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1. Finding the M T of W by using W+jets samples. Pre-selection at least one primary reconstructed vertex (with at least 3 tracks) compatible with the beam spot in the bunch crossing |z vertex | < 150 mm Electrons trigger: L1_EM14
1 Finding the MT of W by using W+jets samples • Pre-selection • at least one primary reconstructed vertex (with at least 3 tracks) compatible with the beam spot in the bunch crossing • |zvertex| < 150 mm • Electrons • trigger: L1_EM14 • author: 1 (reconstructed as hard electron) or 3 (reconstructed as both hard and soft electron) • RobustTight cuts • PT cut: ET,cluster > 20GeV • η cut: 0 < |ηcluster| < 1.37, 1.52 < |ηcluster| < 2.47 • Missing ET • ET > 25GeV • Jets • PT >20GeV, where PT = EM scale PT * EMJES correction factor • |η|<2.8 • is good • does not count that jet that has ΔR<0.2 with the tight electron • W • WT,mass = sqrt{2*Eel,cluster*[cosh(ηel,track)]*ET,miss*[1-cos(Φmiss – Φel,track)]} • WT,mass > 40GeV • having at least one jet that passes all the above cuts • missing ET cleaning: reject event if at least one jet with PT(EMScale) > 10GeV satisfies: (n90 ≤ 5 AND fHEC > 0.8) OR |jetTime| > 50 OR (|JetQuality| > 0.8 AND emf > 0.95) • discard event if there are at least two electrons that pass through RobustMedium cuts, PT and η cuts
2 Finding the MT of W by using W+jets samples x-axis: number of jets that satisfy the cut requirementy-axis: number of events that passes the pre-selection, has missing ET>25GeV and at least one electron satisfy the selection requirement the graphs below do not have their y-axes scaled properly Np1 Np2 Np0 Np5 Np4 Np3
3 Finding the MT of W by using W+jets samples Ejet/Eelec distribution, where Eelec is the energy of the electron from W and Ejet is the energy of its closest jet ΔR distribution between the electron from W and its closest jet ΔR Ejet/Eelec
4 Finding the MT of W by using W+jets samples y-axis: number of events that passes all the selections the graphs below do not have their y-axes scaled properly Np1 Np2 Np0 Np5 Np4 Np3
5 Finding the MT of W by using W+jets samples stack the graphs in the previous slide with proper scale (cross-sections) to get… my result(only Weν) Imai’s result