So what possible changes might students make to their 2013-2014 courses should they choose the new FHSPgraduation plan? Very important: Student can NOT mix graduation plans; if student chooses the new FHSP, s/he must complete ALL requirements of FHSP
So what possible changes might students make to their 2013-2014 courses should they choose the new FHSPgraduation plan? Very important: Student can NOT mix graduation plans; if student chooses the new FHSP, s/he must complete ALL requirements of FHSP
So what possible changes might students make to their 2013-2014 courses should they choose the new FHSPgraduation plan? Very important: Student can NOT mix graduation plans; if student chooses the new FHSP, s/he must complete ALL requirements of FHSP
So what possible changes might students make to their 2013-2014 courses should they choose the new FHSPgraduation plan? Very important: Student can NOT mix graduation plans; if student chooses the new FHSP, s/he must complete ALL requirements of FHSP
When Considering FHSP . . . • Think about the student’s chosen pathway • Which science & math courses will be needed? • Think about which college/university the student plans to attend • Which science & math courses are required for admission and/or chosen major? • Realize we don’t know all the details of the FHSP • Will the student have an opportunity to complete all the requirements of the FHSP?
Student Procedure for Course Changes • 1. Review next year’s requested courses on the attached verification sheet. • 2. Go to www.bridges.com • Portfolio Name = humble + your student ID (ex: humble123456) • Password = your student ID (ex: 123456) • Click Choices Planner • Click the green “your portfolio” tab near the top, then click “YOUR PLANS” • Scroll down to the purple “Your School Course Plan” • 3. If you wish to remain on your current graduation plan, make certain that next year’s planned courses in Bridges match those on your attached course verification sheet. If they don’t match, edit the Bridges planned courses.
Student Procedure for Course Changes 4. If you wish to graduate on the new Foundation High School Plan (FHSP), make the appropriate potential changes in Bridges. Write the same changes on your course verification sheet, have a parent sign it, and return that sheet to your counselor by Friday, May 31. We will make these changes once HB 5 becomes a law. Remember: The FHSP may have other course requirements that are not currently in your graduation plan. You will be informed of those requirements as soon as we know them. Please watch for new videos on our district website, www.humbleisd.net. • *Students receiving services through Special Education may need to have course changes approved by an ARD Committee. • Course Plans in Bridges will be locked again June 3rd. If you wish to make changes after that date, contact your campus to speak with a counselor.
Communicating with Parents • Parents can view the power point online • Two evening meetings for parents will be held on each campus during the summer • Counselors will be available during summer work hours on each HS campus to answer questions • Information letters will be sent home with report cards • Power point for FHSP online • How to request changes • Parent meetings dates/times • How to schedule appt with counselor
Help us help you! • Turn in course change requests on time • Check www.humbleisd.net often for updates • Make an appointment to talk with a high school counselor if needed