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Biology:. The Study of Life. The root word “bio” means life. Bio graphy: the story of someone’s life Bio degradable: broken down by living things . The root word “logy” means study. Geo logy : the study of the Earth Zoo logy : the study of animals.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Biology: The Study of Life

  2. The root word “bio” means life. Biography: the story of someone’s life Biodegradable: broken down by living things

  3. The root word “logy” means study. Geology: the study of the Earth Zoology: the study of animals

  4. What does “the study of life” actually mean? And didn’t I already take Life Science in middle school?

  5. In Life Science, you learned facts about the natural world. For example, you learned the fact that plants are able to make their own food.

  6. But what does that actually mean? How, exactly, does a plant turn sunlight into food? In Biology, you will learn the explanations behind the facts that you learned in middle school.

  7. Biology also connects knowledge to the real world. If a plant can make food, and food is fuel…could we grow plants that make fuel for cars?

  8. Pronunciation: Ms. Arak rhymes with “attack”

  9. New York University (NYU) Bachelor’s Degree

  10. Loyola Marymount University (LMU) Master’s Degree

  11. England

  12. Wales

  13. Philadelphia

  14. Baja CA

  15. Costa Rica

  16. Fossils

  17. Music

  18. Learning Materials Items you need to bring to class every day (textbook, notebook, pencil)

  19. Normal Schedule

  20. Tuesday Schedule

  21. Ariana - Chilean Rose Tarantula

  22. Ugly Betty – Tailless Whip Scorpion

  23. Cardinal Tetras

  24. Sunset Platys

  25. African Dwarf Frogs

  26. Extra Credit!

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