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YES WE CAN !. Final proposal of Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service on the long run. You have been trained on. Allocation system Risk management system Quality assurance and Quality evaluation External and internal Audit Transplant outcome: registry, indicators,

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Presentation Transcript

  1. YES WE CAN! Finalproposal of HungarianNational BloodTransfusion Service on the long run

  2. You have been trained on Allocation system Risk management system Quality assurance and Quality evaluation External and internal Audit Transplant outcome: registry, indicators, WHAT DID YOU FIND MORE INTERESTING ? WHAT DID YOU FIND MORE SUITABLE ? WHY?

  3. Costeffectiveness WHAT would you improve first Toincreasethequantityinthecadaverdonationactivity: National HospitalCoordinator Program Toincreasethequality: Eurotransplantmembership Toincreasethequantityinthelivingdonationactivity: Livingrelatedkidneytx Havingdatatoevaluateactivity and supportfurtherdecisionmaking: National donation and transplantdatabase Please respect the order of IMPORTANCE (1= most important/ 3=lessimportant)

  4. HOW would you take point 1 from where to start OCO from 2001 Pilotsforin-housecoordinators, Donor Action in 2003, hospitalcoordinatorsin 2010 where to end up 3 yearsforthe National HospitalCoordinator Program

  5. To improve the Points 1weHAVENEED OCO Hospital coordinator pilot in 9 hospitals for 1 year in 2010 (15 vs 37 CD) Experience and vision Initial governmental support to start the implementation of the national program Please explain the order of PRIORITY (if possible) Increase the number of cadaver donors above 20 pmp Continuous financial support to involve 40 hospitals during the 3 years implementation period

  6. HOW would you take point 2 from where to start Specifictwinningprogramsforinternationalorganexchanges (lungs and liver) where to end up Eurotransplantfullmembership

  7. To improve the Points 2weHAVENEED Preliminary cooperation agreement with ET HLA labs under EFI accreditation process 23 patients on WT, 13 organs exported, 6 organs imported (34 offers for 11 patients) Please explain the order of PRIORITY (if possible) Full ET membership in 2013/ 2014?

  8. HOW would you take point 3 from where to start LivingrelatedkidneyTxprogramsinall 4 kidneytxcenters where to end up Increasethenumber of livingrelatedkidneytx

  9. To improve the Points 3weHAVENEED Living kidney Tx program in all 4 kidney tx centers Living donor Tx rate in 2011: 18,7% (251 kidney Tx/47 living) NGO promotion activity Please explain the order of PRIORITY (if possible) Increase the number of living donations above 20% of all kidney Tx Promotion of living donation Please explain the order of PRIORITY (if possible)

  10. HOW would you take point 4 from where to start No integratednationaldatabase where to end up National donation and transplantdatabase

  11. To improve the Points 4weHAVENEED National waiting list program Kidney allocation program Tx database in Tx centers Data collection at OCO Please explain the order of PRIORITY (if possible) • Integrated national donation and transplant database • Involve all partners: • OCO, donor hospitals, WLCs, allocation, transplant registry, follow-up registry Please explain the order of PRIORITY (if possible)

  12. Implementation of 2010/53/EU DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILon standards of quality and safety of human organs intended for transplantationin Hungary

  13. LEGISLATION • Act CLIV of 1997 on Health Chapter XI – Organ and TissueTransplantation • 18/1998. (XII. 27.) MinisterialDecree Directiveimplementation Modification of theMinisterialDecree - draft version

  14. Implementationactions • Definitions: SAER, follow-up, donor, donation, disposal, standard operatingprocedures, preservation • Designation of CompetentAuthority - Hungarian National BloodTransfusion Service - operationaltasks - Office of theChiefMedicalOfficer - National Institute forQuality and Organizational DevelopementinHealthcare and Medicines „traditional” authoritytasks

  15. ImplementationActions • The quality and safety of organs • Reporting systems for serious adverse events and reactions • Organ and donor characterisation

  16. Couldwemakeittogether?

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