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BGREI Review Meeting Kolkata - 26 th July, 2012. CHHATTISGARH STATE. Chhattisgarh–An Overview. Sub-divided into three agro climatic zones. Geog. area : 138 lakh ha. Forest cover : 63.36 lakh ha. (46%) Net sown area : 47.75 lakh ha. (35 % of its geog. area)
BGREI Review Meeting Kolkata - 26th July, 2012 CHHATTISGARH STATE
Chhattisgarh–An Overview • Sub-divided into three agro climatic zones. • Geog. area : 138 lakh ha. • Forest cover : 63.36 lakh ha. (46%) Net sown area : 47.75 lakh ha. (35 % of its geog. area) • 57 % soil is medium to light. • Average rainfall : 1373 mm. • Net Irrigated Area : 13.55 lakh ha (29%) • Farm families : 32.55 lakh • 76% small & marginal Farmers • 33% ST, 12 % SC • Cropping intensity : 135 % Agro Climatic Zones Northern Hills Zone Chhattisgarh Plains Zone Bastar Plateau Zone
Source wise Irrigation (Area in Lakh ha.) Agro Climatic Zones Northern Hills Zone Chhattisgarh Plains Zone Bastar Plateau Zone
BGREI - Financial Progress (Rs. in Cr.) * Fund released by GOI in July 2012. Note : Unspent Balance Rs. 7.66 crore of year 2011-12 revalidated and being utilized during 2012-13.
1. Componentwise Physical & Financial Progress 2011-12 (BGREI) Unit : Rs. in lakhs 5
Unit : Rs. in lakhs Contd. . .
1. Compoentwise Physical and Financial Progress - 2012-13 (BGREI) Fin. in Lakh Rs.
1. Physical and Financial Progress - 2012-13 Fin. in Lakh Rs.
BGREI Outcome • Increasing area under Irrigation • Adoption of Improved practices - % increase over 2009-10 • Rice : (area in lakh ha.) • Kharif 09 Kharif 11 % Increase • - Use of quality seeds (SRR - Rice) 20% 30% 10% • - Area under hybrid rice 0.77 1.58 105% • - Area under Line sowing 1.30 2.27 75% • - Area under transplantation 7.18 9.61 33% • - Area under SRI 0.76 2.09 174% • Maize : • - Area under Hybrid maize 0.48 0.62 28% • Increase in productivity 2009 2011 % Increase • - Rice 1201 1682 40% • - Maize 1429 1654 16% • Note : Drought affected tehsils : 2009 - 50, 2010 - 05 & 2011 - 26 • Ever highest production of Rice 2010 - 1751
BGREI - Water Harvesting Structure Check Dam Micro-minor Irrigation Tank 10
BGREI (2010-11) SRI - Weeding Crop at maturity 11
BGREI - Paddy Line Sowing Demonstration Midland variety - Bamleshwari (New Variety) Upland variety - MTU-1010 12
STRATEGIES Not much scope for horizontal expansion during kharif, hence thrust will be on crop diversification & increasing productivity. 1. Crop diversification – Replacement of uneconomical upland rice with suitable pulses, oilseed and maize. 2. Varietal change in rice – (i) Early and mid duration suitable HY / hybrid varieties instead of late varieties to promote double cropping 3. Promotion of line sowing/transplanting/SRI method. 4. Thrust on production & use of quality seed to enhance SRR. 5. Emphasis on maintaining soil health by adding organic manures/green manuring, balanced use of fertilizers and bio-fertilizers. 6. Constitution of survey team for monitoring pest and disease incidence. 7. Promotion of use of soil ameliorants like lime and gypsum in problem soils.
3. Initiatives for integrated delivery of inputs and services to farmers • Separate Agriculture Budget of Rs. 6244 crores for 2012-13 including agriculture and allied departments/agencies. • Assistance to Cooperative Institutions : • (i) Rs. 120 crores to Cooperative / Rural Banks for disbursing short term loan @ 1% interest per annum to farmers. • (ii) To ensure adequate and timely supply of fertilizers Rs. 300 crores interest free loan given to Markfed for pre positioning of chemical fertilizers. • (iii) Rs. 1452 crores to State Marketing Federation and State Civil Supply Corporation to compensate loses on procurement of Paddy at Minimum Support Price. • (iv) Rs. 52.5 crores with support from NABARD to construct 700 fertilizer godowns in cooperative societies. • Energy Department : • (i) Rs. 150 crores for energization of irrigation pumps. • (ii) Assistance of Rs. 177 crores to State Power Distribution Co.Ltd. for providing free/subsidized electricity to farmers having irrigation pumps upto 5HP. • State Seed Corporation : • (i) Budget provision of Rs. 30 crores have been made to provide incentives to seed growers and farmers on Production and Distribution of quality seed.
Contd. . . . New Schemes : (i) Provision of Rs. 10 crores for setting up 50 Agriculture Machinery Service Centers with the subsidy of Rs. 7.5 lakh and 10 lakh to Agri-entrepreneurs/farmers. (ii) Assistance to farmers upto 75% for installation of sprinkler and drip system Budget Provision (Year 2012-13) - Rs. 25 crores (iii) Seed and fertilizer for 1 acre area free of cost to forest dwellers Budget Provision (Year 2012-13) - Rs. 12.4 crores. (iv) Under NAIS premium subsidy (State Share) increased from 5 to 20% (v) Demonstration are being laid out for promoting use of green manuring Budget Provision (Year 2012-13) - Rs. 4.25 crores. (vi) Demonstrations are being conducted for the utilization of rice fallow and to promote SRI method of rice cultivation
Major Initiatives by State • Agriculture Budget for wholistic agricultural development. • Stamp duty exempted on exchange of land among farmers for the purpose of consolidation. • Loan @ 1% per annum - crop loan as well as loan for dairy and fisheries. • VAT exempted on Agriculture Implements. • Assistance upto Rs. 75,000 per connection for energization of irrigation pumps. • Assistance upto Rs. 5,000 per well / tubewell for water recharge. • Free electricity upto 7500 units per annum for 5 H.P. and 6000 Units for less than 5 H.P. Irrigation Pump.
4. Institutional Support for Marketing and Procurement State Govt. has made arrangement to procure paddy from farmers at minimum support price through 1585 centers across the state. Online monitoring system and same day payment through cheque have been ensured. Details of Paddy claim and losses incurred to Markfed during last 6 years
6. Monitoring Structure • State level - Weekly review by APC every Tuesday. • District level - • (a) Weekly meeting of all Stake Holders under Chairmanship of District Collector to review implementation of cropping programme and input arrangement. • (b) Joint visit of agriculture officer & KVK scientists. • Districtwise Nominated Scientists
Rainfall Situation and Kharif Prospects • Rainfall : • Cumulative rainfall upto 23rd July, 2012 - 418.7 MM • Normal Rainfall during corresponding period - 435.3 MM • (Last 10 yrs average) • % from Normal - 96% • Districtwise rainfall as against normal : • District received rainfall below 50% Nill • Districts received rainfall between 51 to 80% 07 • Districts received rainfall more than 80% 20
Contd. . . Sowing Status :- Kharif Crop coverage target - 47.78 lakh ha. Area sown upto 23rd July, 2012 - 30.57 lakh ha. % Area sown - 64% Sowing Position of Major Crops :- Unit : 000 ha. • Transplantation of rice is under progress. • Pulses like Arhar, Moong+Urd is sown upto July end • Niger and Horsegram is sown from 15th August to September end.
INPUT ARRANGEMENT - FERTILIZER Monthwise Fertilizer Requirement Kharif 2012 Unit - MT
INPUT ARRANGEMENT - FERTILIZER Availability, Stocking & Distribution : Unit-Lakh MT
District wise Rice Productivity Note : Drought affected tehsils Kharif 2010 : 05 & Kharif 2011 : 26
Suggestions for Amendment to BGREI guidelines - State may be given liberty to select component and rate of assistance within the financial allocation. - Chemical fertilizers being the most critical input for enhancing productivity may be included as component for block demonstration of rice under BGREI. - The cost of energisation of irrigation pumps in the remote tribal areas is more than double as compared to normal areas. It is suggested that this may be treated as an agriculture related infrastructure and should be made eligible for funding under RKVY, particularly for the tribal sub-plan areas. - Farm power availability in Chhattisgarh is much below than National average, Hence financial assistance should be made available for distribution of tractors & other farm implements under BGREI. - As per BGREI guideline this scheme will be implemented in only Non NFSM district. where as component like assets building is not covered under NFSM hence this restriction should be relaxed.
7. Impact evaluation Performance of Block Demonstration of Rice under BGREI (Kharif 2011) Rainfed Upland Rice Shallow Low Land
Contd. . . Irrigated - Traditional Variety Irrigated - Hybrid
Action taken reports of BGREI as per meeting held on 2nd June 2012