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ALBANIAN CHILDREN FOUNDATION “Domenick Scaglione”. TOGETHER WE CAN HELP CHILDREN IN NEED! HELP US! Rr. Pun ë tor ë t e Rilindjes, Kullat p ë rball ë Parlamentit, Kulla e Par ë , Kati i Dyt ë , Tiran ë , Albania P.O BOX 8285 Tel: 00355 4 270663 Fax: 00355 4 270903
ALBANIAN CHILDREN FOUNDATION “Domenick Scaglione” TOGETHER WE CAN HELP CHILDREN IN NEED! HELP US! Rr. Punëtorët e Rilindjes, Kullat përballë Parlamentit, Kulla e Parë, Kati i Dytë, Tiranë, Albania P.O BOX 8285 Tel: 00355 4 270663 Fax: 00355 4 270903 E-mail: secretary@albaniachildren.org info@albaniachildren.org www.albaniachildren.org 1
Your donation is important for us! • 40 children all over Albania are sent abroad for medical treatments and different surgeries. • 2children with thalassemia and 2donors were sent to Egypt for transplant • 12children are offered free education from”non-public elementary and high school “Horizont” • 2 students are offered free studies from” European University of Tirana” • Ball organized in 13th of October. The incomes from this ball will be used for the rehabilitation center.
ALBANIAN CHILDREN FOUNDATION “Domenick Scaglione” Back in 1996, when “Domenick Scaglione” for the first time visited Albania, the condition of the poor, needy and sick Albanian children was dramatic. Together with representatives of various religions, people from the business community and the diplomatic corps a charity organization was established to help whenever and whoever it was possible - this is how the Albanian Children Foundation was born. The mission of the Foundation is to help children in need irrespective of faith or ethnic background and to support institutions which assist such children. The Foundation is only supported by private donation and the members of the board, mainly young Albanian professionals, work on pro bono basis. Mrs. Liri Berisha is President of the Foundation as of November 2006. 3
Support our misssion! Your donation: Helps children in need Helps for collaboration possibilities with other medical centers Helps for children education Helps for the medical treatment of children whose problems can’t be treated in Albania Helps for different surgeries Builds new rehabilitation centers
Fast facts • The funds collected at the yearly benefit ball of 2006 were dedicated to this center. The Foundation inaugurate at the end of 2007 the Regional Center for Hemoglobinopathy in Lushnja – which was furnished with the best and latest technology laboratory medical equipment. • The constant confrontation with talassemia inspired the investment in a "Center for Molecular and Genetic Diagnostic Research" . The aim of this project was to help the prevention of talassemia (8% of the Albanian population is estimated to be affected of the disease) and other prenatal diseases. • The centre mission is to provide specific targeted children • and their families with the state-of-the-art therapeutic care, • encouraging those who directly are working with the target to • understand growth what growth resources lie within the • children and the adults working with them.
Please donate to help us continue our mission! American Bank of Albania, Tirana, Albania Bank Acc No Lek 1000231800 Bank Acc No USD 1000231801 Bank Acc No Euro 1000231802 Bank Acc No Euro 1000231803 Rr.Punëtorët e Rilindjes, Kullat përballë Parlamentit, Kulla e Parë, Kati i Dytë, Tiranë, Albania P.O BOX 8285 Tel: 00355 4 270663 Fax: 00355 4 270903 E-mail: secretary@albaniachildren.org info@albaniachildren.org www.albaniachildren.org ALBANIAN CHILDREN FOUNDATION “Domenick Scaglione”