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The Need for Clean Air Act Reform

Discover the pressing need for reforming the Clean Air Act to address air pollution challenges efficiently. Explore topics such as the Clean Power Plan, proposed ozone standards, and the simplification of regulations for enhanced air quality. Learn about the efforts of environmental groups and corporations in shaping air quality policies. Join us to discuss the next steps in enhancing air toxics management and modernizing the regulatory framework.

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The Need for Clean Air Act Reform

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Need for Clean Air Act Reform Myra Reece, Bureau Chief, BAQ ICAC Annual Meeting April 22, 2015

  2. PRESENTATION OVERVIEW • Why Modernization & Simplification of the CAA is Needed…”1 pollutant at a time” • Clean Power Plan aka 111(d) • Proposed 2015 Ozone Standard • “Next Steps” for Air Toxics • Where do we go from here?

  3. Message is ‘Nothing New’ • Jan 2004: National Research Council’s Air Quality Management in the United States” report • 2005, 2007, 2008 Clean Air Act Advisory Committee’s Air Quality Management Workgroup reports • 2009 Southeast SIP Summit, Columbia, SC • NACAA, ECOS SIP efforts

  4. ---“I hate that each sector has 17 to 20 rules that govern each piece of equipment and you've got to be a neuroscientist to figure it out”. ---Gina McCarthy, U.S. EPA Administrator

  5. RESPONSES TO “TOUCHING THE CAA” • Environmental groups: only if it makes the air cleaner • Big corporations: only if costs less. • CAPCA conference……. • SC: Now is the time for us to improve our air quality management approach and modernize the CAA. Not a matter of if but when!

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