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Data Types and Data Sources. Comp3503 Based on material originally prepared by Luqian Zhu January, 2003. 1 Datum, 10 Data. A datum - any position or element in relation to which others are determined Data is the plural noun for datum, but commonly data is used for both singular and plural.
Data Types and Data Sources Comp3503 Based on material originally prepared by Luqian Zhu January, 2003
1 Datum, 10 Data • A datum - any position or element in relation to which others are determined • Data is the plural noun for datum, but commonly data is used for both singular and plural
Data Types • There are three fundamental types of data: • Nominal – cannot be placed on a metric scale • Eg. marital status: single, married, divorced, widowed • Ordinal – can be ordered but differences are not strictly measurable • Eg. Grade: A, B, C; Size: small, medium, big • Interval – can be placed on a metric scale • Eg. Grade: 75%, 80%, 93%; Temperature • Discrete (1,2,3,4,5), Continuous (3.14159,2.714)
MetaData - data about the data It is very important to record: • Data’s type, range, example values • Its source – how was it collected and where • Date/Time of collection • Who collected the data … Much more on this later ..
Data Sources • A data source is the point of origin of a datum • In knowledge management we collect, process and analyze data • From internal sources, such as card readers, telephone equipment, electronic meters, web logs • From external sources, like governments and business associations • External sources often provide access to information that would otherwise not be feasible for a single business to obtain
Data Processing Flowchart The Knowledge Discovery in Databases process will examine these activities
Methods of collecting data • Census • Sample Survey • Administrative data
Methods of collecting data Census • Data collected about every unit in the group or population. • Governments collect human and business population census every n years
Methods of collecting data Sample Survey • Only portion of the total population is sampled or approached for data. • Sampling is not as easy as it might seem • Suggest the best method of sampling Acadia students opinions on the ASU President • Suggest the best method of getting the opinion of participants at a conference on E-Commerce
Method of collecting data Administrative Data • They are collected as a result of an organization’s day-to-day operations: • Time sheets and login/out records • Card readers (door access) • Business transactions (bill payment) • Truck mileage • Fluid use (water, oil, gas) • Inventory dispensed / received
External sources of Data • Statistic Canada: Obtain data from any of the Regional Reference Centres across Canada, on the Statistics Canada website, and from most community libraries. http://www.statcan.ca/ http://www.statcan.gc.ca/rdc-cdr/data-donnee-eng.htm
External sources of Data • Open Data in Canada • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_data_in_Canada • http://data.gc.ca/eng • Gov’t Websites • https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cis-sic.nsf/eng/home • http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/stats/stats-eng.htm • http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/motorvehiclesafety/resources-researchstats-menu-847.htm • http://climate.weather.gc.ca • Geo-spacial data • http://www.mapinfo.com/ • http://www.canadapost.ca/cpo/mc/business/productsservices/mailing/pcdp.jsf • Research Data Canada • http://rds-sdr.cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/
Definitions and notes St. John’s Halifax Saint John Chicoutimi-Jonqui鑢e Qu閎ec Number Total in-migrants 16,195 44,655 8,780 10,980 58,170 Intraprovincial migrants 9,245 12,835 3,535 8,650 45,480 Interprovincial migrants 5,385 25,845 4,815 1,455 5,525 External migrants 1,560 5,975 430 880 7,165 Total out-migrants 18,580 42,410 9,870 14,170 49,340 Intraprovincial migrants 5,595 13,395 4,540 12,560 42,770 Interprovincial migrants 12,980 29,015 5,330 1,610 6,570 Source: Statistics Canada, 1996 Census Nation tables Sample: Migrants 5 years and over by components of migration, 1996 Census, census metropolitan areas