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Title III Year 4 Webinar October 14, 2010. Welcome. Thank you for joining us. Please identify yourself in the chat area now. Introductions will follow. Housekeeping. Communication Webinar is in presentation mode.
Welcome • Thank you for joining us. • Please identify yourself in the chat area now. • Introductions will follow.
Housekeeping Communication Webinar is in presentation mode. Audio is primarily over the Internet. (Quick Audio Check Poll) Questions are welcomed; submit them online in the “text-chat” area (lower-left). These will be collected and addressed via a FAQ. Conference Call only webinar participants – please send questions to Lilia Sanchez at lsanchez@cde.ca.gov. 3
Housekeeping - cont. Tech Support During the Event text-chat klarsen@wested.org The event is being recorded and will be available afterwards on the Title III Technical Assistance Web page at: http://www.cacompcenter.org/t3ta(Outside Source). 4
Introductions Michele Anberg-Espinosa, Bilingual/Migrant Education Programs Consultant, Language Policy and Leadership Office (LPLO), California Department of Education (CDE) manbergespinosa@cde.ca.gov Zoe Ann Brown, Senior Program Associate, Comprehensive Center at WestEd zbrown@wested.org 5
Poll: Who is in the audience today? Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent English Learner (EL) Coordinator for local educational agency (LEA) Categorical Programs Coordinator for LEA Site Principal Other 6
Outcomes Participants will understand: Title III Year 4 Requirements “The 5-Step Inquiry Model” Technical assistance available Resources 7
Title III Year 4 Requirements Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title III, Part A If an LEA does not meet one or more of the Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) targets for four consecutive years, the state educational agency shall: 8
Title III Year 4 Requirements 9 • require such entity to modify the entity's curriculum, program, and method of instruction; or
Title III Year 4 Requirements 10 (B)(i) make a determination whether the entity shall continue to receive funds related to the entity's failure to meet such objectives; and (ii) require such entity to replace educational personnel relevant to the entity's failure to meet such objectives. (Elementary and Secondary Education Act [ESEA] Section 3122 [b][4])
Title III Year 4 Requirements On January 9, 2008, the California State Board of Education approved Item #9, which determined that the CDE would implement ESEA Section 3122 (b)(4)(A) for LEAs failing to meet their AMAOs for four consecutive years. This sanction requires LEAs to modify the curriculum, program, and method of instruction for ELs. 11
Title III Year 4 Requirements Should any LEA fail to submit the required Action Plan, the CDE shall delay Title III funding until such time that the Action Plan is received and fully implemented. 12
Title III Year 4 Requirements 13 • By January 13, 2011, enter and submit the Title III Year 4 Action Plan on the California Accountability and Improvement System (CAIS), with completed Needs Assessment, and English Learner Subgroup Self-Assessment (ELSSA) • Implement Plan • Monitor Plan • Improve EL achievement
Assess Needs What does the data tell us? What is our EL student achievement? What are the patterns in the data? Which students need the most help? 15
Student Data 16 Ethnicity, gender, language, length of time in United States schools, language proficiency Parent socioeconomic status Course enrollment Grades Test scores Performance assessments Graduation rates Dropout rates Absences, truancy Behavior
How to gather data 17 Extant reports Data files State tools Surveys Questionnaires Interviews Focus groups
State Level Data Statewide Accountability Academic Performance Index (API) Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Program Improvement (PI) Status Title III AMAOs Statewide Testing Programs Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) California English Language Development Test (CELDT) http://dq.cde.ca.gov/dataquest 18
The California Department of Education Tools 19 • ELSSA • Academic Program Survey (APS) • District Assistance Survey (DAS) • Inventory of Services and Supports for Students with Disabilities (ISS) • Equitable Distribution Plan (EDP)
How to look at data Analyses Representations 20 Descriptive data (frequencies, means, percents, and numbers) Compare groups Look over time Identify gaps Bar Graphs Pie Charts Line Graphs Tables
District Demographics “San Felipe” 21
San Felipe Adequate Yearly Progress Grade Span Data—Grades Six through Eight (6–8) Percent Proficient in English Language Arts on California Standards Test 23
San FelipeCalifornia High School Exit Examination Passing Rates English Language Arts Grade 10 24
Poll: Which Annual Measurable Achievement Objective is your local educational agency not meeting? AMAO 1 AMAO 2 Fewer than five years Five years or more AMAO 3 English Language Arts Mathematics http://dq.cde.ca.gov/dataquest 27
English Learner Subgroup Self-Assessment Table 5a. AMAO 2: How are EL students performing on California English Language Development Test based on the length of time they have been in US schools? 29
English Learner Subgroup Self-Assessment Survey Questions 30
Identify Causes Why do these problems/challenges exist? What practices are causing our students to have these problems? Identify root causes brainstorm all possibilities and then verify use state tools ELSSA Survey questions/summary APS DAS ISS EDP Make educated guesses 31
Identify Cause Why won’t the car start? Out of gas? ? ? ? ? ? 32
Identify Cause by Diagnosing the Problem Putting gas in won’t solve the problem if it is a dead battery! Avoid jumping to solutions 33
Poll 34 In an LEA, ELs are reading far below grade level. The planning team believes a root cause may be that teachers are not providing appropriately modified ELA instruction. How would you verify this?
Investigate Solutions Brainstorm ideas to solve each identified problem Look outward and inward Search research literature for evidence of effectiveness for each prioritized solution Eliminate solutions that are not feasible Rank and prioritize solutions Select solutions (strategies) to implement Identify research-based solutions 35
Select Research-based Solutions for Root Causes http://www.cacompcenter.org/t3ta 36
Develop, Implement, and Monitor Plan Complete Needs Assessment (Word.doc) and attach in CAIS Determine goals and create specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART) goals Select the strategies (solutions from Needs Assessment) Develop Plan 37
Develop, Implement and Monitor Plan Complete Action Plan Template (Word.doc) for each goal. Create action steps and tasks for each strategy. Designate who is responsible. Decide when each action step and task will be completed. Identify funding sources. Create draft Action Plan by combining the Action Plan Templates. Copy (cut and paste) final Action Plan into CAIS. Develop Plan, cont. 38
Develop, Implement and Monitor Plan Implement and Monitor Plan 39 Monitor progress Keep track of progress using online system Review student achievement data Modify plan based on data
Recognize that the Title III Year 4 Action Plan is a component of the umbrella LEA Plan (LEAP). For overlap districts, it can be cut and pasted into the LEAP or LEAP Addendum. Develop, Implement and Monitor Plan 40
Technical Assistance Available 41 • Regional County Office of Education (COE) Leads • The CDE LPLO Staff • Carlos Rivera, CRivera@cde.ca.gov • Lilia Sanchez, LSanchez@cde.ca.gov • WestEd CA CC Title III Staff • Zoe Ann Brown, zbrown@wested.org • Kurt Larsen, klarsen@wested.org • Title III Accountability www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/t3/t3amaotargets.asp • Documents and Webinars www.cacompcenter.org/t3ta
California County Superintendents Educational Services Association Regions 42
Regional County Office of Education Leads Region 1 – Sonoma COE (Patty Dineen, Stephanie Wayment) Region 2 – Butte COE (Holly Ahmadi) Region 3 – Sac COE (Jan Mayer) Region 4 – Contra Costa COE (Elvia Teixeira) Region 5 – Monterey COE (Yee Wan) Region 6 – San Joaquin COE (Olivia Sosa) Region 7 – Fresno COE (GuadalupeSolis, Carmen Friesen) Region 8 – Kern COE (Elva Hennessee) Region 9 – San Diego COE (Monica Nava, Antonio Mora, Karla Groth) Region 10 – Riverside COE (Carmen Dixon-Gonzalez) Region 11 – LACOE (Magdalena Ruz-Gonzalez, Silvina Rubinstein) 43
Resources Legal Requirements COE Lead Responsibilities LEA Responsibilities Needs Assessment Template (Word.doc) Action Plan Template (Word.doc) Strategies Possible Action Steps Assurance Pages Plan Evaluation Criteria 44
Remember… Action Plans are due on CAIS by January 13, 2011. 48
Next Webinar: 11/9/10 50 Creating the plan Attaching the Needs Assessment online Entering the plan online in the CAIS