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American Society for Quality

American Society for Quality. Tom Clark. Agenda. ASQ Defined Brainstorming Exercise Nuts & Bolts of ASQ How It Works Real World Example Exercise. 1. ASQ Defined. Organization that promotes quality and continual improvement in:

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American Society for Quality

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Presentation Transcript

  1. American Society for Quality Tom Clark

  2. Agenda • ASQ Defined • Brainstorming Exercise • Nuts & Bolts of ASQ • How It Works • Real World Example • Exercise

  3. 1. ASQ Defined • Organization that promotes quality and continual improvement in: • Manufacturing, Education, Government, Healthcare, and Services 1. ASQ Defined

  4. 2. Brainstorming Exercise • Why should you care about the ASQ? 2. Brainstorming Exercise

  5. Why Care? • Because Quality Pays!! “In nearly all cases, companiesthat used total qualitymanagement practicesachieved better employeerelations, higherproductivity,greater customer satisfaction,increased market share, andimproved profitability.” --1991 GAO Study 2. Brainstorming Exercise

  6. 3. Nuts & Bolts What does the ASQ do? • Informing • Advocating • Training • Rewarding 3. Nuts & Bolts of ASQ

  7. Informing • ASQ Website • ASQ Publications 3. Nuts & Bolts of ASQ

  8. Advocating • Provide expert opinion to lawmakers Recent Examples: • October 29, 2004– ASQ releases a statement on quality on the election process • August 3, 2004– Suzanne Keely, an ASQ Market Manager, presents before several high school summits put on by the U.S. Department of Education • May 7, 2004– Staff of the House Education and Workforce Committee invite representatives from ASQ to advise them on quality methods in higher education. 3. Nuts & Bolts of ASQ

  9. Training • Training CD-ROMs • On-site Training • Networking Opportunities & Events • Quality Management Curriculum 3. Nuts & Bolts of ASQ

  10. Rewarding • Classified by national, regional, and society unit • Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award • Certifications 3. Nuts & Bolts of ASQ

  11. 4. How It Works It’s Simple!!! But companies have to take the information and incorporate it into their firm. 4. How It Works

  12. 5. Real World Example Pearl River School District • Implement “golden thread” quality structure and “balanced scorecard” approach 5. Real World Example

  13. 6. Exercise You are the owner of a medium-sized dental practice with several dentists, hygienists, and front office staff. Your organization suffers from high employee turnover, frequent requests to rework procedures, and a declining reputation in the community. What ASQ resources could you utilize to turn things around? 6. Exercise

  14. Summary • ASQ seeks to promote quality in a wide variety of organizations • It promotes quality by informing, advocating, training, and rewarding • Companies must take advantage of this information for it to have effect.

  15. Readings List • American Society for Quality www.asq.org • Make Good Great www.makegoodgreat.org • FreeQuality www.freequality.org • American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)www.theacsi.org • ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB) www.anab.org

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