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Тема: Ukraine. Мета: навчити учнів оцінювати, прогнозувати отриману інформацію, розвивати мислення, розвивати навички обмінювання інформацією , виховувати любов до рідного краю. Обладнання: малюнки, картки, дидактичний матеріал, проектор. Plan. Бесіда з черговим Фонетична зарядка
Тема: Ukraine Мета: навчити учнів оцінювати, прогнозувати отриману інформацію, розвивати мислення,розвиватинавичкиобмінюванняінформацією, виховуватилюбов до рідного краю. Обладнання: малюнки, картки, дидактичний матеріал, проектор
Plan Бесіда з черговим Фонетична зарядка Лексична зарядка What words and word combinations are missed Make up sentences
4. Read the text and answer the questions • What is Ukraine? • It is a large country • Where is it? • In the centre of Europe • Is Ukraine smaller than Germany? Bigger than France? • No, it isn`t. • Is it an independent country? • When do we celebrate the independence Day? • In the 24th of August • What is the capital of Ukraine? • What king of people are the Ukrainians? • Name, some well- known places of interest of the Ukrainian capital • (Kyivo-Pechers`kaLavra,Andrivs`kyiUzviz, National Opera of Ukraine, BohdanKhmel`nyts`kyi Monument, Taras Shevchenko National University, ZolotiVorota- Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, Khreschatyk, MoidanNezalesknosti) • What do blue and yellow colors on the Ukrainian national flag symbolize? • Golden fields under the blue sky
5. Complete the sentences according to the text Ukraine is in the… It is smaller than… Ukrainians live in… The 24th of August is the Day of… Ukrainian people are… They have their own… Two colors of the Ukrainian flag symbolize
6. Situation You are from Ukraine. What city would you like to invite your foreign friend? City: Country: River: Not far from: Places of interest: People think of the city as:
7. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Founder, exhibits collectors, collection, art, native Ukrainion, leaders, Cossacks times, painters 8. Some English school children are on holiday in Ukraine.Look through the postcards they sent and guess where they could be complete their writings.
9. Make up the dialogue according our theme. A: What a sight! What a beautiful river! B: This the Dnipro- the biggest river in Ukraine A: Can you tell me how Kyiv took its name? B: There is a legend about three brothers and their sister Lyibid. The brothers names were: Kyi, Schrek and Khoryv. They built the city and gave it a name after their eldest brother Kyi. That`s why the city is colled Kyiv. A: That`s really interesting!
10. Use the article “The” where necessary 11.Match holidays and dates
13. Homework Describe the history of Ukraine