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Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

“Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally”. Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?. Capt Steven Solomon Southeast Region DPA Member, National PA Advisory Committee PAO Academy Kissimmee, Fla. 5 Aug. 2008. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally”.

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Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

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  1. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? Capt Steven SolomonSoutheast Region DPAMember, National PA Advisory Committee PAO AcademyKissimmee, Fla.5 Aug. 2008

  2. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? This is an introductory course for new and entry- level PAOs.

  3. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? Throughout this Power Point I've placed noteworthy comments(in red) that were given to me by several of my old friends and colleagues especially for this presentation.

  4. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? • “You can find a local angle on practically any story.” -- Ed Buice, PAO, NCIS

  5. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? A show of hands, please: How many Master-rated PAOs are in the room? How about Senior-rated PAOs? Any Technician-level PAOs?

  6. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” This seminar is for the new PAO who has never written a news release or the PAO with a little bit of experience who would like to confirm that they are on the right track. Can you recognize what is newsworthy about your wing or squadron? Do you know how to use the AP Stylebook? Are your first few sentences compelling enough to grab the reader’s attention from beginning to end? Did you double check your facts? Did everyone quoted or referenced in your story have a chance to review it for accuracy? Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  7. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? “First, who in the CAP unit is responsible for public affairs?

  8. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? “Each unit commander shall appoint a qualified individual to be the PAO...The commander and the PAO, as the commander’s delegate, are the official spokespersons for their unit.” --CAPR 190-1

  9. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? And who can tell me the definition of public affairs and/or what a CAP PAO does?

  10. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? “PAOs shall develop standard plans and procedures for external promotion of key events in the unit, such as participation in training and actual missions, awards and promotions, and special unit activities.” --CAPR 190-1

  11. Every squadron needs a PAO. And, it is not a bad idea to also appoint a Cadet PAO too! • THE old CAP Guide to Public Affairs, CAP Pamphlet 190-1, actually said that squadrons could also have a: • • Deputy PAO • • Media Relations Officer • • Photographer/Videographer • • Newsletter Editor • • Legislative Officer • It’s a rare squadron commander who has the personnel for all these positions, but the bottom line is that unless the commander is willing to take all this on him or her self, someone has to be tapped for the PAO position! “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  12. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? “PAOs shall regularly submit news advisories and releases, with photographs whenever possible...” CAPR190-14 June 2007

  13. There are several types of written messages: News releases, fact sheets, advisories, emergency alerts, backgrounders, and statements are all different forms of communication and should not be confused with each other. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  14. What can I write about? • What should be included in every press release? • How do I write a press release; is there a “typical” format? • What about style, grammar, and punctuation? • Abbreviations and capitalization? • When do I need special letterhead? • Who should be listed for more information? • Distribution? “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  15. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? Give me some examples of what a unit PAO can write about...

  16. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? The answer is: write about the ordinary!

  17. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? Because if you're waiting for someone in your unit to win the Silver Medal of Valor before writing a news release you'd better be prepared for a long wait!

  18. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?What you can write about: • Introduce new members • Promotions and awards • Training opportunities • Emergency services • Squadron activities (senior and cadet)‏ • New regulations and supplements • Calendar of upcoming events

  19. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? But please, stick to just one subject. It is more effective to feature a single subject rather than peppering your write up with numerous topics.

  20. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? “Anticipate what will be “news.” -- Ed Buice, PAO, NCIS

  21. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? Stumped? Don't be afraid to steal, or to put it more mildly, why reinvent the wheel when you can borrow? Go to the Hometown News Release and CAP News Online pages on the CAP web site at www.cap.gov to see how others have already written about the same topics.

  22. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? Place the phrase “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” in the upper left corner. Capitalize every letter.

  23. Below the phrase FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, skip a couple lines and place the contact person’s information. List your name, grade, title; home, work and mobile telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses. If for any reason you are not going to be available list some other spokesperson or the person with the most information, because reporters often work on a deadline and may not be available until after hours. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  24. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? Compose a short headline that clearly describes the news release content and grabs the reader’s attention. The ideal headline is 80 characters long. Center it in bold type on the page. Place concise secondary subheads in italics below the main headline.

  25. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” A dateline is the city your news release is issued from and the date you are distributing your release. This is typically the HQ from which your unit is based or the AFB where the activity was held. The AP Stylebook (page 66) lists the 30 U.S.cities that are so large and well known that they don't need the state to be listed too. For example, it is TAMPA, Fla., but only MIAMI. States are not abbreviated like the Zip Codes (see page 66)! Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  26. Lead – The first paragraph is used to grab the reader’s attention. 5 W’s and H – The most important of the questions should be answered in the lead. Others are answered later. Short paragraphs – Paragraphs run one to two sentences in length. Rarely do you see paragraphs of more than three sentences. Quotations – The exact words of someone talking. It’s a good idea to use quotations to bring "life" to your story. Inverted pyramid style – You want to include the most important information first, followed in descending order by less-important information. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  27. Lead – The first paragraph is used to grab the reader’s attention. 5 W’s and H – The most important of the questions should be answered in the lead. Others are answered later. Short paragraphs – Paragraphs run one to two sentences in length. Rarely do you see paragraphs of more than three sentences. Quotations – The exact words of someone talking. It’s a good idea to use quotations to bring "life" to your story. Inverted pyramid style – You want to include the most important information first, followed in descending order by less-important information. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  28. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? • Who • What • When • Where • Why • How

  29. Who: Who is announcing the news? • What: What is being announced: a promotion, change of command, SAREX, etc.? • When: The time -- include a.m. or p.m. -- and date. Make certain the day and date correspond. • Where: The location of the program or activity that was or will be held. • Why: This is your key message. It is “why” you are making news. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  30. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” “Once you master the Who, What, When, Where, and Why of your press release, you can begin to revise it and tighten the wording so that it appears to be reader friendly, while ensuring that all of the questions your readers will want to know have been answered.” -- Greg Soule, PAO, TSA Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  31. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Limit your opening (lead) sentence to no more than 25–28 words. Keep your lead paragraph below 50 words. It should be very short but can capture the essence of what you're writing about. Readers usually scan a page. If you can catch their attention, then your press release is effective. Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  32. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Lead sentence guidelines: Who said or did something.What was said or happened.When it was said or happened.Where it was said or happened.Why it was said or happened. Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  33. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? “The lead makes or breaks the press release.” -- Greg Soule, PAO, TSA

  34. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” • Who – Eighty members from 45 Wings of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP)‏ • What – attended a Public Affairs Academy • When – Aug. 5-6 • Where – at the Gaylord Palms Resort in Kisimmee, Fla. • Why – to focus on the theme “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally.” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  35. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Second paragraph: The sessions will be complemented by networking opportunities and the presentation of CAP Balsem awards for professional excellence in a variety of categories. In addition, keynote speaker CNN's Miles O'Brien will provide an inside view on how to secure national media coverage. Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  36. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” In the third paragraph, insert a quote from a leader, such as the director or a project head, about the event or program. Be sure to identify the source of all quotes. Make sure that the quote content explains and enhances the story, and that there is a clear relationship between the person quoted and the story. Try to limit the number of quotes to no more than two people. Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  37. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Third paragraph: “Areas of emphasis will include media relations, Web site development, community relations, newsletters, planning and much more,” said Julie DeBardelaben, deputy director of public affairs at CAP's national headquarters. “The sessions will be complemented by networking opportunities and the presentation of CAP Balsem awards for professional excellence in a variety of categories.” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  38. Fourth paragraph: The inaugural Academy was held last year in Atlanta and will be held every other year starting in 2010. The agenda and presentations were selected by CAP's Public Affairs Team -- National Adviser Col. Rick Greenhut, Team Leader Lt. Col. Cynthia Ryan, and members Col. Virginia Keller, Maj. Douglas Jessmer, and Capt. Steven Solomon. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  39. Fifth paragraph: Completing the course from this area were Maj. Paige Joyner of Atlanta, public affairs officer for the Georgia Wing; Maj. Patricia Mitcham of Huntsville, Ala., public affairs officer for the Alabama Wing; Lt. Col. Jim Lawson of Maryville, Tenn., newsletter editor for the Southeast Region; and Lt. Col. George Navarini of Pembroke Pines, Fla., director of marketing and public affairs for the Florida Wing. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  40. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Next to last paragraph: The Southeast Region (SER) of CAP encompasses the five states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee and the commonwealth of Puerto Rico. SER consists of 9,115 members (5,163 officers and 3,952 cadets), which makes it the largest Region in CAP. Last year the six Wings flew more than 15,000 hours and were credited with saving 3 lives. There are approximately 275 units in the SER. Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  41. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? The final paragraph covers basic organizational information, e.g., who you are, history of the event or program. If you have a list of member organizations, sponsors, or other partners, list them in an attachment rather than incorporating that information into the text of the release. This makes it easier for a reporter or editor to review.

  42. CAP, the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, is a nonprofit organization with more than 56,000 members nationwide. CAP performs 90 percent of continental U.S. inland search and rescue missions as tasked by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center and was credited by the AFRCC with saving 103 lives in fiscal year 2007. Its volunteers also perform homeland security, disaster relief and counter-drug missions at the request of federal, state and local agencies. The members play a leading role in aerospace education and serve as mentors to the nearly 22,000 young people currently participating in CAP cadet programs. CAP has been performing missions for America for more than 66 years. For information, go to www.cap.gov. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAPFinal paragraph:

  43. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Follow the inverted pyramid style with the most important facts first. Keep sentences short. Use short, well-known words. Avoid jargon. Use active words to add zest to your writing. Avoid, for example, "it was said," or "it is thought." Use specific, concrete - not abstract - words and terms. Do not editorialize, which means injecting your own preferences or even preferences of the subject you are writing about without attributing. Avoid adjectives that reflect opinion. Stick to the facts. Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  44. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? If your release goes beyond one page, type “-more-” at the bottom of the first page. Keep the release to a maximum of two/three pages, but strive for one. At the end of your release, type “###” or “-30-” to indicate the end of the copy.

  45. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? NEVER WRITE IN ALL UPPER CASE LETTERS! This is very bad form. Even if your news release makes it past the editors (highly unlikely), it will definitely be ignored by journalists. Use mixed case.

  46. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” What about style, grammar, and punctuation? In the United States, most books and libraries follow the “Chicago Manual of Style” while the most-used guide for the general public is “The Elements of Style” by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White. CAP PAOs use the AP Stylebook as reference. This is the guide used by HQ/PA at Maxwell AFB, Civil Air Patrol Volunteer, and most major newspapers in the United States. Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  47. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP? What about style, grammar, and punctuation? Do NOT use “The Tongue and Quill.” Do NOT use CAPR 10-1 “Preparing and Processing Correspondence.” Do NOT use the “Air University Style Guide.”

  48. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” What about style, grammar, and punctuation? Pay carefull attention to abbreviations: CAP abbreviations used for internal memos are NOT the same for press releases! • Example: • - 2d Lt for CAP memos • - 2nd Lt. for CAP press releases Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?

  49. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Pay close attention to capitalization; the AP Stylebook directs that titles before a name are capitalized, but titles after a name are not. Also, titles standing alone are not capitalized. • Examples: • - Wing Commander Col. John Doe noted… • - Col. John Doe, wing commander, said… • - The wing commander stated that… Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?What about style, grammar, and punctuation?

  50. “Public Affairs Essentials: Think Nationally, Act Locally” Basic: How Do I Write a News Release for CAP?Are your first few sentences compelling enough to grab the reader’s attention from beginning to end? Use short, declarative sentences and double-space the lines. Make sure to use an active verb in your first sentence. But avoid “puff” words and phrases such as “exciting,” “very large,” “monumental,” etc.

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