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Good Afternoon!

Good Afternoon!. NVC Europe After Napoleon Revolution in the New World Essential Question : What was Europe and the world like after Napoleon?. Democratic Reformer or Dictator?. Congress of Vienna. Congress of Vienna : (1815) Led by Klemens von Metternich of Austria Goals

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Good Afternoon!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Good Afternoon! • NVC • Europe After Napoleon • Revolution in the New World Essential Question: What was Europe and the world like after Napoleon?

  2. Democratic Reformer or Dictator?

  3. Congress of Vienna • Congress of Vienna: (1815) • Led by Klemens von Metternich of Austria • Goals • Restores Kings to their thrones • Establishes Balance of Power: no country is a threat to another

  4. Europe After Vienna • Forces of Revolution defeated • Holy Alliance: Christian alliance between Austria, Prussia, and Russia against forces of revolution • Concert of Europe: agreement of all the Kings of Europe to help each other if Revolution happens

  5. Revolution in the New World

  6. Haitian Revolution • Saint Domingue: profitable French coffee and sugar colony in the Caribbean • 95% population are black slaves • Horrible conditions • 1791 revolution begins • Led by former slave Toussaint L’Ouverture • 1794 Jacobins declare slaves free, but war for independence continues • 1802 L’Ouverture captured and killed by Napoleon’s France, revolution halted • 1804 wins independence under Jean-Jacques Dessalines • Island renamed Haiti =“Mountainous Land”

  7. Brutality in Haiti • Why did both the French and the Haitians feel their actions against each other were justified?

  8. Team 1: The actions of the Haitians were justified • Team 2: The actions of the French were justified • 30 minutes:actively read each document and DISCUSS the guiding questions WITH YOUR TEAMMATE • TOGETHER construct an ARGUMENT and find THREE QUOTATIONS that support it. Write these down • 5 min: Team 1 presents, Team 2 listens and takes notes. RESTATES Team 1’s position • 5 min: Team 2 presents, Team 1 listens and takes notes. RESTATES Team 2’s position • 10 min: CONSENSUS! Abandon your role and discuss. AGREE on and answer to the essential question

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