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Using Build A Step-by-Step Guide

Using Build A Step-by-Step Guide. Remote Connect to Build. Start  Programs  Accessories  Communications  Remote Desktop Connection Login using your group account. Using Cygwin. To use Cygwin, you must first SSH into Build (from build) Minimize this window. Open Cygwin.

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Using Build A Step-by-Step Guide

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Using BuildA Step-by-Step Guide

  2. Remote Connect to Build • Start  Programs  Accessories  Communications  Remote Desktop Connection • Login using your group account

  3. Using Cygwin • To use Cygwin, you must first SSH into Build (from build) • Minimize this window

  4. Open Cygwin • Open 2 instances of Cygwin

  5. Enter the cs535_test directory • cd cs535_test/ • This folder contains 2 pre-compiled programs • recv_it • send_it • These are the programs used by the Build server test application

  6. Load the test Bitfile • In the CS535 Server Arbitrator • Load the pthru_final bitfile • This must be typed exactly as shown • Omit the .bit extension • To test your own files, you must load your bitfile to the CS535 Test Server on fpx2

  7. Request the Server • Click the Request Server button • The Build server will now be programmed with the specified bitfile • You will have 3 minutes to perform the following tests

  8. Step 1: Setting up the Receive Application • In one of your opened Cygwin windows, start the recv_it.exe file • Do this by typing ./recv_it.exe –s 3000 • This specifies that the application is listening on port 3000

  9. Step 2: Sending sample data • In the other opened Cygwin window, start the send_it.exe file • Do this by typing ./send_it.exe –h –p 3000 • This will send a simple UDP packet to the FPX • The application will send on port 3000 • You will be prompted to enter some text • Enter some

  10. Step 2 continued

  11. Step 3: Check that a packet returned • If the Cygwin window that was listening on port 3000 received the string, the hardware is working properly.

  12. How to use your software • Your software needs to send to Address • Any port can be used • Your hardware for alert messages needs to be sent to • Your hardware can send to any port (in the application range) • Your software will need to listen to this port

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