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964 Uploads
Violation of Child Rights in Institutions
61 vues
Gesture Control Robot using Arduino
136 vues
Analytical Study of Municipal Solid Waste Characteristics at Deonar Dumping Yard in Mumbai Region, Maharashtra, India
19 vues
Comparative CFD and Simulative Analysis of Flow Behaviour to Calculate Losses in Different Geometrical Pipes
13 vues
A Study on Organizational Culture and its Impact on Employee Performance A Case Study of State Bank of India
17 vues
Isolation and Screening of Exoelectrogenic Bacteria from Waste Water
40 vues
Design and Fabrication of Thermo Electric Refrigerator
35 vues
Friction Stir Spot Welding of Aluminium Alloy AA6063
74 vues
Analysis of Air Conditioning System used in Automobile
42 vues
PCA and DCT Based Approach for Face Recognition
24 vues
Density Based Traffic Lightcontrol System using Raspberry Pi
72 vues
Design and Working of Pedal Operated Flour Mill
41 vues
Language in Glocal Cultural Context
33 vues
Changing Wind Versus the Primeval Voices A Reconceptualization of Indian Adivasis in Contemporary Context
11 vues
Identification of Disease in Leaves using Genetic Algorithm
18 vues
Review on Bio Mimitic Robotic Bird
12 vues
Secondary Filtration of Closed Loop in DC Locomotive
16 vues
Health Psychology Psychological Adjustment to the Disease, Disability and Loss
18 vues
Multiple Products Testing on Single Circular Conveyor
11 vues
Design and Fabrication of Economical Air Filter
40 vues
Impact of Demonetization in India on MSME
20 vues
Understanding the Need of Implementation of Lean Techniques in Manufacturing Industries A Review
14 vues
Process Parameter Optimization for Resistance Spot Welding using Response Surface Methdology
18 vues
Design and Modeling of Pull Rod and Push Rod Suspension System
18 vues
Problems of Women Education in India A Case Study of Mangalagiri Mandal in Guntur District of A.P
26 vues
Analysis of Air Conditioning Arrangement for Two Floor Shopping Complex by using Revit MEP Software
16 vues
Environmental Health and Sanitation
72 vues
Health Care Waste Management
35 vues
Study for Comparison on Design of Steel Frame using Rolled, Fabricated and PEB Sections
27 vues
Standardization and Optimization of Initiation, Shooting and Rooting Medium for Patchouli Micro Propagation
15 vues
HIV AIDS and the Reflection of Sexual Invisibility in the Elderly in Brazil
21 vues
Fibrin Rich in Leukocytes and Platelets L PRF and Bisphosphonate Induced Osteonecrosis We Need to Advertise Now
15 vues
Brand Awareness and Marketing Campaign for Nilkamal
18 vues
Optimizing Multiple Object Tracking and Decision making using neuro-fuzzy
13 vues
Development of Diagnostic System for Brain MRI Scanning Based on Robust Information Clustering
14 vues
Attitude towards Information and Communication Technology among Rural and Urban Primary and Secondary School Teachers of
11 vues
An Approach to Block Negative Posts on Social Media at Server Side
7 vues
Feasibility of Artificial Neural Network in Civil Engineering
23 vues
Design and Analysis of Go Kart Chassis for Front, Side and Rear Impact
72 vues
Experimental Study of Setup Time Reduction in CNC Machine Shop
21 vues