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REFINING. There are (3) major Refineries in Iraq: 1- Doura Refinery – built in the Fifties of the last Century with a capacity of (70) kb1/d which was increased to (110) k b1/d by adding 4 (10) k b1/d units. 2- Basrah Refinery - built in the seventies of the last Century with a
REFINING There are (3) major Refineries in Iraq: 1- Doura Refinery – built in the Fifties of the last Century with a capacity of (70) kb1/d which was increased to (110) k b1/d by adding 4 (10) k b1/d units. 2- Basrah Refinery - built in the seventies of the last Century with a capacity of (140) kb1/d which was increased to (180) k b1/d by adding 4 (10) k b1/d units. 3- Baiji Refinery- built in the seventies and eighties of the last Century with a capacity of (290) kb1/d which was increased to (310) k b1/d by adding 2 (10) k b1/d units.
REFINING All these refineries .were simple designed to produce white products not exceeding (50 -55%) of the feed crude. Only Baiji has a hydrocracker units of (30)kb1/d capacity. All three refineries have lube oil plants of various capacities. These refineries sustained severe damage during the 1991 gulf war . They were all fixed and put int operation within 2 -3 months from the end of the said war , but were not restored to a healthy state . The long period of UN sanction inflicted more damage due to disrepair&lack of maintenance .
REFINING Period April 2003 – Dec 2008 The operation of refineries was adversely affected by the security situation. Insurgent & terrorist attacks targeted crude oil & product pipe lines. Refineries suffered frequent stoppage of operation, either due to lack of crude oil or inability to evacuate products. This applies to the period 2005 – 2007 . In 2008 there is a definite improvement in the operation thus the daily average for refining has been gradually increasing coupled with decrease of oil products imports.
Status End 2010 1- MIDLAND REFINERIES A- Doura Refinery Installed Capacity : 210kb 1/d. - 2 new CDUs,each of 70 kb1/d - both in operation. - A third Hydrotreater Reformer Unit 10 kb1/d – procurement phase. - Isomerisation Unit 10 kb1/d – Civil work & supply of equipment phase. - A power generation station 50 mw – under construction. - One New Boiler 150 ton/h with Demin Water Unit –completed & in operation. Second New boiler 150 ton/h under construction. - An RFCC Unit 40 kb1/d – FEED Package awarded. - New Cooling Tower – Contract awarded.
Lube Oil Plants A- Doura Refinery There are 3 Lube Oil plant : - No:1 – completed 1959 by Foster wheeler - capacity 25 kton/y present operation at 85% of capacity . - No:2 – completed 1969 by Snam Projetee – capacity 36 kton/y present operation at 77% of capacity - No:3 – completed 1978 by Nigata – capacity 60 kton/y- present operation at 94% of capacity
Future Plans A- Doura Refinery - Replacement of 3 CDUs 70 kb1/d total capacity with one CDU unit 70 kb1/d. - Additional treatment of Industrial water including circulation of treated water. - Improvement of Flare system to reduce emmissions. - Complete renovation of lube oil plants. - Replacement of old reformer units with new ones. - New Gas Oil hydrotreater units
Status End 2010 MIDLAND REFINERIES B- Najaf Refinery: - 3 Distillation Units , (10)kb1/d each – in operation. - A Naphtha Hydrotreater & Reformer unit with all related utilities in the engineering phase. - Asphalt unit – planned.
Status End 2010 MIDLAND REFINERIES C- Samawa Refinery - 3 Distillation Units , (10)kb1/d each – in operation. - A Naphtha Hydrotreater & Reformer unit with all related utilities in the engineering phase. - Asphalt unit – planned
Status End 2010 1- MIDLAND REFINERIES D- Diwanya Refinery - One Distillation Unit , (10)kb1/d in operation. - 2rd Distillation Unit , (10)kb1/d under fabrication.
Status End 2010 2- NORTH REFINERIES A- Baiji Refinery Complex – Capacity 310 kb1/d. - New Isomeration Unit – 19.6 kb1/d – Final stages of construction. - 6 New boilers – 400 ton/hr total capacity -under construction. - New power generation plants (85)mw – contracted. - New LPG unit for North Refinery , 400 tons/d – Award of contract under processing. - Upgrading of Waste Water Treatment System – under implementation. - Re-construction of (51) storage tanks – 9 Nos complete, 80% completion of remaining tanks. - Rehabilitation & De- bottle necking of Hydro- Cracker Unit – under evaluation with Designer & Supplier . - New FCC unit 50 kb1/d – Feasibility Completed
Status End 2010 2- NORTH REFINERIES A-Baiji Refinery Complex - Lube Oil Plant , 250 kton/y – at present one train 125 kton/y is in operation. Second train is under rehabilitation. B- Kirkuk Refinery - 3 CDU 10kb1/d each – in operation. C- Kasak Refinery - one 10 kb1/d unit – in operation. - Second 10 kb1/d unit - civil work construction. - Waste Water Treatment Unit – under construction. - New Storage Tanks – under construction.
Status End 2010 2- NORTH REFINERIES D- Qayarah Refinery - 4 Old Asphalt Units, one 180 cum /d & three 360 cum/d each - only one unit 360 cum/d is in operation at 50% capacity. other units are under rehabilitation . - A new Asphalt Unit is planned . - One 10kb1/d CDU operating on Kirkuk Crude - installed. - 2rd 10kb1/d CDU operating on Kirkuk Crude - under installation. - 8 storage tanks –under construction. E- Seeniyah Refinery - Three 10 kb1/d units – in operation - 10 storage tanks – under construction. - Waste Water Treatment unit – under construction.
Status End 2010 2- NORTH REFINERIES F- Haditha Refinery - 2 units , 16 kb1/d total capacity – in operation. - 12 storage tanks – under construction. - Waste Water Treatment Unit – planned . Future Plans - Rehabilitation of Gas Oil Hydrotreating Units. - Rehabilitation & upgrading of lube plant. - Replacement of old reformer units.
Status End 2010 3- SOUTH REFINERIES A- Basrah Refinery - New (70) kb1/d Distillation Units with an LPG unit (300) ton/d- under construction. - Third Hydrotreater Platformer Unit 10kb1/d -under construction. - New LPG unit (200) ton for Train(1) – procurement phase - New Isomeriation Unit (11) kb1/d - Delivery of equipment & Site preparation. - 3 New Boilers , 100 ton/h each – under installation. - New Waste Water Treatment Plant – Awarded. - New cooling Tower – under construction . - New FCC Unit 30 kb1/d – FEED package preparation phase. - Replacement of old reformer units.
Future Plans - New Utility Package . - New Gas oil Hydrotreatment Unit- Design completed. - New Naphtha hyrotreater unit 15 kb1/d. - Upgrading of Instrumentation & Control. - Improvement of Flare System to reduce emmissions. - Up grading of waste water system & recirculation of treated water.
Status End 2010 3- SOUTH REFINERIES B – Nasiriyah Refinery - 3 Distillation Units , (10)Kb1/d each in operation. - A Hydrotreater Reformer unit with all related utilities- Engineering phase. - A Waste Water Treatment unit – Evaluation of offers. - An Ro unit 50m3/h completed & in operation. - Expansion of utilities & tankage – planned. C- Missan Refinery - 3 CDUs , 10 kb1/d each – installed & in operation
Refining Levels - year : 2004 404 k b1/d - = : 2005 377 = - = : 2006 356 = - = : 2007 329 = - = : 2008 443 = - = : 2009 447 = - = : 2010 523 = (Jan- Oct)
Import of Oil Products Yearton/d Total Value 2004 3658.6 1731.2 million $ 2005 7706.3 4517.2 = = 2006 2302.7 3517.9 = = 2007 2402.5 1749.8 = = 2008 2603.4 2345.6 = = 2009 2016.0 1272.4 = = 2010 1472.0 1077.0 = = End of Aug * Import for Ministry of Electricity is not included
Consumption of white Products Cubic Meters Legend Gasoline Gas Oil Kerosene
NEW REFINERIES 1- Karbala Refinery Capacity 140 000 BPSD
SITE INFORMATION: • Kerbala Refinery is located about (110) KM South west Of Baghdad. • Area : 4 X 3 Km2 • Coordinate U.T.M. : • N : 3580000 • E : 415000
Products Specification will be according to EURO-4 as minimum required. • Gasoline , Kerosene &Gas oil with (10 ppm ) Sulphur content .
2-Maissan Refinery Capacity 150 000 BPSD
SITE INFORMATION: • Maissan Refinery is located about (400) KM South Of Baghdad. • Area :( 2 X 3) Km2 • Coordinate U.T.M. : • N : 3537000 • E : 730000
Products Specification will be according to EURO-4 as minimum required. • Gasoline , Kerosene &Gas oil with (10 ppm ) Sulphur content .
3- Al-Nassiriya Refinery Capacity 300 000 BPSD
SITE INFORMATION: • Al-Nassiriya Refinery is located about (400) KM South Of Baghdad. • Refinery Area 5.6 Km2 • Coordinates U.T.M. : • N : 3413750 • E : 622900
Products Specification will be according to EURO-4 as minimum required. • Gasoline , Kerosene &Gas oil with (10 ppm ) Sulphur content .
4-Kirkuk Refinery Capacity 150 000 BPSD
SITE INFORMATION: • Kirkuk Refinery is located about (300) KM North Of Baghdad. • Area :( 2 X 3) Km2 • Coordinate U.T.M. : • N : 3937794 • E : 431192
Products Specification will be according to EURO-4 as minimum required. • Gasoline , Kerosene &Gas oil with (10 ppm ) Sulphur content .
Gas Processing - Rehabilitation of the second train in Khor al Zubair – South gas – under way. - Rehabilitation of Sour gas treatment units at NGL North Rumailah – under way . -Studies for New slug catchers at khor al Zubair & NGL & Sulphur recovery unit at North Rumailah – under way.
Future Plans - Third Train in North Gas – Studies & Evaluation. - Expansion of existing compressor stations for Rumailah,Zubair&West Qurna Fields to match future production levels from these fields. - Expansion of NGL capacity of South Gas from present 1050 mmscf/d to 2500 mmscf/d. - Implementing Sour Gas treatment & Sulphur recovery Units at Khor al Zubair. - Building Power generation at Khor al Zubair. - Rehabilitation of LPG & Ng Export Terminal at Khor al Zubair.
Present Installed Refining Capacity 1- Salah al Din Complex – Baiji – 310 mb1/d 2- Doura Refinery – Baghdad – 210 mb1/d 3- Basrah Refinery – Basrah -140 mb1/d + 70mb1/d under construction 4- - 6 small refineries , 30mb1/d – 180 mb1/d Kirkuk,Syniah-Baiji , Najaf,Samawa,Nasiriyah,Maisan - 1 small refinery at Diwaniyah – 20 mb1/d - 1 = = = Kasak –Neinewah – 10 mb1/d - 1 = = = Haditha – Anbar – 16 mb1/d Total- 886 mb1/d +70 mba under construction
Operating Capacity The average operating capacity is in the 580 – 620 mb1/d. The short fall in refining capacity is due to - Shortage in delivery of crude oil - Frequent stoppages due to operational problems - Accumulation of fuel oil or Naphtha in small refineries.
Main Projects in Existing Refineries - 3 Ismerisation Units at Baiji , Doura & Basrah – under construction. -2 Gasoline Reformers at Doura & Basrah- Procurement & Construction Phases. - Fcc unit at Basrah –FEED phase. - Fcc unit at Doura–FEED phase. - Fcc unit at Baiji – Feasibility Completed. -2Gas Oil Desulphurisation Units at Basrah & Doura- Bidding Stage . -3 small Gasoline Reformer units at Najaf ,Samawa& Nasiriyah- Engineering phase. - Power Generation Units at Doura & Baiji – under construction