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GHANA STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION(ISIC) AND THE CENTRAL PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION (CPC) BY ISAAC DADSON (GHANA STATISTICAL SERVICE). Outline of the presentation . Role of Ghana Statistical Service Functions of Industrial Statistics Section in the Ghana Statistical Service
Outline of the presentation • Role of Ghana Statistical Service • Functions of Industrial Statistics Section in the Ghana Statistical Service • Use of International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) • Problems encountered with the use of the ISIC • the use of central product code (CPC) • Problems encountered with the use of the CPC
Role of Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) • - The Statistical Service of Ghana is mandated by law (PNDC law 135) as an official institution and charged with the responsibility for collection,compilation,analysis,publication and dissemination of all forms of statistics in Ghana for general and administrative purposes.
Functions of the Industrial Statistics Section • - Conducting of Industrial Census • - Conducting of Annual Industrial Survey • - Compilation and publication of the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) • -Compilation of Producer Price Index (PPI) • -Compilation of industrial related Employment Index (EI) • - Collecting, compilation and analysis of all other forms of industrial statistics
Use of ISIC • - The International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) for all Economic Activities is adopted for classifying industry in Ghana.Rev3.1 • - This has been used extensively in almost all the functions stated above. • -The use of the ISIC ranges from the selection of the establishments to be included in any of the above activities, through the compilation stage to the publication of reports
The industry grouping at four digit level was found to be sufficiently detailed for Ghana’s needs, especially during data collection exercise. • However, for the sake of publication the three or less has been found to be most useful due to the fact that in some industry group only a few establishments can be found. • A few exceptions were made during the conduct of the 2003 industrial census when four digits were adopted in the mining sub-sector, and extensions made for gold mining, bauxite mining and manganese mining. • Also with the manufacture of furniture, extensions were applied to wooden, metal and plastic furniture.
ISIC was also used in • - the 2000 Population and Housing census(Rev.1) • -the 2005 Ghana Living Standard Survey(Rev.3.1) • -the 2007 Distributive Trade Pilot Survey(Rev3.1)
Problems encountered • Classification of multiple activity establishments • Multiple discription of Principle Activity • Products not well defined.
Use of Central Product Classification • - There has been an extensive use of the CPC codes in the classification of industrial products and materials • - This ranges from annual survey and through the compilation of our indices, notably the compilation of the IIP and the PPI. • It was also used for the pilot of the Distributive Trade Survey
Problems encountered with CPC • The persons assigned to the coding were not familiar with the codes since SITC were formally used. • Products not well defined
Conclusion • GSS will need the technical support of the UNDS to implement the new version ISIC(Rev.4) and CPC (Ver.2). • Thanks to UNSD and other international bodies such as UNIDO who have assisted build the capacity of staff of the statistical Service in the use of the classification. • The recent Expert Group Meeting held in New York to review the updated standards of industrial statistics and this current workshop, can be cited as cases in point.