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Developing Your Personal Learning Network Online (PLN). Cindy Duffy Director,Area IV LTC. Links can be found at -. http://www.area4.k12.il.us/resources/INTCpresentation.htm. Developing Professionally. Currently how are you collaborating with other professionals?
Developing Your Personal Learning Network Online (PLN) Cindy Duffy Director,Area IV LTC
Links can be found at - http://www.area4.k12.il.us/resources/INTCpresentation.htm
Developing Professionally • Currently how are you collaborating with other professionals? • How do you utilize your time online? • Do you consider yourself a connected educator?
Personal Learning Network (PLN) Personal – you design it for yourself Learning – it is about increasing your knowledge/changing your practices Network –structure that crosses at regular intervals & is knotted or secured at the crossings
RSS aggregators Delivery vehicle for content Need a newsreader FeedlyNewsFire
Social bookmarking Diigo • Organize your thoughts • Tag – lists • Highlight – sticky • Share/learn with others • Network • Groups • Community
Twitter Twitter is used by people in nearly every country around the world. For teachers, this means you have access to thousands of teachers and experts around the world with rich backgrounds and experiences that can contribute to your professional growth. #ntchat They meet Wednesdays, 7pm EST. http://tweetchat.com/room/ntchat #edchat #teachchat #iled #iledchat @tesNewTeachers @cduffyltc4
Pinterest Pinterest is a free virtual bulletin board where users pin videos and images captured from around the web. These images are then arranged into different categories on a user's board. Pins are also shared and searchable making thus Pinterest a great tool for virtual learning. Pins are also visible to other Pinterest users and one can easily see the board of others as well. INTC beginning teachers my PLN
Specific to education • eduClipper
Create a magazine • Scoop.it! • SchoolWorks ScoopIt
LinkedIn is really a huge database of professionals. Getting Back in Touch (Finding & Being Found) Acquire & Share Expertise Career Management http://help.linkedin.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/45 Teachers’ lounge
Facebook • Educators using Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/7036945291/ • Beginning Teachers http://www.facebook.com/groups/2227299043/?ref=ts&fref=ts • Survival Guide for Beginning Primary Teachers http://www.facebook.com/SurvivalGuideforPrimaryTeachers?ref=ts&fref=ts • Illinois New Teacher Collaborative http://www.facebook.com/pages/Illinois-New-Teacher-Collaborative/239875594767?ref=ts
Simple K-12 Teacher Learning Community Professional development site for educators designed to integrate technology into the curriculum. Many of the webinars are free. Fee is $297 for full yearly membership although they usually discount it if you attend a webinar.
Edutopia • http://www.edutopia.org/blogs/beat/new-teacher-support • Find advice, resources, and strategies to support new teachers and help them improve their craft. • http://www.edutopia.org/groups/bridges-first-years-practice • Group for new teachers and veterans to connect
Teaching with Soul • The New Teacher Mentoring Project was created by Lisa Dabbs, creator of #ntchat • Purpose is to • To collaborate and find best practices • To mentor and support new/pre-service teachers in K-12 and higher education institutes of learning worldwide for online and offline learning. • To use the New Teacher Mentoring project to help you navigate through your first few years of teaching with a virtual mentor. • http://www.teachingwithsoul.com/new-teacher-mentoring-project
YouTube • http://www.youtube.com/user/NewTeacher1stYear • http://www.youtube.com/user/teachingchannel • Search
Teacher 2.0 • Teacher 2.0 is an independent community for educators to explore their interests and passions, and to build a network of support for educators at all levels. Through this community, with online events, interviews, and workshops, our goal is to have educators help each other become re-energized in their careers and in their contributions to the world. • What are your ideas for this network? Once you've registered and logged in, please use the ideas link in the menu above to suggest or vote on ideas for what we can do to make Teacher 2.0 a great help to you! • http://teacher20.com/
Living Library • Started in 2005 the Living Library is a federally funded, nationwide network of educators who share best practices. • http://www.livinglibrary.us/about.html
Blogging • http://edublogs.org/ • http://education.weebly.com/ • http://www.schoolrack.com/ • https://www.diigo.com/list/luduffy51/blogging
Other resources • A survival guide for new teachers from Scholastic filled with resources, tools, and tips www.scholastic.com/teachers/teaching-strategies/new-teacher • Lesson plans, videos, resources for new teachers. http://www.teachnet.org/ • Teaching Channel is a video showcase—on the Internet and TV—of inspiring and effective teaching practices in America's schools.https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos?landing_page=New+Teachers+Landing+Page&gclid=CKPRguXuuLUCFaI-MgodshYAFg • We are a teacher created and owned business dedicated to empowering and inspiring teachers, creating quality, learner-centered classrooms, and improving student success! In working towards this cause, Inspiring Teachers has developed a support system to help new teachers, mentors, and administrators. http://www.inspiringteachers.com/beginning_teachers.html • Learning management system (LMS) and social network that makes it easy to create and share academic content www.schoology.com • Teachers.Net was founded on the principle of allowing teacher-users to contribute the content and direct site development and to utilize the Internet to harness the collective intellect and wisdom of the worldwide teaching communityhttp://teachers.net/mentors/beginning_teachers/ • TeachAde is a free site for teachers that combines a robust database of reviewed resources, curriculum authoring and sharing in a wide variety of formats, management tools and access to a broad community of educators with similar interests. http://www.teachade.com/
transparency • Sharing what worked & what didn’t, our successes and our stumbling blocks • Trust
What are you using? Area IV Wall
Online Resources for Beginning Teachers Cindy Duffy Director Area IV LTC http://www.area4.k12.il.us/resources/INTCpresentation.htm