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GRADING FEEDER CATTLE. The process of grading feeder cattle is a projection of maturity based on frame size, muscling, and the sex of the calf. Large framed, heavy muscled steer could grow to 1400 before maturity. 1400 lbs. Fat. Muscle. Frame.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GRADING FEEDER CATTLE The process of grading feeder cattle is a projection of maturity based on frame size, muscling, and the sex of the calf.

  2. Large framed, heavy muscled steer could grow to 1400 before maturity 1400 lbs Fat Muscle Frame Small framed, light muscled heifers stop at 900 lbs 900 lbs GROWTH CURVES

  3. Evaluating Frame Size Hip Height Flank to Flank Chest to Ground

  4. Steers Frame Size/Finish Weight (at 0.4 inches backfat) Heifers Frame Size/Finish Weight (at 0.4 inches backfat) What Makes the Grade on Frame Size? • Large – over 1,250 • Medium – 1,100 to 1,250 • Small - under 1,100 • Large - over 1,150 • Medium – 1,000 to 1,150 • Small - under 1,000

  5. Evaluating Muscle

  6. Muscle Grades = Thick Or Heavy Muscling = Average Muscling = Thin Or Light Muscling = Extremely Light Muscling (Starved Jersey) #1 #2 #3 #4

  7. 1-- 1++ # 1 Muscle

  8. 2-- 2++ # 2 Muscle

  9. 3-- 3++ # 3 Muscle

  10. # 4 Muscle

  11. Muscle Grades # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4

  12. Possible Feeder Cattle Grades • Large Frame #1,#2,#3 or #4 • Medium Frame #1,#2,#3 or #4 • Small Frame #1,#2,#3 or #4 • Inferior – This grade will include sick unthrifty cattle and double muscled cattle due to their inability to Quality grade.

  13. Old calves for their weight are usually lowered one frame score. Indicators of age include the tail significantly below hocks, the degree of twist in switch, and a wide muzzle.

  14. FAT SMALL+ FAT FAT MEDIUM Feeder calves with excess condition, or fat, are usually lowered a frame size based on the assumption the calf has reached maturity. If excess fat is present, muscle should be reevaluated to ensure thickness is not due to fat.

  15. Test Your Feeder Cattle Grading Skills

  16. #3 Muscle Grade Frame Size = Large++ Heifer 650 lb

  17. #1++ Muscle Grade Frame Size = Large- Steer 750 lb

  18. #2 Muscle Grade Frame Size = Medium Steer 520 lb

  19. #1-- Muscle Grade Frame Size = Large- Steer 725 lb

  20. #2+ Muscle Grade Frame Size = Small Steer 475 lb

  21. #3 Muscle Grade Frame Size = Large+++ Heifer 810 lb

  22. #2+ Muscle Grade Frame Size = Medium+ Heifer 635 lb

  23. #3 Muscle Grade Frame Size = Medium- Heifer 640 lb

  24. #1 Muscle Grade Frame Size = Medium+ Steer 690 lb

  25. #1+ Muscle Grade Frame Size = Large Steer 810 lb

  26. #2-- Muscle Grade Frame Size = Small Heifer 515 lb

  27. #3+ Muscle Grade Inferior Grade Frame Size = Large+ Heifer 585 lb

  28. #2++ Muscle Grade Frame Size = Medium+ Steer 600 lb

  29. #3++ Muscle Grade Inferior Grade ?? Frame Size = Medium+ Steer 575 lb

  30. #3+ Muscle Grade Frame Size = Medium++ Heifer 775 lb

  31. #1- Muscle Grade Frame Size = Medium+ Steer 685 lb

  32. #4+++ Muscle Grade Frame Size = Medium+ Steer 605 lb


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