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Discover the qualities and responsibilities of a Godly leader and learn how to effectively influence a specific group of people towards God's purposes for their lives. Explore topics such as servant leadership, cultivating a Christ-centered personality, and building rising leaders. This resource is inspired by the teachings of Robert Clinton and aims to empower leaders to fulfill God's mission for their ministry.
WHO IS A LEADER? People Influences Accomplish Person Purpose
Dethroning the self and enthroning Christ CHRIST EGO
Space Responding to stimulus Response Stimulus Power To Choose Our Response In our response lies our freedom, growth & development
Genuinely others concerned Ego at the foot of the cross I Christ centred personality
GODLY LEADERSHIP A Godly leader is a person who with God given capacity and God given responsibility is….. able to influence a specific group of people to move towards God’s purposes for the group - (ministry) Robert Clinton
Servant’s role of a leader The people do not exist for the leader but the leader exists for the people
BEING A SERVANT LEADER A leader can only identify with the people when he is willing to serve them.
Attitude Identity Authority The leader’s security for service
Paul and his team Thessalonians Macedonia and Achia Every place Impact of the Servant Leader for the Gospel Model - I Model - II Model - III
Servant Leadership • What is the reward of being a servant leader? • It is to empower people to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives
Influential Role of the Leader A major function of all leadership is that of building rising leaders. Leaders must be aware of God’s processing of younger leaders and work with that process Robert Clinton
Carl Rogers Carkhuff Qualities of a Mentor Respect Empathy Congruence Concreteness Facilitative self disclosure Caring / confrontation Immediacy of relationship
Punitive Compiles Guides MENTOR Mechanical Counsels Challenges Rebels Passive receiver Applies LEARNER Indifferent Responsive Experiences growth Influencing the behaviour of the learner
Jesus Christ Nourishes Cherishes Church Holy Character Blameless Conduct Beautiful living epistles The World responds
Beautiful Living Epistles - I • Loving one another • Bearing one another's burden • Encouraging one another • Stimulating one another to love and good works
Beautiful Living Epistles - II • Accepting one another • Forgiving one another • Being kind to one another • Comforting one another • Bearing with one another
Luke mentoring Theophilus Many have delivered the message to us I, Luke have also become a part of the one going process of mentoring Transferred the message to Theophilus with all diligence The purpose is to bring lasting change in the life of Theophilus
GODLY LEADERSHIP A Godly leader is a person who with God given capacity and God given responsibility is….. able to influence a specific group of people to move towards God’s purposes for the group - (ministry) Robert Clinton
Vision Vision is the definition of the final picture or destination
Climbing the wrong ladder • Leaders are very often climbing the wrong ladder
Paul’s Life Mission But rise and stand on your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of what you saw, and in what I shall appear to you; delivering you from the people and the nations, to whom I now send you in order to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the authority of Satan to God, so that they may receive remission of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me. (Act 26:16-18)
7 Foundational principles for a Life Mission • Your Life Mission always emerges from the heart of God • God entrusts His mission to those who are at work • God’s mission flows out of your life experience • God cares for those whom He calls • God concern is always for people and He knows their needs • God’s heart is for the transformation of people • God’s Life Mission for you demands implicit obedience
Goals Mission Goals Vision Needs/Burden Needs/Burden
The Burden building phase • By seeing • By hearing • Through Prayer • Through Involvement
SPIRIT WORD CHURCH CIRCUMSTANCES God’s voice is confirmed usually infourways Life Mission
5 Questions to be answered to arrive at your Life Mission • For whom has God given you a burden? • What is the need of this group? • What is the transformation that needs to happen to the group? • What will be your effort to accomplish God’s mission? • What will be your character growth?
Four pillars for a Life mission P I P II P III P IV Transformation factor Growth factor Concern factor Effort factor
Apostle Paul’s Life Mission Statement Romans 15:16 to be aminister of Christ Jesusto the Gentiles with thepriestly dutyofproclaiming the gospel of God, so thatthe Gentilesmight become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
Roles Life Mission Gospel Leader’s Life Mission and roles
Area of concern Area of influence Effectiveness of a leader Faithfulness in a small responsibility… is an indicator for faithfulness in a larger responsibility
WHO IS A LEADER? People InfluencesAccomplish Person Purpose
To a large extent, social transformation has been brought about, not by revolutionaries but by true believers, who with their detachment from the mundane world, endeavoured to realise God's will on earth. Dr. Won Sul Lee
For God to change the nation (s) change must begin with me.