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ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A3- 00813: Trade Union Training for ACFTU On Trade Union Organizing. Course Orientation 课程指南. ACTRAV-Turin. Aims of This Orientation 课程指南的目的. 1/To understand the objectives and expected outputs of this programme ; 有助于更好地理解此次培训的目标和所期待的成果
ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course A3-00813:Trade Union Training for ACFTU On Trade Union Organizing Course Orientation课程指南 ACTRAV-Turin
Aims of This Orientation课程指南的目的 1/To understand the objectives and expected outputs of this programme;有助于更好地理解此次培训的目标和所期待的成果 2/To confirmthe timetable of the course,and make necessary finetuning to it. 确定课程的时间安排并作出适当的调整
Background 背景 • The world of work is changing due to – Globalisation & economic liberalisation, Decline of Public sector, Privatization policies, influence of International Trade/WTO rules, foreign capital/MNCs, new technologies & new management strategies, the role of state is also changing;
Background 背景 Impact in the labour market: Downsizing, increasing workloads, growing insecurity of workers, jobs & social security at risk; labour law reforms (promoting employment, weakening tripartism and consultative mechanisms, making unionisation difficult
Background 背景 growth of unorganised sectors, reducing TU memberships and weakening TUs, Changing ownership structures & changing composition of the workforce poses organizing challenges
So, What Can TUs Do? • Increase memberships and therefore the influence, • Create Conditions for Organising the Unorganised – HOW? • Improve TU capacities to service membership – provide new services too… • Build Links with other social partners to face the challenges – nationally and internationally,
So, What Can TUs Do? • Campaign for respect for Core Labour Standards of ILO, especially C 87 & C 98. • Promote Workers Rights also thru Tripartite and bipartite social dialogue to build ‘equitable, mutually beneficial, democratic labour relations’ , • Education & Training of Workers and Activists, • AND ?.... How do we increase TU influence?
Long-Term Objectives 长期目标 To contribute towards ACFTU’s capacities to – • Deal with challenges of changes in the world of work in China • Formulate policies and strategies for unionizing workers & promoting workers rights • Use ILO’s International Labour Standards for promoting organizing & workers rights
Immediate Objectives 即定目标 At the end of the course, the participants will be able to: • Review the experience of TU organizing in China & identify main challenges facing TUs in Globalizing Chinese economy; • Identify enabling conditions for TU organizing; • Propose strategies for organizing in non-state enterprises, rural areas and migrant workers;
Immediate Objectives 即定目标 • Understand & Utilize ILO’s International Labour Standards to promote an “enabling environment” for organizing & protection of workers rights in China; • Mainstream gender issues in all organizing programmes of ACFTU unions.
1st Week 第一周Key Issues to be Discussed • Priorities of ACFTU • Globalization, Decent Work Agenda & Challenges for Trade Unions • International Labour Standards & Workers Rights to Organize • Enabling Conditions & Strategies for TU Organizing • TU Organizing in Private sector, MNCs & Informal
1st Week 第一周Key Issues to be Discussed • Review of TU Organizing practices in China • Experiences of Organizing in selected other countries and new trends such as International Framework Agreements (IFAs) • Gender dimensions of above mentioned issues
2nd Week 第2周 Study Visit to Finland TU movement in Finland; History, Relations with Political Parties, its role & challenges; TU law & Workers Right to Organize; Experiences of Finnish TUs in organizing – at enterprise & national level and in MNCs
2nd Week 第2周 • Industrial Disputes Resolution mechanism in Finland; • Field visit(s) to industrial unit(s)/factory to interact with Management and trade union representatives
Evaluation 评估 • Weekly evaluation (at the end of the first week) 每周评估 • End of the Course Evaluation 课程最后的评估 • Feedback is welcome on daily-basis (欢迎每天进行情况反馈)