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the hub / Discovery. FEB-MARCH 2/14. In Febuary -March we talked to 15 people who work at eBay. Talked to users about how they access and manage company tools and info, what their perceptions and patterns are around the Hub. Learning highlights:
thehub / Discovery FEB-MARCH 2/14 • In Febuary-March we talked to 15 people who work at eBay. • Talked to users about how they access and manage company tools and info, what their perceptions and patterns are around the Hub. • Learning highlights: • The digital ecosystem is fragmented. Users manage links via Bookmarks, Search and team members. Email remain a key access point, and some users workaround the Hub almost entirely. • User expectations and trust are low. • Users come the Hub with a purpose. A key traffic driver and positive experience is People Search, followed by MyHR. • Findability relies heavily on Search today, where results could be more relevant. EF Managers & Extended Leadership Team Meeting
What should the Hub be? Vision and Scope Should the Hub be a broad set of tools, a dashboard or focused on Inc and MyHR? • A big challenge and opportunity is a strategy for consistent navigation. Current global nav is not understand or clicked through, and new windows and headers fragment navigation paths. • Be more person aware – “leverage what you know” • Users see a need for centralized, findable role-based content. More official spaces for “Finance”, “Training” etc would create less sprawl and duplication/abadonment of sites. • Things that are due on set dates or seasonal (training, benefits, calendar) can be featured at the right time to play a more guiding role • Geo-aware content for remote and global users, for policies, facilities, offers and events.
Quick links: Lots of common ground There was not a lot of variation in what users found vital. Providing quick, visible access to the right pages would reduce time and stress. • Critical, frequently needed: 1 GSD 2/3 PTO 2/3 Payroll/PIX 4 Expenses • Critical, occasionally needed: • Travel • ESPP • 401K • Goals/Performance • Hard to find and very useful: • Careers • Discounts • Café menu • Company/project acronyms
thehub / Homepage APRIL 4/14 • In March we brainstormed design and sketched multiple ideas. • In mid-April we talked to 9 employees. • Showed users 3 Homepage concepts from 3 designers. • We talked about: • The brand and tone of the Hub. User preferred a cleaner, more organized UI. • The balance of news and company content in a quick way that doesn’t feel like marketing. • The importance of Hub usefulness- easily findable access to actionable tasks. • Users appreciate personalized, targeted actions and content. EF Managers & Extended Leadership Team Meeting
Add labels to make icons self-explanatory. Language/geo selection is useful Search is primary! Don’t make me click and preselect the field. Clearly labeled navigation is needed: users can’t tell what falls under Employee Services, Resources, etc. Users ♥ the idea of customizing links! Key paths vary between people. Users prefer company news to “marketing” . Use key space to present content about global and local company happenings. Info below the fold may not get discovered on the desktop. Label should be “customize” and more visible to get idea across Make using it easy: scroll with the page
Users are interested in actionable elements on the Hub. These need to communicate clearly, be current and relevant.
When there are 2 sets of links, users aren’t sure what the difference is - clearly label spaces. Users are interested in actionable elements on the Hub. These need to communicate clearly, be current and relevant. Users evaluate content by usefulness and access. Here, ESPP should be featured, local/daily info like Lunch should be visible, infrequently used items like eBay shop doesn’t need to occupy key real estate.
Users ♥ their messages smartly groupedand personalized. There is concern that this info is sensitive and display openly by default. Left nav works, but top nav is more expected, provides less friction Users prefer short, visible headlines to be current on eBay, Inc news. The Hub should provide simple ways to Be the Customer.
thehub / Homepage APRIL 4/14 • April 22-23rd we talked to 5 users. • We showed users 2 prototypes from 2 of 3 designs. These include the Hub Homepage, news and Search. • Learning highlights: • Start exploring grid systems for content/news and navigation/menu systems for the right balance of content and links. • Look at presentation personalized communication widgets (Cards) and personal/profile info. EF Managers & Extended Leadership Team Meeting
Teresa Neil Homepage Collapsed menu is OK. Users prefer Quicklinks and Search over browsing for fast task access Some users found the grid jumbled, others like “mixed” approach. ID news by type to organize: PR, events, etc. Personalization is great! Users ask if they’re personal or company tasks? Notifications are great! Users see value and use cases Action cards are interesting, n/a for some. Managers ask re: multiple tools. Mobile is key here! Stock, weather positively viewed Wasn’t well noticed; locking “My Stuff” in place may help and would keep profile in view
Teresa Neil Homepage Positive response. Users asked: can this be used to consolidate your data – Intercall #, Org Chart, etc. Expand/Collapse widget was not discovered Personalization is great! Users ask if these are personal (PTO status) OR company tasks (Performance Mngmt). Would like to keep these distinct, see value in both. Notifications like upcoming travel are great! Other requests: Pending tasks, manager travel (admin), upcoming training, SAM tasks, GSD tickets, trading windows and more!
Teresa Neil Homepage Users easily discovered, understood and liked the simplicity of this menu. This was seen as simple links to basic tasks. Users want to customize list and add their own items.
ZURB Homepage Scrolling required, users want to understand content sectioning or may get lost in the page. Awesome! Visible links to key tasks positively viewed. A few ask if these are per location or role. Users see categories as more action needed, prefer simpler interaction. Search bar can be more noticeable – position in center (ebay.com)? Users ask about full-width use of space Users try to categorize content by type, and ask if News widgets can be standardized to simplify view.
ZURB Homepage Users saw white space as “clean”. Multiple buttons were seen a more action-required UI, not all may be required. 5 of 5 users asked what Daily Tasks mean – room to clarify intent and functionality Upcoming events are appreciated. These should be relevant for the users/location.
ZURB Homepage: Profile Awesome! Users understand this section and see opportunity for consolidating personal info. PTO is nice. Link to “take a day off” seen as useful extension of functionality Users didn’t feel they needed to see this daily. A few were not comfortable with the data this easily visible. More frequent tasks could be displayed.
ZURB Homepage: Resources Users tried to understand grouping into 3 columns, “you may need”. Were not sure which group Customized items would go. Users prompted to click, not sure what “Resources” label implies. Prefer to avoid extra click and aid discoverability by using hover on desktop. Users didn’t expect this to allow customization. Labeling “Customize” would likely increase click-through. Scanning menu takes time. Users ask for links/tools grouped into concise sub-groups. Users see this as more useful if they can add their own links here! Users guessed this is to Customize but were not confident. Clarify with generic terms, consider checkmarks over stars.
thehub / Nav Testing APRIL 4/14 • April 29-30th we talked to 5 employees/AWF. • Talked to users about how they access and manage company tools and info, what their perceptions and patterns are around the Hub. • Learning highlights: • The pros/cons of vertical vs horizontal navigation? What layouts/labels aid in navigation discovery? • What is the importance of Mobile in Hub workflows? • Other perceptions around content, layout, personalization and profile info as displayed in the 2 prototypes? EF Managers & Extended Leadership Team Meeting
ZURB Homepage: Open top navigation Users like the idea of putting their own useful links into this space, including external tools or project pages. Some users want this to show last visited. How customizable is it? How does it grow? I Want To label is more clicked than “Resources”. The task (verb) oriented approach is very successful over site names/acronyms. MyHR can have a consistent flyout menu. Horizontal sub-sections are easy to scan and appear organized and digestible. OTHER: More scrolling creates screen/content management challenges for users – appreciate more key content above the fold. Lots of white space is considered clean. More familiar look is comfortable for some users and conservative to others.
TN Homepage: Menus Finding this takes a bit longer within all-new UI, and separated from global menu on left. Hamburger considered standard today. Vertical list trickier to scan. Keep key options in view to avoid more searching. Users instantly like the task-based list and notice it’s customizable. Keep it to user customized links to avoid redundancy with left.
thehub / Search MAY 5/14 • In May we talked to 8 employees/AWF about Search. • We showed users 2 versions of a Search prototype that included Content and People Search, including Autocomplete, multiple display styles for Results, Filters and Documents. • Learning highlights: • A cleaner interface is seen as an immediate benefit over the current Search. • Autocomplete was positively perceived, including suggested Sites • Best Matches are a useful distinction for recommended or more relevant results. • Mixing People and Content was tricky to comprehend, and users thought of All view as primarily content. • Filters need vary by user type, and require further testing. EF Managers & Extended Leadership Team Meeting
thehub / Card Sort MAY 4/14 • In May we did a Card Sort with 31 Hub users to help us organize company links. • Learning highlights: • Cards were sorted into 5 primary categories. • Some cards (sites) are less clearly bucketed for users, while others have a more obvious ‘home’. • Some cards (sites) are considered more closely related than others • Common and critical sites can be provided in the nav, while more specialized or less frequently visited sites can be customized by the user. • Smaller buckets are easier to scan (discovered in previous research, applied in the synthesis of this research). EF Managers & Extended Leadership Team Meeting
Similarity Matrix The similarity matrix shows the percent of participants who agree with each card pairing. More similar cards are along the right edge.
Standardization Grid This grid shows the distribution of cards across categories. Each cell shows how many times a card was sorted into that category (number).
Standardization Grid I of III Each column shows all the unique cards placed into a category, followed by 2 “typical” user groupings. Benefits & Compensation Facilities & Workplace Career & Development
thehub / Survey JUNE 6/14 • In June we surveyed 415 global employees about the Hub. • Learning highlights: • Key drivers of Hub activity include MyHR, including Career Development and HR tools. Following HR tools are IT Requests (GSD, equipment, repairs, etc). • Key elements of a better Hub experience include more relevant Search results, removal of outdated content, better findability and navigation, a modern/clean I and less technology issues. EF Managers & Extended Leadership Team Meeting
How important is access to the following types of information about people who work at eBay Inc? % of users who rated this Extremely Important (5 on a scale of 1-5) Identifying people who are responsible for a specific project or team 46% Reporting structures 40% Identifying people with specific areas of expertise 35% Info about your location (events, etc) 33% Identifying people with common interests/backgrounds 9% Number of people who said its extremely important Identifying key contacts in the context of their projects and skills is a primary need.
How important is access to the following types types of content via the Hub? % of users who rated this Extremely Important (5 on a scale of 1-5) MyHR including Career Development and key HR tools 66% IT Requests: GSD, equipment, repairs 55% Policy and Procedures (Legal, Finance, Compliance) 47% Site Specific info (office locations, conf rooms, video conf, etc) 44% Tasks and To-dos (book travel, expenses, PO’s) 41% Facility Requests (desk, phone, supplies) 39% Company News 39% Business Unit Strategy & Priorities 37% eBay Inc Business Strategy & Priorities 36% Shared Purpose Commitments and Behaviors 35% People Manager related content 32% Number of people who said its extremely important
Key Themes: What would improve the Hub, that it doesn’t do well today? • Improved Search results • IA Categorization and Navigation: clearer page structure • Simpler homepage and cleaner, more consistent UI • Elimination of outdated information • Company directory with current contact info • Easier sign on • Remote access • Browser compatibility “More streamlined design, better compatibility with modern browsers, clearer links into frequently used administrative tasks (expenses, payroll, travel, etc.)”
Executive Summary – Hub Survey • Demographics • 82% were newbies <1 year • 33% Product Dev, 33% CS or Ops • 71% from the Americas • These are important • HR*, GSD*, Policies, Site/location info*, tasks, Company Info • One thing to improve Search, Easy access to top tasks (IA/Nav), SSO, remote access, browser compatibility, purge old info Bold: Addressed in Beta *Addressed in 12-24 months EF Managers & Extended Leadership Team Meeting