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INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT(INM). Fertiliser Consumption in Kharif 2004 (vis a vis Kharif 2003). Fertiliser Sales in Rabi 2004-05 till Feb.2005 (vis a vis Rabi 2003-04). Assessed Requirement for Kharif 2005 (in lakh tonnes). FERTILISER AVAILABILITY (for Kharif 2005).
Fertiliser Consumption in Kharif 2004(vis a vis Kharif 2003)
Fertiliser Sales in Rabi 2004-05till Feb.2005(vis a vis Rabi 2003-04)
FERTILISER AVAILABILITY(for Kharif 2005) • As per the Assessed Requirement, supply of controlled fertiliser - Urea as well as major decontrolled fertilisers – DAP, MOP will be ensured • For supply of DAP and MOP, State Govts. must tie-up their supply quite ahead with the suppliers under intimation to DAC and DOF • State Govts.should monitor equitable distribution of fertiliser within the state as per the crop coverage and weather condition. • They should plan transportation of fertiliser from rake points to farmers well in advance. This will help in reduction of transportation & handling costs. • State Govts should do periodical monitoring and send the fortnightly report by fax or web (http://dacnet.nic.in/fertmonitor) by due date. • Any additional requirement should be intimated to the DAC & DOF well in advance for ensuring its timely supply.
Integrated Nutrient Management • Integrated Nutrient Management advocates balanced & integrated use of fertilizers. For promotion of this concept, Govt. has constituted a Task Force on Balanced Use of Fertilizers. • INM envisage following components : • Use of Chemical fertilisers including secondary and micro-nutrients • Bio-fertilisers • Organic manures, edible & non-edible oil cakes, green manures, press mud etc Application of INM needs to be based upon Soil test results
Soil Testing Laboratories • Soil testing programme in the country is aimed to provide services to farmers towards balanced application of fertilizers based on soil tests. • Total number of soil testing laboratories in the country are 544 (414 static + 130 mobile) with analyzing capacity of 7.07 million soil samples per annum. • Utilization of the capacity was about 73.2% for the year 2003-04 • Upto 2003-04, 71.35 lakh Soil Health Cards has been distributed. • Deficiency of micronutrients is a cause of concern. About 99 laboratories have micronutrient testing facilities
Biofertilizers • Govt. of India has been providing non-recurring grant-in-aid upto Rs. 20 Lakhs for setting up of biofertilizer production units of 150 MT capacity of annual production by industry, cooperatives, PSUs/NGOs etc. • Under this scheme 68 BF units are funded by Ministry of Agriculture and 9 BF units are funded by Department of Fertilizer • Current production of Bio-fertilizer in the country is 10,000 metric tonne per annum against the production capacity of 18,000 metric tonne per annum • Average annual consumption of bio-fertilizers in the country is 64 g/ha • To ensure quality, standards have been notified by BIS and regular testing is also done by NBDC/RBDCs and State Government Laboratories
National Project on Organic Farming A National Project on Organic Farming has been launched for implementation during 10th Plan with an outlay of Rs. 57.05 crores for the production, promotion, market development and certification of organic farming in the country. The components of the project include: • Continuation of on-going activities of NBDC/RBDCs • Capacity building for promotion of organic farming through Service Providers. • Support to commercial production units of : • fruits & vegetables waste compost units • biofertilizers production units • hatcheries for vermi-culture • Extension & Promotion Guidelines of this project have already been circulated.
ISOPOMGUIDELINES FOR STATE ACTION PLAN • Critical analysis of present status:-crop-wise • Potentials in the state • Strategies and technologies to be adopted • Assessment of resources & requirements • Area specific project approach • Crop diversification to achieve the targeted production • Component-wise physical & financial targets • New innovations to be introduced by state • Private sector/local bodies involvement • Dovetailing with other programmes like watershed management, reclamation of saline/alkaline soils, INM, organic farming etc.
ISOPOMSTATE ADVISORIES • Detailed crop-wise advisories have been sent to States • Formulated in consultation with ICAR Institutes • Aims to increase productivity by 20% • State specific varieties/hybrids • Suitable inter cropping systems • Pests & Diseases management • Improved crop specific production technologies • INM/IPM practices • Micro-nutrients application • Oilpalm – Plantation Status?