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The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning AN CG 218 • cetl@nvcc.edu •703 -764-7386 • http://blogs.nvcc.edu/cetl/ • http:/www.nova.edu/CETL /. Do you know a colleague who is a super professor? If so, please nominate that faculty member for the CETL Super Professor Award by sending
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and LearningAN CG 218 • cetl@nvcc.edu •703 -764-7386 • http://blogs.nvcc.edu/cetl/ • http:/www.nova.edu/CETL/ Do you know a colleague who is a super professor? If so, please nominate that faculty member for the CETL Super Professor Award by sending an e-mail to CETL@nvcc.edu. No self-nominations, please. Office: (703) 764-7386 Fax: (703) 425-5232
I want to teach a campus hybrid course, but heard about some type of required Hybrid Training.
I love the courses I teach and have been very successful teaching them in the traditional format. I’m ready to move them online now.
All the students in my class are looking at Facebook instead of paying attention to my PowerPoint Slides
This is the first time I have taught! I’ve been in the profession for years, though. Why is this so HARD?
I was in the process of uploading an assignment on Blackboard and just couldn't get it to work. Who can I call to get some type of assistance?
I was so excited! I designed a GREAT assignment and posted it in my Blackboard course. I was so very sure that my students would love this assignment and have great success in completing it. Darn it though…it completely flopped. I guess I need help writing instructions for assignments
I really want to improve my course and use some of the latest technology tools available. I just don't know where to get started
I would like my students to work in groups and would like them to work together on a combination of online activities and classroom activities. Is there anyone who can help me design some activities, pretty please?
I have a major presentation to do, and I’m worried about it.
I've heard so much about iPads in the classroom. I'd really like to try one out before I purchase one and learn more about apps that are available. Is there a place where I can go and test?
I’ve been asked to prepare a new course. I am very comfortable teaching courses where I help my students develop entry-level skills. The new course will require me to engage students in higher-level critical thinking though. Is there someone I can bat some ideas around with on how to teach critical thinking?
.I have tried to design a few discussion activities for my students to work on using the Discussion Board feature in Blackboard. The activities simply don’t seem to be engaging my students though. Can someone take a look at these activities and help me?
When I was hired, the Dean talked about Blackboard Competency and Blackboard Certification. I don't quite understand the difference between the two. Who do I contact?
Scenarios to ask re CETLfor “Who yagonna call?” • All the students in my class are looking at Facebook instead of paying attention to my PowerPoint Slides • My dean says that my lectures are boring • I have a major presentation to do, and I’m worried about it. • I’m tired of lecturing; what else can I do • My student complain that my exams don’t test the material that I teach • I have no idea what my students are understanding • I want to network with my colleagues more • I’m new here and I need help figuring things out • This is the first time I have taught! I’ve been in the profession for years, though. Why is this so hard. • I want to read more about pedagogy • I’ve had a hard day – where can I blow off some steam. • I work about a zillion hours a day – I never see my kids and my exercise program is shot. • I’ve been an adjunct here for a long time and I have an interview for a full time position coming up. • I’m tired of technology. Is it OK to go low-tech? What would be a powerful way to do that? • I want to change the way I teach – maybe be more collaborative?