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Present Tense Indicative Regular, Irregular, Stem-changing. Regular verbs should be automatic for you: habl ar yo habl o nosotros habl amos tú habl as vosotros habl áis él , ella habl a ellos habl an com er viv ir com o com emos viv o viv imos
Regular verbs should be automatic for you: hablar yohablonosotroshablamos túhablasvosotroshabláis él, ellahablaelloshablan comervivir comocomemos vivovivimos comescoméisvivesvivís comecomen viveviven
Go here to do an assignment over regular verbs. (Considered part of the homework to turn in if I don’t make it classwork.)
Stem-changing verbs When you learn a new verb, you HAVE to learn whether it’s stem-changing as well. There are 3 categories: e ie e i o ue quererpedirpoder quieroqueremospidopedimospuedopodemos quieresqueréispidespedíspuedespodéis quierequierenpidepidenpuedepueden
Here are some common stem-changing verbs: e ie e i o ue querer (to want) pedir (to ask for) volver (to return) cerrar (to close) servir (to serve) poder (can) perder (to lose) repetir (to repeat) dormir (to sleep) pensar (to think) seguir (to follow) morir (to die) sentir (to feel) decir (to say, tell) encontrar (to find) sentarse (to sit down) acostarse(to go to bed) comenzar (to begin) recordar(to remember) preferir (to prefer) almorzar(to have lunch) empezar (to begin) entender (to understand) despertarse (to wake up) Sometimes you have more than one “e” or “o” in the stem. Remember that it’s the last vowel in the stem that changes.
The stem-changing verbs on the previous page are some of the most common. But when you’ve learned others, & you will be learning more as you look them up for use in writing, BE SURE YOU NOTE WHETHER EVERY VERB YOU LOOK UP/LEARN IS STEM-CHANGING OR NOT. Duh question: figure out if “masticar” (to chew) is stem-changing. Duh answer: exactly which vowel in that word could you stem-change? Point: only words that have an e or o right before the –ar/-er/-ir can be stem-changing, so don’t bother trying to find out, if there’s no e or o there.
The one u ue stem-changing verb is “jugar.” juegojugamos juegasjugáis juegajuegan
Irregular Verbs VERY irregular verbs: ser estarir soy somosestoyestamosvoyvamos eressoisestásestáis vas vais es son estáestánva van oír oigooímos oyesoís oyeoyen
Verbs irregular only in the first person singular dar – doyconocer – conozco saber – sé traer – traigoponer – pongohacer – hago salir – salgover – veodar – doy *tener – tengo *venir – vengo *decir – digo *These verbs are also stem-changing.
The previous slides contained irregular verbs you’ve already learned. Following are additional irregular verbs. Irregular in first person only: caer – caigo caber – quepovaler – valgo to fall to fit (inside something) to be worth nacer – nazcocrecer – crezco to be born to grow parecer – parezcoconducir – conduzco to appear to drive producir – produzcotraducir -- traduzco to produce to translate Most words that end with –cer or –cir are conjugated with –zco in the 1st person.
The following verbs stem-change in 1st, 2nd, 3rd singular & 3rd plural. huirconstuir to flee to build huyohuimosconstruyoconstruimos huyeshuísconstruyesconstruís huyehuyenconstruyeconstruyen fluirdestruir to flow to destroy fluyofluimosdestruyodestruimos fluyesfluísdestruyesdestruís fluyefluyendestruyedestruyen
ALL verbs that end in –uir are conjugated as the previous four. Note that oír, with the exception of the irregular yo form, is conjugated the same way.
Spelling Changes Verbs spell change in the present indicative for the same reason they change in the preterit and in the present subjunctive: to maintain the pronunciation of a consonant. There’s always a g/j, c/z, or g/gu involved. cogertorcerseguir to catch, grab to twist to follow cojocogemostuerzotorcemossigoseguimos cogescogéistuercestorcéissiguesseguís cogecogentuercetuercensiguesiguen All verbs that end in –ger, -gir will be conjugated like coger. All that end in –cer or –cir and AREN’T conjugated with a –zco in 1st person will be conjugated like torcer.
Words aren’t “allowed” to begin with ie or ue. So if necessary, you add an h- to the front of the ue and change the i to a y. oler (o ue)errar (e ie) to smell to miss, get wrong hueloolemosyerroerramos huelesoleisyerraserrais huelehuelenyerrayerran
A final but very important note: if there’s a prefix on the word, it’s conjugated just the same as the simple word: proponerdetenerdevolverconseguir disponerobtenerrevolver perseguir