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I nvitational E ducation. Stan Rounds, Superintendent Las Cruces Public Schools. P eople P laces P olicies P rocesses P rograms. WHY INVITATIONAL EDUCATION?. Engaging a more positive school culture.
Invitational Education • Stan Rounds, Superintendent • Las Cruces Public Schools People Places Policies Processes Programs
WHY INVITATIONAL EDUCATION? • Engaging a more positive school culture. • Imagining, creating and thinking with your colleagues, not only today, but on a continuing basis. • Taking a step out of our immediate environment and (re)imagining what is possible. • NOT REFORM – TRANSFORM • Changing “Shift” to “Lift” • “Responsacountability” – responsibility to own the accountability.
THE FIVE Ps Human potential can best be realized by P5 Places Policies Processes Programs People
THE FIVE Ps The five “Ps” provide a framework to collaboratively address, evaluate, modify and sustain a positive total school environment.
PEOPLE Invitational Education begins and ends with people. • Every person – teachers, custodians, food service professionals, counselors, bus drivers, educational assistants, secretaries, principals and students – is an emissary for Invitational Education. • People create a respectful, optimistic, trusting and intentional society within inviting schools. • If policies, procedures, programs or processes inhibit people achieving established goals, they must be altered whenever possible.
PLACES Because they are so visible, PLACES are a good starting point for Invitational Education. If classes, offices, hallways, common rooms, cafeterias, playgrounds and restrooms are neat, attractive and well-maintained, they show that people care about the entire school.
POLICIES Effective policies are a positive influence on the attitude of the entire school. • Include mission statements, directives, codes and rules (written and unwritten) that regulate the school. • It is especially important to write inviting policies about attendance, grading, discipline and promotion. • Policies should pass the Invitational Education litmus test: Do they reflect trust, optimism, respect, care and intentionality?
PROGRAMS Encouraging active engagement with robust content. • Programs that appear to be elitist, sexist, homophobic, discriminatory or lacking in intellectual integrity must be changed or eliminated. • Invitational Education encourages group guidance and conflict management integrated into the curriculum. • School safety is promoted. • Small group collaboration enables students and adults to extend their interests and learning.
PROCESSES The way we do things in this school Processes are characterized by a democratic ethos, collaborative and cooperative procedures, and continuous networking among teachers, students, parents, staff and the community.
EIGHT-SECOND RULE What do you think of my school building and school grounds in the first eight seconds of your arrival? How were you greeted and treated the first moment you walked in the front door? The LCPS Physical Plant Department kicked off the LCPS invitational education initiative this summer by cleaning up grounds, painting and making improvements at many schools. Students like these working at Sierra Middle School were hired to help with the work during summer break.
THE OUTCOME • Make every school and school district building as attractive and inviting as possible for our students, staff, parents and community members. • A welcoming environment is an important part of the educational experience. • Please join us in this effort.