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Addressing Skills Mismatch: LMI, Local Employment Planning and Career Guidance. Atty. Jalilo O. Dela Torre, OIC, Bureau of Local Employment. In a labor-surplus economy, we’re now experiencing an unbelievable phenomenon of jobs looking for workers.
Addressing Skills Mismatch: LMI, Local Employment Planning and Career Guidance Atty. Jalilo O. Dela Torre, OIC, Bureau of Local Employment
In a labor-surplus economy, we’re now experiencing an unbelievable phenomenon of jobs looking for workers. • Out of 100 workers applying for call center jobs, only 5 are hired: they need 600,000 more until 2010, according to BPAP • 100,000 welders needed locally. • Commercial airline pilots and aviation technicians have flown away and are now considered critical skills. • Mining, geodetic and metallurgical engineers now needed by the mining industry but none can be extracted from the earth. • Did you know we don’t have enough waiters and bartenders? And you thought waitering was easy!
We believe the culprit is skills mismatch. Skills mismatch – refers to a condition whereby the skills and education of the existing workforce do not match the needs of existing firms and industries. This largely reflects the fact that a country’s policies, primarily labor and education, have not adjusted to the needs of its economic sectors.
Reasons for unemployability of college graduates • the lack of English language competencies, • poor interactive skills, • poor choice of degree courses, • poor quality degree courses or • more blatantly, just too many students who barely passed their degree examinations. Reaction by a reader in a blog to a plan of the Malaysian government to enroll college undergraduates in skills training to improve their employability.
A substantial portion of the registered 66,000 unemployed graduates are from some of the most popular courses. Business administration, computer and information technology, and engineering are the most sought-after courses by many school leavers.This has resulted in a high number of unemployment among graduates from these disciplines – 19,900 business administration graduates, 9,500 from computer and information technology, and 7,500 engineering graduates. The Malay Mail, April 11, 2005
Running third is engineering, with 45,444 expected graduates for the year. Compared with the figures in 1995, when its graduates stood at 46,090, the number dropped by 1.4 percent. Engineering graduates will have the toughest time in getting the jobs that they spent time learning in the colleges they came from. “We produce mostly white-collar engineers. They never get their hands on. Worse, they are not qualified to be engineers in its strict sense,” Donald Dee, President, Employers Confederation of the Philippines
The bottomline is, students should pick courses based on their capabilities and not based on what's apparently "in-demand" out there (e.g., IT courses). If you are not cut out for IT or Engineering, putting yourselves through the courses is not going to make you more employable in the IT or Engineering markets.
“Jobs skills mismatch is a major challenge right now. A large number of trained graduates are left unemployed or underemployed because they do not fit the requirements of the job market. It’s quite ironic that a number of job vacancies could not be filled up because the available manpower supply would not fit the job.” Secretary of Education Jeslie Lapus
Percentage of Graduates Employed in Jobs Requiring Preparation in Field
National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE)-administered by DepEd to determine the areas of improvement in the basic educational system that could address the job mismatch in the country. 1,305,211 – took the test on Jan 17, 2007 49,066 or 3.76% showed high aptitude for college admission (75% and above in General Scholastic Aptitude) 757,356 or 58.03% demonstrated high levels of entrepreneurial skills 711,526 or 54.51% demonstrated high levels of vocational skills
Why college education is still preferred by most • College education qualifies them for white-collar employment which usually offers a number of advantages—more comfortable and safer workplaces, more regular and stable terms of employment, and social security protection. • College education improves their lifestyle, if not their social standing. • CHED 1995 TASK FORCE
Reasons why public secondary schools don’t benefit from career guidance and counseling: • Guidance counselors have little time for guidance and counseling; • High ratio of students to each guidance counselor • Lack of training of guidance counselor in career guidance and counseling and in testing and measurement; • Lack of career and labor market information; • Inadequate budget for career guidance • Lack of qualified staff to use tests for career guidance and counseling
Labor Market Information • For career guidance and advocacy • For human resource development planning • For jobs skills matching • For curriculum development • For investments promotion
Elements of Local Employment Planning • Local economic and labor market analysis • Identification of growth economic sectors • Developing a human resources development plan for the identified growth sectors • Initiating a multi-stakeholder dialogue to formulate the local employment plan and invest ownership • Developing employability of constituents through skills mapping • Developing entrepreneurship capabilities of constituents • Building capacity of local institutions for employment facilitation, jobs creation and livelihood promotion
Career Information, Guidance and Advocacy • Focused on public high schools with no career guidance and counseling services • Aimed at paradigm shift in career choice decision making • Interdisciplinary in approach • Multi-year scalar implementation • Driven by NMS and NHRC recommendations
International organizations Government 3(C)+1 in Public Employment Service Complementation+Collaboration+Convergence Active Labor Market Policies Industry Academe Framework of Engagement in Local Employment
Urgent Tasks for Collaboration among DOLE,PESOPHIL and private industry: • Career Advocacy Program – Career Information, Guidance and Counseling Training Interventions • Broadening Access to Labor Market Information to the Youth; • Addressing Human Resource Challenges of Priority Growth Economic Sectors, especially BPO • Addressing Skills Mismatch through Industry-Academe-Government Collaboration for Curricular Reform • Extending Corporate Social Responsibility of BPO into the Addressing Vulnerabilities of Disadvantaged Sectors