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Restricted Elective Course: Energy Conversion Systems ME-405

Restricted Elective Course: Energy Conversion Systems ME-405. Feyza Kazanç, PhD Mechanical Engineering, E - 107. ME-405 Energy Conversion Systems. Projeler. Projects. Projects. Projects. Projects. Technology Integration. Faculty Technology Mentoring Project , Dr. Evrim Baran.

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Restricted Elective Course: Energy Conversion Systems ME-405

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Restricted Elective Course:Energy Conversion SystemsME-405 Feyza Kazanç, PhD Mechanical Engineering, E-107

  2. ME-405 Energy Conversion Systems Projeler

  3. Projects

  4. Projects

  5. Projects

  6. Projects

  7. Technology Integration • FacultyTechnologyMentoringProject, Dr. EvrimBaran

  8. E-choice

  9. E-choice

  10. Technical Visit • MamakLandfill Waste Management Facility

  11. Seminars • Ali Karaduman, GurisInsaatveMuhendislik A.S. Genel Md. Yrd. • Türkiye’de Jeotermal Enerji Yatırımlarının Bugünü ve Yarını • Dr. OğuzUzol, Rüzgem, Direktör • RüzgarEnerjisiÇevrimSistemleri • Dr. SelçukYerci, Günam, ÖğretimÜyesi • Güneşenerjisiçevrimsistemleri

  12. Feedbacks from last semester(Spring2014) • Project focused • Seminars • Technical visits • Heavy content

  13. How toImprove???

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