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Exceptions, Interrupts, and the OS . STOP!! Do this!!!. Interrupts . “External condition related to IO devices”. Have device tell OS/CPU it is ready Requires hardware to support. OS/CPU can then interrupt what it is doing to: Determine what device wants service
Exceptions, Interrupts, and the OS STOP!! Do this!!! 1
Interrupts “External condition related to IO devices” • Have device tell OS/CPU it is ready • Requires hardware to support. • OS/CPU can then interrupt what it is doing to: • Determine what device wants service • Determine what service it wants • Perform or start the service • Go back to what OS/CPU was doing 2
Interrupts • Examples of Interrupts • Disk drive at sector/track position (old days) • Mouse moved • Keyboard key pressed • Printer out of paper • Video card wants memory access • Modem sending or receiving • USB scanner has data 3
Interrupts • Interrupt Properties • They arrive asynchronously • Can’t communicate with a running program (no args or return values) • They are associated with various priorities • You want to handle them soon (interrupt latency) • (usually) want to resume program 4
Trap • “Internal conditions related to instruction stream” • Trap Examples: • “TRAP” instruction • Illegal instruction • Arithmetic overflow • Divide by zero • “LD” from illegal/protected memory address 5
Trap Properties • They arrive synchronously • Get trap in same place if you re-run program • They are associated with various priorities • Must handle immediately • Want to resume program (usually) 6
Exceptions “Mechanism used to handle both interruptsand traps” • HW handles initial reaction • Then invokes SW called an “Exception Handler” to take care of the interrupt/trap 7
HC11 Exceptions • HC11 is real hardware and thus has mechanisms to deal with both Traps and Interrupts. • We will deal with interrupts only. • HC11 does things very similar to the LC-3. • Uses an “Interrupt Vector” table to find address of interrupt and goes straight to specific Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). 8
HC11 Micro Kit Jump Table HC11 Exceptions // 1 unavailable to user SCI ISR_JUMP2 EQU 0x7BC5 //SPI ISR_JUMP3 EQU 0x7BC8 // Pulse Accumulator Input ISR_JUMP4 EQU 0x7BCB // Pulse Accumulator Overflow // 5 unavailable to user Timer Overflow // 6 unavailable to user Output Compare 5 ISR_JUMP7 EQU 0x7BD4 // Output Compare 4 ISR_JUMP8 EQU 0x7BD7 // Output Compare 3 ISR_JUMP9 EQU 0x7BDA // Output Compare 2 ISR_JUMP10 EQU 0x7BDE // Output Compare 1 ISR_JUMP11 EQU 0x7BE3 // Input Capture 3 ISR_JUMP12 EQU 0x7BE6 // Input Capture 2 ISR_JUMP13 EQU 0x7BE9 // Input Capture 1 // 14 unavailable to user Real Time Interrupt ISR_JUMP15 EQU 0x7BEC // IRQ – Button on Kit // 16 unavailable to user XIRQ // 17 unavailable to user SWI // 18 unavailable to user Illegal Opcode ISR_JUMP19 EQU 0x7BF8 // Cop fail ISR_JUMP20 EQU 0x7BFB // Cop clock fail // 21 unavailable to user Reset (found at 0x8040) See Motorola documentation for discussion of unavailable vectors. 9
HC11 Exceptions Configuring interrupts for the HC11 is pretty easy. What you need to do is: 1) Make an ISR, it is just like a procedure but returns with RTI. 2) Put the address of the ISR into the Jump Table. Example: // initializes the ISR jump vectors to our interrupt service routines // jump vectors are defined in v2_18g3.asm ldx #BUTTON_isr stx ISR_JUMP15 BUTTON_isr: // Put your code in here. Do not do any I/O in an ISR … // Use this to return from an interrupt rti 10
HC11 Hardware Mechanism • Wait for current instruction to complete • Disable further interrupts • Save all CPU registers and return address on stack • Access “interrupt vector table” according to source • Jump to where the interrupt routine is specified in table • Use RTI to return 11
LC-3 Exceptions • LC-3 only has the concept of IO related exceptions, interrupts. • Does not have any mechanisms to deal with illegal instructions, or arithmetic overflow. • Remember the LC-3 is just a learning aid, not real hardware. 12
LC-3 Interrupt-Driven I/O External device can: • Force currently executing program to stop; • Have the processor satisfy the device’s needs; and • Resume the stopped program as if nothing happened. Why do interrupts? • Polling consumes a lot of cycles, especially for rare events – these cycles can be used for more computation. • Example: Process previous input while collecting current input. (See Example 8.1 in text.) 13
0 15 14 13 KBSR LC-3Interrupt-Driven I/O To implement an interrupt mechanism, we need: • A way for the I/O device to signal the CPU that aninteresting event has occurred. • A way for the CPU to test whether the interrupt signal is set and whether its priority is higher than the current program. Generating Signal • Software sets "interrupt enable" bit in device register. • When ready bit is set and IE bit is set, interrupt is signaled. interrupt enable bit ready bit interrupt signal to processor 14
LC-3Interrupt-Driven I/O Priority Every instruction executes at a stated level of urgency. LC-3: 8 priority levels (PL0-PL7) • Example: • Payroll program runs at PL0. • Nuclear power correction program runs at PL7. • It’s OK for PL6 device to interrupt PL0 program, but not the other way around. Priority encoder selects highest-priority device, compares to current processor priority level, and generates interrupt signal if appropriate. 15
LC-3Interrupt-Driven I/O Testing for Interrupt Signal • CPU looks at signal between STORE and FETCH phases. • If not set, continues with next instruction. • If set, transfers control to interrupt service routine. F NO D interrupt signal? YES EA Transfer to ISR OP EX S 16
Full Implementation of LC-3 Memory-Mapped I/O Because of interrupt enable bits, status registers (KBSR/DSR)must now be written, as well as read. 17
LC-3 Handling of interrupts LC-3 Interrupts: • External device signals need to be serviced. • Processor saves state and starts service routine. • When finished, processor restores state and resumes program. An interrupt is an unscripted subroutine call, triggered by an external event. 18
LC-3 Handling of interrupts Processor State What state is needed to completely capture the state of a running process? Processor Status Register • Privilege [15], Priority Level [10:8], Condition Codes [2:0] Program Counter • Pointer to next instruction to be executed. Registers • All temporary state of the process that’s not stored in memory. 19
LC-3 Handling of interrupts Where to Save Processor State? Can’t use registers. • Programmer doesn’t know when interrupt might occur, so she can’t prepare by saving critical registers. • When resuming, need to restore state exactly as it was. Memory allocated by service routine? • Must save state before invoking routine, so we wouldn’t know where. • Also, interrupts may be nested – that is, an interrupt service routine might also get interrupted! Use a stack! • Location of stack “hard-wired”. • Push state to save, pop to restore. 20
Operating Systems • The “program” that runs the user programs and deals with exceptions. • How does the operating system deal with such things as simultaneous exceptions? • What happens on machines that have many users “on” at once? 21
Operating Systems Multiple Exceptions • Problem: How about multiple simultaneous exceptions? • Solution: Have priorities in HW / SW • Handle highest-priority exception first • Equal priority exceptions handled arbitrarily • Give higher priority • more serious (e.g., power failing) • can’t wait long (e.g., rotating disk) 22
Operating Systems: Multiple Exceptions • How about exceptions during exception handling? • Make it wait until done with first exception • May be a bad idea for higher priority exception • Make exception handler re-entrant • Make able to handle multiple active calls • Allow higher-priority exceptions to bypass lower-priority exception currently being serviced 23
Operating Systems: Multiple Exceptions • Implementing a Re-entrant exception handler • Initial exception disables all interrupts • Exception handler (EH) determines exception’s priority • EH saves any state that could be clobbered by higher priority interrupts (e.g. EPC) • EH re-enables higher-priority interrupts • Higher-priority interrupts may or may nor occur • This EH eventually finishes 24
Operating Systems Multiprogramming The ability to run one or more programs “simultaneously” on one CPU. • An active program is called a “process” or “task” • A process’ state is: • program counter • registers • memory locations being used • Some OS memory 25
Operating Systems: Multiprogramming • OS has one exception handler called the “kernel” • On an exception, CPU jumps into the kernel • Kernel will eventually resume the user process • If the user process needs I/O (disk read) • Kernel schedules it • 20ms is ~ 2 million instructions • Start (or switch to) another task (multitasking) • If user process does not need I/O • Kick it out (context switch) after some amount of time • Every X clock cycles interrupt and switch again 26
Operating Systems: Multiprogramming • OS has several job queues - An entry is the complete state of a processSome queue examples: • A queue of ready jobs with priority • A queues for I/O device(s) • Jobs are moved to ready queue when I/O complete • A queue of sleeping or halted jobs • OS picks jobs from the ready queue as appropriate 27
Generalized Exceptions • User program running • Exception is generated • Internal/External • Trap/Interrupt • Determine source of exception • Requires a bus cycle for some peripheral busarchitectures. • Save return PC and any status registers modified by hardware • LC-3: PC, PSR, registers R0-R7 • HC11: PC, index registers, accumulators 28
Generalized Exceptions • 5. Jump to exception handler • LC-3: Uses a jump table • HC11: Jump table starting at 0xFFD6 • 68000: Jump to location specified by interruptdevice – vectored interrupts • Save state used by exception handler • Go to specific case • Check exception type • Query device • Check syscall register 29
Generalized Exceptions • Process Exception • Enable higher-priority interrupts if possible • For interrupt, clear device’s interrupt flag • Check device for multiple conditions • Restore state used by exception handler • Return from exception • Restore mode • Restore hardware-saved state • Jump back to user program • or exception handler 30
Exceptions Summary • Exceptions (interrupts and traps) are a combination of hardware and software. • The hardware detects the exception and then calls software (OS or service routines) to handle it. • Much more efficient than polling but requires specialized hardware. 31
Questions? 32