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Multimedia Activity Nurcan Ciftcikara TEC-551 Grand Canyon University April 8, 2012

Multimedia Activity Nurcan Ciftcikara TEC-551 Grand Canyon University April 8, 2012. American Civil War (1861-1865). As a class we will discuss the cause of the Civil War and the social and economical impact of the war on the states.

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Multimedia Activity Nurcan Ciftcikara TEC-551 Grand Canyon University April 8, 2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Multimedia ActivityNurcan CiftcikaraTEC-551Grand Canyon UniversityApril 8, 2012

  2. American Civil War (1861-1865) • As a class we will discuss the cause of the Civil War and the social and economical impact of the war on the states. • Will review the food and supply of the Union and Confederate Armies. • Will review living condition of the soldier for the Union and Confederate armies.

  3. Civil War • Economic and social differences between the North and the South. • States versus federal rights. • The fight between Slave and Non-Slave State Proponents. • Growth of the Abolition Movement. • The election of Abraham Lincoln. • ("Top five causes," 2012)

  4. Economical differences between the North and South • North had major advantage with factories, abilities to produce guns and ammo. Northern railroad system had better infrastructure then the south and was able to transport more supplies to troops on the front lines. • South, even with it major agricultural power did not grow crops that would support their troops. The crops grown were considered “cash crops” like tobacco and cotton. • Northern blockade of shipping lanes caused the south to lose what little money they had coming in from exporting tobacco and cotton. • ("Economy in the," 2012)

  5. Social differences between the North and South • North flourished in industrial and natural resources. Did have some small agricultural areas, but was dominated by urban life. • North had more than 2/3 of the railroad system and which added in their economy. • South was more suited for large planation's do to its fertile soil and climate. The south grew tobacco and cotton. Because the corps where so profitable the south didn’t see the need to become industrialized. • 80% of the work force were on farms. • ("North and south:," 2011)

  6. Questions • When was the Civil War fought? • Where was the Civil War Fought? • How many soldiers fought in the Civil War? • Who ran in the election of 1860? • What caused the Civil War? • What did Civil War Soldiers eat? • What role did African-Americans play in the Union war effort? • *Let’s discuss current issues.

  7. Civil War Economy of the South

  8. Civil War Economy of the North

  9. References • Economy in the civil war. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.shmoop.com/civil-war/economy.html • North and south: different cultures, same country. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/civil-war-overview/northandsouth.html • Top five causes of the civil war. (2012). Retrieved from http://americanhistory.about.com/od/civilwarmenu/a/cause_civil_war.htm

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