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English Affixes- Notes

English Affixes- Notes. Seventh Grade English Language Arts. Mal-. The Latin prefix mal- means “bad” Can you come up with three words that begin with this prefix? m alfunction m aladjusted m alnutrition m aldigestion malevolence malformation. Per-.

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English Affixes- Notes

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  1. English Affixes- Notes Seventh Grade English Language Arts

  2. Mal- The Latin prefix mal-means “bad” Can you come up with three words that begin with this prefix? malfunction maladjusted malnutrition maldigestion malevolence malformation

  3. Per- The Latin prefix per- means “through” or “completely.” Can you come up with three more words that start with this prefix? persevere percolate persuade per capita perceive percent

  4. -ment The Latin suffix –ment- means the act of quality of movement supplement advisement

  5. -ious The Latin suffix –ious- means full of Glamorous Precious Precarious

  6. -ness The Old English suffix –ness means “the condition or quality of being.” It usually indicates the word is a noun. Can you come up with three more words that end with this suffix? dreariness togetherness greatness

  7. -able The Latin suffix –able means “capable” or “worthy of being.” Can you come up with three more words that end with this suffix? lovable enjoyable preferable

  8. -just- The Latin root –just- means “law” or “fair and right”. Can you come up with three words that have this root? justifies adjustment justice

  9. -rupt- The Latin root –rupt- means “break” or “burst”. Can you come up with three words that have this root? interrupted abrupt corruption

  10. -leg- The Latin root –leg- means “law”. Can you come up with three words that have this root? allegation legacy privilege

  11. -peti- The Latin root –peti- means “to ask , request, or strive after.” Can you come up with three words that have this root? repetitive impetuous appetite

  12. -vers- The Latin root –vers- means “to turn”. Can you come up with three words that have this root? diversion adverse versatile

  13. -sol- The Latin root –sol- means “alone”. Can you come up with three words that have this root? desolate soloist soliloquy

  14. -lum- The Latin root –lum- means “light”. Can you come up with three words that have this root? luminescence aluminate clumsy

  15. -gram- The Greek root –gram- means “write,” “draw,” or “record”. Can you come up with three words that have this root? telegram diagram grammar

  16. -ly The Latin suffix –ly means “like” or in the manner of. Can you come up with three more words that end with this suffix? prickly haphazardly rapidly

  17. -y The Greek suffix –y means “marked by” or “having”. Can you come up with three more words that end with this suffix? brawny brainy shifty

  18. -ly and -y Use what you know about the Latin suffix –lyand the Greek suffix –yto explain your answer to each of the questions. If I lack credibility, does that mean you will put your trust in me with your money? If someone lives for a century, they will be 10 years of age?

  19. -ancy or -ency The Latin suffix –ancyor –encymeans “the state of being.” Can you come up with three more words that end with this suffix? expectancy hesitancy consistency

  20. -less The Old English suffix-less means “without.” Can you come up with three more words that end with this suffix? Fathomless Fearless meaningless

  21. Im- The Latin prefix im- means “in,” “into,” or “toward.” Can you come up with three more words that begin with this prefix? impassioned impervious immobile

  22. Un- The Old English prefix un- means “not.” Can you come up with three more words that begin with this prefix? uncommonly unpredictable uninformed

  23. -grat- The Latin root –grat- means “thankful” or “pleasing.” Can you come up with three more words that begin with this root? gratitude congratulate disintegration

  24. Inter- The Latin prefix inter- means “between” or “among.” Can you come up with three more words that begin with this prefix? intercedes interact intercept

  25. -sist- The Latin root –sist- means “stand.” Can you come up with three more words that begin with this root? persistently assist desist

  26. -vac- The Latin root –vac- means “empty.” Can you come up with three more words that begin with this root? vacancy vacation vacuous

  27. -dom- The Latin root –dom- means “master” or “building.” Can you come up with three more words that begin with this root? dominions domain predominate

  28. Out- The Old English prefix out- means “outside” or “more than.” Can you come up with three more words that begin with this prefix? outskirts outcast outpatient

  29. Uni- The Latin prefix uni- means “having or consisting of only one.” Can you come up with three more words that begin with this prefix? unanimous unity unilateral

  30. -ity The Latin suffix –itymeans “state,” “quality,” or “condition of.” Can you come up with three more words that begin with this suffix? curiosity density integrity

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