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Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Learn how to form comparative and superlative adjectives, including exceptions and irregularities in English language grammar rules.

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Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Comparative and Superlative

  2. When we compare things we use a different form of the adjective: fattest fatter fat

  3. We say that fatter is the comparative form of fat – we are comparing them. • We say that fattest is the superlative form of fat.

  4. Find the comparative and superlative form of: high

  5. highest higher high

  6. Find the comparative and superlative form of: large long warm

  7. large larger largest long longer longest warm warmer warmest

  8. Sometimes, instead, we use an extraword before the adjective: morecomfortable most comfortable comfortable

  9. We say that more comfortable is the comparative form of comfortable – we are comparing them. We say that most comfortable is the superlative form of comfortable.

  10. Most words of more than one syllable use more and most What is the comparative form of miserable? and the superlative? more miserable most miserable

  11. Find the comparative and superlative form of: unusual intelligent moreunusual moreintelligent mostunusual mostintelligent

  12. There are some exceptions: • Words ending in –y add –ier and -iest happy happier happiest

  13. Some two-syllable words add –er and –est: • clever and quiet add –er and -est sssh sssh sssh quieter quietest quiet or clever cleverer cleverest

  14. A few three syllable words add –ier and –iest: unhappy unhappier unhappiest unlucky unluckier unluckiest

  15. A small group of words can add -erand –est or use moreandmost: narrow common stupid polite pleasant cruel gentle shallow simple

  16. A few words change completely in the comparative and superlative: good bad worse better best worst

  17. A few words cannot have a comparative or superlative. Why? Because they are already absolute perfect unique e.g.

  18. Some for you to try: Find the comparative and superlative of: smaller smallest small more popular most popular popular more famous most famous famous spotless spotless spotless better best well crueller/more cruel cruellest/mostcruel cruel

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