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PWG4 Status. Gustavo Conesa Balbastre INFN-Frascati. Outline. Jet Tasks updates - Christian Klein-B ö sing GammaConv updates - Ana Marin PartCorr updates MC requirements for First Physics - All. Jet Tasks: New High p T QA: Cuts. Bastian Bathen. Improved cut on
PWG4 Status Gustavo Conesa Balbastre INFN-Frascati PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Outline • Jet Tasks updates - Christian Klein-Bösing • GammaConv updates - Ana Marin • PartCorr updates • MC requirements for First Physics - All PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Jet Tasks:New High pT QA: Cuts Bastian Bathen Improved cut on 1/pT uncertainty (relative) loose cuts B. Bathen loose cuts + relative pT uncertainty < 8% Implemented in AliESDtrackCuts 14.09.09 rev34793 Offline Week 10.2009 Christian Klein-Bösing PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Jet Tasks: AliJetAODReader AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter *AddTaskESDfilter(bool bUseKineFilter = true){ … AliAnalysisFilter* trackFilter = new AliAnalysisFilter("trackFilter"); trackFilter->AddCuts(CreateCuts(0)); // the first set of AliESDtrackCuts … } AliAnalysisTaskJets *AddTaskJets(Char_t *jr, Char_t *jf,Float_t radius = -1){ … case “AOD”: AliJetAODReaderHeader *jrh = new AliJetAODReaderHeader(); jrh->SetComment("AOD Reader"); jrh->SetTestFilterMask(1<<0); // tracks selected by the first set of cuts … } Make sure to make the same selection in your AOD analysis In contrast to AliJetESDReader track cuts are freely adjustable, cut selections done while filtering the ESD to the AOD output The tracks that passed certain filter(s) are selected by the reader and used as input for the jet finder PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Jet Tasks: AliJetAODReader AliAnalysisTaskJets *AddTaskJets(Char_t *jr, Char_t *jf,Float_t radius = -1){ … case "AODMC": AliJetAODReaderHeader *jrh = new AliJetAODReaderHeader(); jrh->SetComment("AOD MC Reader"); jrh->SetPtCut(0.); jrh->SetFiducialEta(-2.1,2.1); jrh->SetReadAODMC(1);// 1 all primary MC , 2 all primary charged… … } • Read MC information from the AOD • FYI: You can switch on the MC filter in AddTaskESDFilter.C, it creates a branch of AliAODMCParticles, with a partial copy of the kinematics tree • Recent addition (rev 34598, 03.09.09): PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Jet Tasks: AliAnalysisTaskJets • dynamic_cast<AliJetHeader*>(fInputHandler->GetTree()->GetUserInfo() • ->FindObject(Form("AliJetHeader_%s”,branchnameJets))); … gROOT->LoadMacro("AddTaskJets.C"); AliAnalysisTaskJets *jetanaMC = AddTaskJets("MC","UA1MC"); jetanaMC->SetDebugLevel(10); jetanaMC->SetNonStdBranch("jetsMC"); … Allows for easy systematic study of jet finder effects • Takes the externally configured reader and jet finder and runs the jet finding • The jet header is stored in the UserInfo() of the output tree • Upon reading back • Writes the branches • jets (array of AliAODJet) • jeteventbackground(AliAODJetEventBackground) with different estimates of background energy • Can write several different jet finders to the AOD output • Here background branch will be jeteventbackground_jetsMC PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Jet Tasks: Run several finders/cuts to … MC (all R = 0.4) MC (ch. R = 0.4) MC (ch. R = 0.4) Rec (R = 0.4) 7 7 • Run the same jet finder always on • Full MC (“jetsMC”) • MC only charged (“jetsMC2”) • AOD (“jetsAOD”) • Compare responses to separate detector effects PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Jet Tasks: AliAnalyisTaskJets and deltaAOD … gROOT->LoadMacro("AddTaskJets.C"); AliAnalysisTaskJets *jetanaMC = AddTaskJets("MC","UA1MC"); jetanaMC->SetDebugLevel(10); jetanaMC->SetNonStdBranch("jetsMC"); jetanaMC->SetNonStdOutputFile("AliAOD.pwg4Jets.root"); … • In case you want a separate file produced with the standard AOD • Makes only sense for local analyses, not for grid-based • rev. 34747, 10.09.09 • Careful with following on the fly analyses that rely on the jets being in the standard output! PWG4 analysis - Offline week
p0 (and h) measurement with conversions Photon Conversion working group PWG4 analysis - Offline week
GammaConv software • PWG4/GammaConv • Reconstruction of g from conversion electrons • Writes a delta AOD with g (under tests) • Correction framework included • More precise calculation of the conversion point • p0 and h meson analysis • g-hadron (jet) analysis • cC analysis • p0 Dalitz reconstruction (in preparation) • AddTaskGammaConversion.C/ ConfigGammaConversion.C PWG4 analysis - Offline week
GammaConv software • Documentation https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ALICE/PWG4GammaConversion • Optimization and further debugging ongoing • Running on AODs needs to be implemented • Signal extraction, systematic errors studies ongoing • Done in macros. Needs to be ported to the task • GammaConv software is in the Analysis Train according to the Web information PWG4 analysis - Offline week
GammaConv Wiki:https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ALICE PWG4 analysis - Offline week
GammaConv Wiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ALICE/PWG4GammaConversion PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: Reminder • Responsible Gustavo Conesa Balbastre • Particle identification (photons, pi0, eta, electrons …) and correlation (with jets, hadrons … ) package. • Subdivided in 2 directories Base and Dep: • PartCorrBase: Manager classes are here and common pieces of code to be used for for any kind of analysis • PartCorrDep: All classes doing the different analysis • It works with AODs and ESDs (ESDs filtered in the frame unless the official ESDfilter used). • Quite complete documentation can be found in the offline analysis pages: • http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/Activities/Analysis/PWGDocumentation/PWG4/PartCorr.html • Not up-to-date, changes listed in this presentation and in the last offline weeks presentation. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Embedding (mixing) at analysis level • Request for the EMCal-PPR: • Pb-Pb + p-p simulations merging at digitization level. • Production stopped due to large memory consumption. • Due to document due time fastest solution: Mix at analysis level. • Idea: • Merge AODs because they are much lighter. • One Pythia AOD file, about 20k events. • One HIJING AOD file, 100 events. • Analysis: Collection of hijing files, merge during the analysis with one of the Pythia AOD. • Pythia AOD is loaded in the frame like an external file. • First implementation in PartCorr then implemented in the general analysis frame. • Input containers with Tracks/CaloClusters/CaloCells, updated each event, adding the “friend” file Tracks/CaloClusters/CaloCells. • MC labels remapped for the “friend” Tracks/CaloClusters • Problem: What vertex to store (typically different). By default input vertex, access to friend file event and its information still possible. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Embedding at analysis level: How to • PartCorr frame • It needed important changes in the frame, available on trunk • Change AOD TRefArrays (CTS, PHOS, EMCAL) to TObjArrays. • Add the track/calocluster which is the first one in the list from the “friend input”, needed to access the corresponding AOD in case of access to kinematics and the corresponding vertex. • Needed settings in Analysis Configuration file: • General common frame • It involved changes in AliAnalysisTaskSE and … • Setting in macro for analysis execution: reader->SetSecondInputFileName(path); //Standard event loop can have less events, start //mixing at event N reader->SetSecondInputFirstEvent(first_event); // Output AOD handler AliAODHandler* aodoutHandler = new AliAODHandler(); aodoutHandler->SetOutputFileName("aod.root"); aodoutHandler->SetCreateNonStandardAOD(); mgr->SetOutputEventHandler(aodoutHandler); // Input AOD handler AliAODInputHandler *aodHandler = new AliAODInputHandler(); aodHandler->SetMergeEvents(kTRUE); aodHandler->AddFriend(path); PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Embedding at analysis level • Tested by Electron and Jet group of EMCal • It is working. • PartCorr, To Do: • Remove the functionalities already given by the frame. • Move the TObjArrays to TRefArrays again? PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: Frame changes • Possible memory leak spotted in AliFidutial cut, thanks to Jenn • I have modified the way the region selection is done, avoiding some non deleted pointers. Hope it solves the problem. • AODMCParticles/Stack: • User can select whether he wants to use MC kinematical information stored in ESD/Stack or AOD/MCParticles. • Implied many changes in most of analysis classes. • Not very satisfactory way to do it, need to define a mask between the 2. • AliMCAnalysisUtils: • Tag CaloClusters depending on its origin with method CheckOrigin. It returns a bit map, a cluster can be generated from • Photon (bit), converted before EMCal (bit), comes from a decay pi0/fragmentation/prompt (bit) • Electron (bit), converted before EMCal (bit), comes from a W/B/Pi0 decay (bit). • Changes foreseen in near future to account for the fact that clusters have contributions of other particles, main purpose tag clusters as • overlapped pi0 decays (on progress) • many jet particles • … PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: Frame changes • Change in AliAODPWG4Particle • Few more data members added for analysis tags: • photon tagging (decay) • b tagging • In next future: compress into a bitmap so that we can include in the same data member different analysis tags like the ones already available (isolation, b tagging, photon decay tagging). • libEMCalUtils.so: • New library containing EMCAL related information that could be needed for analysis (like libPHOSUtils): • Access to EMCAL geometry methods: AliAnaPi0, AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPi0Selection. • Access to PID algorithm: In case bayesian PID needs to be recalculated for different parameters: AliCaloPID • Track selection: • Until few months ago hard-coded the selection of tracks refitted in the TPC and ITS. • Now status=0 by default, take all tracks. • Now the status of the track to be used can be set at the reader: ULong_t status=AliAODTrack::kTPCrefit; status|=AliAODTrack::kITSrefit; reader->SetTrackStatus(status); PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: Frame changes • Protection to skip PYTHIA events with large jet energy compared to pT-hard. • When generating small pt-hard bins with large number of events, PYTHIA can produce some multi-parton events, spoiling the high pT part of the particle spectrum. • A protection added when input are ESDs, if generated pT-hard < 7* Triggered Jet pT (pycell), the event is rejected. • reader->SetPtHardAndJetPtComparison(kTRUE); • No way to avoid this with AODs right now. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: AliAnaElectron • Developers: Jenn Klay, Ken Read, Mark Heinz et al. • Many improvements in this analysis since last report. • It is producing results for the EMCal PPR • Class fully implemented in the PartCorr frame. • Many examples on how to run it (Ken Read): • http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/Activities/Analysis/PWGDocumentation/PWG4/ElectronMacros.html • PWG4/macros/electron • Examples to run JETAN (FASTJET) and PartCorr. • Ken has done a big effort to make a very useful set of scripts and macros for the different options of analysis and data. • In future, this analysis will share some code with PWG3 HF group. • In order to reduce the libraries interdependencies, we could move electron class to a new library that will depend on libPWG4PartCorrBase and the corresponding PWG3 library. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Pi0 candidate Event_i p1, p2, p3 … PartCorr: AliAnaOmegaTo3Photon • Developper: Renzhuo Wan • (782)->0 • Rename class AliAnaNeutralMeson. • Now, input will be output of AliAnaPhoton and AliAnaPi0EbE. • It will be implemented soon. measurement PWG4 analysis - Offline week
AliAnalysisTaskOmega3Pi • Developper: Boris Polishchuk • (782)->0+- • Included in the analysis train. • This study and (782)->0 are complementary to get systematic error of the measurement • Tested with MB pp grid production. • To be fully implemented in the PartCorr frame, to use the common imput of AliAnaPi0EbE. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
AliAnalysisTaskTaggedPhoton • Developers, Dmitri Peressounko and Dmitri Blau. • New class for direct photon identification, tagging method. • Photon tagged as decay or not. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
QA vs PWG1 train • QA for calorimeters used to validate productions in the Grid • PWG4/PartCorrDep/AliAnaCalorimeterQA • Included in the analysis train. • Contains about 80 histograms • 20 related only to data • 60 related to MC • I was thinking to move this to the QA frame. ESD QA could be executed as an extra analysis by the analysis frame. • The easiest would be to include directly this class in a PWG1 train. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Calorimeters calibration • Last meeting the PHOS Pi0 calibration class presented • AliAnalysisTaskPi0CalibSelection.cxx • Moved to PWG4/CaloCalib, together with the same new calibration class for EMCAL • AliAnalysisTaskPHOSPi0CalibSelection. • AliAnalysisTaskEMCALPi0CalibSelection. • These clases can work with AODs, to be used right after the filter. • Need to write the Tender filling the AOD with the Geometry Matrix. • I will work on this in the next weeks. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: My To Do List • PartCorr • Old: Produce delta AODs, modify example macros, train wagon. • Old: Implement mixing (not embedding) analysis in PartCorr frame • Old: Update documentation • Old: How to connect GammaConv output with PartCorr analysis. • Improve cluster tagging method in AliMCAnalysisUtils. • Remove some embedding functionalities provided by the frame. • … • Calorimeters calibration • Test calibration procedure with large MB production. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
MC productions requests for first Physics • Jets, Direct photos, Pi0 correlations • Available productions • Jet-Jet in EMCAL at s = 10 TeV: 17 pT hard bins from 12 to 258 GeV, 100k events par bin. • Jet-Jet no acceptance constrain, pT>15, pT>50, pT>100 • Needed productions • Gamma-jet, pt bins [4-10][10-20][>20] • Jet-Jet, no acceptance constrain [5-15] • Jet-Jet, jet contains pi0 with pt>5 GeV in PHOS or EMCAL acceptance. • We need the same already produced and remarked at 7 TeV, with PYTHIA and HERWIG and other possible generators: PHOJET? EPOS? • All this under discussion. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
MC productions requests for first Physics Yuri • Files to save: • galice.root • Kimenatics.root • TrackRefs.root • geometry.root • AliESDs.root • *.log • Statistics needed • 50M events for each calorimeter, each neutral meson, each ALICE geometry option • Estimated resources: • 3000 khours and 1 Tb for each calorimeter, each neutral meson, each ALICE geometry option • Macros: /alice/cern.ch/user/k/kharlov/production/pi0_2gamma/ • Neutral meson (0, , ) produced by AliGenBox within ranges: • PHOS: • 0<pT<50 GeV/c • 200<<340 • 0.25<<+0.25 • EMCAL: • 0<pT<50 GeV/c • 60<<200 • 1.0<<+1.0 • Two ALICE geometry options: • All detectors between IP and the calorimeters, with DisableStepManager() in them • No other detectors, no interaction processes in ALICE air PWG4 analysis - Offline week
MC productions requests for first Physics Ana • Photon conversion group (under preparation) • Minimum bias event + X p0's/per event in pt bins 0-50 GeV/c • Minimum bias event +X h's/per event in pt bins 0-50 GeV/c (with modified BR) • X is under investigation (probably order 10) PWG4 analysis - Offline week
Backup PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: Particle identification/selection analysis • Photon identification (shower shape): AliAnaPhoton • Input: ESD CaloClusters • Output: aod (AliPWG4Particle(Correlation) objects) and histograms • Pi0 identification via invariant mass: AliAnaPi0 • Input: aod (only AliPWG4Particle objects) from AliAnaPhoton • Output: histograms • Uses mixing event techniques. • Under study the implementation of the eta and omega identification cases. • Access to PHOS geometry possible when the PHOSutils library is loaded. • Pi0 identification on Event-by-Event basis: AliAnaPi0EbE, 3 cases: • Calorimeters invariant mass and other selections cuts • Input: aod from AliAnaPhoton • Output: aod (AliPWG4Particle(Correlation) objects), histograms • Calorimeter + Gamma Conversion invariant mass and other selection cuts • Input: aod from AliAnaPhoton and aod from GammaConv package (when available) • Output: aod (AliPWG4Particle(Correlation) objects) , histograms • Pi0 is a single cluster, decay photons overlap, shower shape identification of pi0 • Input: ESD CaloClusters • Output: aod (AliPWG4Particle(Correlation) objects) and histograms • Charged Particles selection:new, not committed, AliAnaChargedParticles • Input: ESD Tracks • Output: aod (AliPWG4Particle(Correlation) objects) and histograms PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: Particle selection/correlation analysis • Particle Isolation: AliAnaParticleIsolation • Input : aod (AliPWG4ParticleCorrelation objects ) from AliAnaPhoton, AliAnaPi0EbE, AliAnaChargedParticles … • Output: histograms, modifies aod adding an isolation label and adding a list with references to tracks/caloclusters falling in isolation cone. • Particle correlation with hadrons: AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation • Hadrons in a wide angular window opposite to the trigger particle, and with a selected pt cut. • Input : aod (AliPWG4ParticleCorrelation objects ) from AliAnaPhoton, AliAnaPi0EbE, AliAnaChargedParticles … • Output: histograms, modifies aod adding a list with references to the selected hadrons. • Particle correlation with jets: • AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation: correlation with aod jet from JETAN • AliAnaParticleJetLeadingConeCorrelation: jet reconstruction algorithm depending on trigger particle. • Input : aod (AliPWG4ParticleCorrelation objects ) from AliAnaPhoton, AliAnaPi0EbE, AliAnaChargedParticles … and aod from JETAN (only for AliAnaParticleJetFinderCorrelation) • Output: histograms, modifies aod adding a list with references to the jet hadrons and a reference to the aod jet. PWG4 analysis - Offline week
AliAODPWG4Particle: Derives from AliVParticle, suitable for particle identification studies, quite light object. Its data members are: Particle kinematics: TLorentzVector fMomentum: Monte Carlo: Int_t fLabel: Id of original MC particle Int_t fTag: Tag particle as Decay, Fragmentation, Prompt, Conversion … defined in class AliAnalysisMCUtils Connect with original ESD/AOD Id number, necessary for isolation studies. Int_t fTrackLabel[2]: if original particle is a track put here the index, if is reconstructed from 2 tracks (conversion gamma), put 2 indexes. Int_t fCaloLabel[2]:if original particle is a calocluster put here the index, if is reconstructed from 2 caloclusters (pi0), put 2 indexes. PID: Int_t fPdg: Assigned identification label after PID bits for PID selection of caloclusters in later stages of the analysis Int_t fTof: Time of Flight Int_t fDisp: Shower shape dispersion Int_t fCharged: cluster is charged. Quality of the cluster: Int_t fBadChannel: Distance to bad channel Detector of origin: TString fDetector : PHOS, EMCAL, CTS PartCorr: Output AOD objects PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: Output AOD objects • AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation: Derives from AliAODPWG4Particle, suitable for correlation studies, data members are: • Isolation studies: • Bool_t fIsolated: Flag for Isolation • TRefArray* fRefIsolationTracks(Clusters): Reference array with tracks (caloclusters) found in the trigger particle isolation cone. • Trigger particle - Jet/Hadron correlation stdudies • TList *fListOfRefArrays: List of Reference arrays of correlated tracks (clusters) with the trigger particle for different porpouses. • TRef fRefJet: Reference to jet found with JETAN • TLorentzVector * fCorrJet(Bkg): Kinematics of jet (background) found with gamma-tagging techniques • TLorentzVector * fLeading: Kinematics of Jet core / leading particle PWG4 analysis - Offline week
PartCorr: AliMCAnalysisUtils • Class devoted for analysis utils relative to information stored stack, headers, etc. • Two methods for the moment: • Int_t CheckOrigin(): Given a particle it assigns a label to know its origin, right now concentrated on photons: • enum mcTypes {kMCPrompt, kMCFragmentation, kMCISR, kMCPi0Decay, kMCEtaDecay, kMCOtherDecay, kMCPi0, kMCEta, kMCElectron, kMCConversion, kMCUnknown}; • Depends on the generator used, right now only works for PYTHIA and HERWIG, if needed other generators could be considered. • TList *GetJets(): Returns the lists of generated jets (TParticles) • Depends on the Generator, only 2 options • PYTHIA: Returns jets found with Pycell • HERWIG: Generated objects with PDG 94, (CMShowers), not real jets but close. PWG4 analysis - Offline week